“BlacKkKlansman’s” John David Washington to star in Chris Nolan’s next film

>Christopher Nolan has tapped “BlacKkKlansman’s” John David Washington to star in his next “event film,” sources tell Variety.

>The gig has become one of the more highly coveted in town, even though most of the industry has been kept in the dark about who has been meeting for the role and what the movie is even about.

> One insider described the pic as a massive, innovative, action blockbuster, which will again be shown in Imax



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Will Aidan gillen be cast as well?

>One insider described the pic as a massive, innovative, action blockbuster, which will again be shown in Imax
Green Lantern it's Green Lantern

There's nothing wrong with having a dark complexion

I heard the new movie is about the law and a porn star. north by north west meets inception.

anything else?

im just going to make this known now. this movie will flop due to this forced diversity. im making the official /pol/ statement on this movie now. screencap this

just like how /pol/ predicted Black Panther and Captain Marvel would flop?

He's not a good actor though. Nepotism got him his role in BKKK, Nolan will probably give him very little dialogue.

Nolan being a good or even competent director is probably the biggest scam Hollywood has pulled the last 30 years.

considering inflation both those movies basically did flop. they didn't do any better than the average capeshit that draws in crowds. makes money but its nothing special and isnt noteworthy. either way (((certain groups))) will be buying tickets to inflate the sales numbers. its basically confirmed that this happens all the time

he was amazing in Blackkklansman

He’s no Russo Bros or Zack Snyder but he tries his best user.

It sounded like he was trying to impersonate his father in a hamfisted manner throughout the whole movie. I couldn't stand it. Adam Driver had a more subdued and believable performance.

>13 months later
>/pol/ is still C O P I N G over the success of chad black panther

holy shit, this is denzel's son?

>One insider described the pic as a massive, innovative, action blockbuster
It's going to be Ocean's 11 with some time gimmick I bet.

Unironically wouldn't be surprised if this is just some made-up story meant to jumpstart the diversity brigade on Nolan that died out when Dunkirk won a bunch of awards and made half a billion.


He was shit. I wanted him to be good because Denzel is so based, but he got blown off the screen by Driver.


No, everything about that flick was shit.

Nolan was the last white man director. It's over we lost

based and redpilled

Incels btfo

as long as they don't have red hands

He cast a black guy in Interstellar too.

Have you guys considered that he just cast the dude because he thinks he's a good actor?

Morgan Freeman was fine in Dark Knight. Death Grips was fine in Interstellar.

Nolan picks decent enough nigz

outside of Yea Forums, that’s what most people likely think

When is Nolan butchering Akira?