Post boring movies you enjoyed

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Empire (1964)

Second worst movie ever. First is Drive.

>Empire (1964)

nigga please

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It’s not boring at all. It’s supposed to be slow and meditative. You must give credit to Sophia cuz that’s a very solid film for such a young director at the time.
PS. Loneliness is never full of fun

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>A Comfy Story (2017)

its a boring movie which I enjoyed.

forgot pic

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> Lost in Translation
> boring
you're already dead inside

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Manchester by the Sea
Kumiko the Treasure Hunter

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>boring movies you enjoyed
What does that even mean? would you say an Ozu film is boring? How about Yang or Tarkovsky? Their works share a similar pacing. Or are there not enough big boom-booms and gunfire to keep the dopamine levels up? Begone, plebian.

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Thought this would win a bunch of awards but it came and went without anyone noticing.

It's a film with no real plot, just a portion of his life but it kept me hooked.

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Probably the worst ghibli movie since nothing really happens but I always enjoy watching this on a rainy sunday morning.

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you cannot say the premise is exciting

Hereditary is boring as hell but gets going once it reaches around the 1 hour mark

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Boring movies are automatically bad. Can't enjoy one

Stay away from Drive then.

Thank God I've already seen it 4 times before reading your stupid comment. What part did you find boring?

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The whole fucking thing was a snoozefest.

Didn't even find it that funny but its a really comfy atmosphere

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This. Roma was full of kino but I found it boring => did not enjoy it

music is kino, tho

Literally seen commercials better than that piece of shit.

Thief (1981) has really sluggish pacing with uninteresting story.
Watched it for the nice pictures basically.

>tfw accidentally watched le blue filter remaster
Total waste of time.

blade runner 2049
place beyond the pines
blue valentine

The Day The Earth Stood Still was beyond boring and had literally no story
>lol i won't tell you why i'm here
>actually you made me mad so i will

Forgot to mention: all he says is "nukes bad lol"

>lost in translation
Awful drivel
Prince of Zimbabwe does a better job capturing loneliness

The Godfather

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Yeah, aside from watching someone eat a pie for 10 minutes, that movie was cozy. A real test of patience.

this was alright as well, although it's even slower

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The man from earth

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kino movie thats overlooked

You've never been to Japan.

This. But then, that's just me.

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can you relate to anything that isn't wojak garbage

that looks like Vienna

Is that a young Casey?

>Being contrarian on the internet will make me cool!

Enjoy might not be the right word, but it wasn’t a total waste of time

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God, I love the blonde Farrell, no homo,tho

Good palette cleanser after wading through crappy Yea Forums shills. Has three things i enjoy. Quiet shots of Greenery, architecture and atmosphere.

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is it bad that I don't know any of those actresses/actors?

Bullshit. I lived there 3 fucking years. That movie got nothing right.

i liked the bits with anton, most everything else was meh/mediocre
only thing i remember is cera and his friend stranded naked on the road after running out of the girls' school and the friend pretending to be a mexican immigrant to cera's neighbour

this was far from boring and was very fun actually

I thought Taxi Driver was really fucking boring the first time I watched it. Hated it. Second time I saw it I loved nearly everything about it. Weird.

what did you do there/how was it?


love this movie
no one seems to get it

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Was pretty boring, but had me thinking the whole movie what one memory I'd bring to the afterlife, so that was entertaining.

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round down to this?

the favourite (2019)


merci beaucoaux

It's the Russian Ark.

*but you should watch The Favourite too

oh your no fun


Literally every Sofia Coppola movie.

This movie was top comfy aside from that one weird disturbing nightmare sequence.

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Resnais is pretty much the king of Snooze-core.

This movie felt like such a chore to watch for me. I didn't give a shit what happened at Marienbad because why should I when I don't know anything about the characters? Also that persistant talking and tiring music were tedious. But it was very stylish though.

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You're not a white famous aging actor.

I love this movie.