Can you guys redpill me on OJ? I am not American and can’t understand why blacks hate him so much? I know he’s an alleged murderer or something but I still can’t fully understand the whole story behind his persona and his influence
Can you guys redpill me on OJ? I am not American and can’t understand why blacks hate him so much...
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He was a hero to a lot of black people, a model of black exceptionalism, then he killed his wife and got away with it thanks to Johnnie Cochran's brass balls. The amount of denial and betrayal that swept through the people who once idolized him ended up turning who was once a paragon into yet another fracturing force for the black community. A prime example of cultural trauma whose mark still remains.
>blacks hate him so much
uh what
Wow. As if he was the only black person to look up too. Jesus, I gotta be honest this sounds pretty dumb.
>alleged murderer
no sweetie. He is confirmed innocent. Continuing to say alleged is defaming to his upstanding character.
He killed a coalburner and a jew so he's okay in my book.
I mean in Jay Z song the Story of OJ he kinda criticizes him for not wanting to call himself “black”. Also I noticed that in leftist tv shows OJ is like a taboo word and when uttered everyone get assblasted
>blacks hate oj
>tfw black
What the fuck are you talking about?
Field nigger
House nigger
Old nigger
Young nigger
Still nigger
Dont ban me mods im just typing the lyrics to the song
He was fund not guilty. That isn't innocent. The civil trial found him responsible for the deaths.
courts don't find people innocent
Yeah OJ was kinda a cuck, but that's doesn't means blacks hate him
Americans love niggers
Okay then tell me why in this sketch when he says the child’s name is OJ the audience is shocked
He wasn't the only one, but he was a major one, probably the highest profile black athlete in sports while he was active. I didn't mean to sound like OJ was the most important black in the world, but his trial was a massive humiliation.
Black people sure didn't hate OJ when he was found not guilty in the 90's.
>Swede that states he doesn't know what the deal is doesn't know what the deal is
wtf I hate Europe now.
Blacks love O.J.
Pronouncing O.J. innocent was a consolation gift to them for fucking over Rodney King.
nog i spoke to last week was talkin about how blacks hate OJ, because he was too comfortable around white people, and didn't subscribe to black empowerment. He told me in his ebonics language, i had to translate it.
Because he stated that he gave the baby a traditional African name and then said the baby's name was OJ. Are you retarded?
this shit is fake
Yeah I am that’s what I was taking about and that is what I see in media
>He told me in his ebonics language, i had to translate it.
Fucking kek
watch the netflex series on the oj trial
Blacks don't hate OJ. They love him, because he's an example of institutional justice working in their favor rather than against.
Even when they polled African Americans later and most believed he was guilty, his trial was used as a cultural append to the Rodney King trial and LA riot era from a few years earlier. Most saw it as an eye-for-an-eye type story. We watched the OJ verdict in my 7th grade class at the time - all the white kids were pissed and the black kids were cheering, same as across the nation.
blacks like him, they celebrated his acquittal
Crab in a bucket mentality. They think he "betrayed" them for white society.
I will. Didn’t know there’s one
too lazy to research this
americans, spoonfeed me
The LAPD tried to frame a guilty man
Watch "OJ: Made in America"
It's a fantastic documentary which will give you pretty much the whole story.
>fucks up your entire prosecution so badly that the jury has no choice but to acquit
>plants the glove
>OJ's blood is still found at both crime scenes
He was an NFL star who got away with murder.
And then he pissed that away by getting into more bullshit. Even niggers have limits.
Crazy to think how much money was made by so many people indirectly from Nichole Simpsons death, mainly the Kardashians
>fucking over Rodney King.
You mean the stupid nigger who was DUI on a fuckload of cocaine?
you can take the hood away from the nigger but you can't take the nigger away from the nigger
He played football good, so they let him get away with killing a couple of people.
I found the “people vs oj Simpson” series on Netflix. Is it worth watching?
I thought he admitted that it was his glove that shrank from being left outdoors in his book "If I did it".
>The reason the jury acquitted OJ was because of Fuhurman and not because it was made up 8 Black folks and 4 white people dumb enough to get put on a jury with 8 black folks.
OJ: Made in America has one of the jury members explicitly say that letting him off was retaliation for Rodney King and alleged injustices for blacks all over the country.
Honestly, It's pretty great and worth 6 hours or however long it is. I was 5 or 6 when the trial happened but remember it pretty vividly. It put a lot of stuff in context that I recalled, but couldn't understand at the time.
It's worth watching. It's more of a dramatized retelling than a documentary but it will still give you pretty much the whole OJ Story.
See, a few years before this whole thing started OJ had sex with Kris Kardashian, this lead to the birth of a daughter who's known now as Klohe. Robert Kardashian Sr. was absolutely fucking livid with this and then arranged the murders himself to get back at OJ.