why did his transition to mainstream life fail?
Why did his transition to mainstream life fail?
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he accomplished more than you ever will
Crank 3 was taking too long to get made.
Idris Elba
because his career choice got pruned or deleted
thats usually what happens when you commit mass murder of civilians in a peace zone
>muslim murders
>we must not label islam based on this one (thousandth) instance
>white guy murders
>white supremacy is out of control, castrate all white men
He is literally 160cm (5'3) he was doomed from the start
The answer is ALWAYS childhood trauma. A normal well adjusted individual with functional dopamine receptors doesn't shoot up a church
>implying the video wasn't the most kino film in ages with choice moments like:
Too white for modern audiences
how is /pol/ handling its status as a terrorist organisation?
why are they calling him an incel?
its certainly a top moment in human history
>Yea Forums
>white guy murders
>we must not label white supremacy based on this one (thousandth) instance
>160cm (5'3)
Christ really? He was never going to make it.
coping with memes
Imagine giving up your whole rest of your life (your one and only) over fucking memes.
It's so tragic.
He was actually 5'9'', but it's all the same. Manlets are disgusting human beings.
>white man murders mudslimes
>its worldwide news
>mudslims murders 50 christians
>it's tuesday
But white supremacy is not comparable to Islam which is not racist. A better comparison would be to not label this as Christian terrorism, which as you have seen, people are not doing. What they ARE labeling it is white supremacy, which it is as per his manifesto. Also, terrorist actions can also be labeled as Arabic supremacy and that is also shit.
How about you think about things more thoroughly next time?
He was a kiwi
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
This literally doesn’t make sense. The Bataclan or Charlie Hebdo attacks were world news for months.
He's 5'3, pic-related dude was short as fuck
Just think how many acts of terrorism this guy prevented though. 50 at least.
Josh Brolin
>tries to sing softly so he wont be hard by his parents
You can just tell how meek and pathetic this faggot is by the sound of his voice
>for months.
Why did they blur his face?
>Disney news
Thanks for chiming in America
Islam is Islam supremacist you dingus.
Pewdiepie loved it.
>people die in wars!!!!!
Stay upset and retarded polcel.
I'm 5'6 and I have a beautiful fiancé and I have tons of friends and I make 150k a year and I guarantee you I'm more of a man in every measurable way then you are.
Oh and I was a three time all state wrestler so I could kick your fucking ass and there's nothing you could do about it either. Fuck you.
Fuck off pig fucker
>people die in wars!!!!!
>caused by muslim extremists!!!!!
I guess you haven't heard of the recent Christian killings in muslims countries
White nationalism brought along the greatest civilizations in history of the world, which created science, arts and philosophy. Meanwhile Muslims have been fucking goats for the past millennia.
I think I know which one I prefer.
*hides your tendies on the top shelf*
>peace zone
All religions are about saying their path is the one and only path. Islam has been secularized in Turkey and in Iran in the past. It’s only when you get retarded dictators that you can change the populace to start using religion as an excuse for killing (sound familiar to you Americans/NewZealanders?)
> in every measurable way
Did he have a girlfriend?
>three time all state wrestler
>kicking ass
he would, however, shoot up a mosque
I could beat you both up at the same time, lel.
What do you think?
whatever helps you sleep at night hobbit
why why WHY would you try and run past a person firing a fully automatic rifle at you when there's so many other windows or doors you can use to escape?
I’m not even Muslim, I’m just not a retarded puppet like you.
mosques are invading armies headquarters
>hardcore Islamic jihadis are the exact same as Muslims living in Western nations
Fucking retarded logic. It makes as much sense as saying every white person is like the NZ shooter.
He was trying to be a hero. Silly cracker can only think of saving his own skin.
Based australians doing their neighbours a favour.
to make it Yea Forums related, just look up the twitter of the biggest cuck on the internet, Mark Ruffalo and how he reacted after the NZ shooting and how he reacted after all the shootings in Europe
This guy is racist as fuck.
>I’m not even Muslim
>but I'm licking their asses for free
>hardcore Islamic jihadis are the exact same as Muslims living in Western nations
This, but unironically. They're all terrorists.
Who's the dictator of New Zealand?
judge ordered it because he was smiling
Its called tolerance, try it sometime you hateful freak.
>if you’re not foaming at the mouth for war and sucking military industrial complex dick you are licking their ass
Sure thing puppet
Violent conflict is a clear consequence of diversity. Terrorist attacks that kill dozens are part and parcel of living in a large multicultural society. Is it worth it?
formerly help me
>Murdering women and single handedly being responsible for national gun control measures is an accomplishment
He was trying to be a retard.
its really funny how they're talking about all the shit he wrote on his guns except for the ebba akerlund part
>It makes as much sense as saying every white person is like the NZ shooter.
Basically the response of anti-whites to this yes
He did have a mainstream life. He was a successful personal trainer and he traveled a lot. If anything, he transitioned out.
If anything, I think this is a case of genuine primary psychopathy. There are no significant anecdotes about him being abnormal other than the fact that he was often "cruel to his classmates" in gradeschool.
well he did a pretty shitty job, wasn't even in the proper form for tackling. If it was a church being shot up you'd know at least one person their plays football
It's only part and parcel when white people are the victims, racist.
Imagine he thought of a Sneed joke in court.
How though? There's no furniture with which to break the windows and it'd take time to do anyway.
No matter how much you say it, it simply isn't true. Statistically, you're more likely to be killed by a white nationalist than a Muslim in western nations.
Ehhh it was more about the US but Trump’s rhetoric combined with the media that plays the double bluff emboldens people in other Anglo countries since they all meme about him on Yea Forums and Discord and video games.
They are the same. They follow the same book, same prophet, same God. The difference is that the nice ones just don't want to accept that Mohammed told his followers to use violence and he became more violent as he God older. The Quran says that in case of any contradictions, follow the most recent teaching. In all violence contradictions in the Quran, the most recent, overruling teaching is the more violent one.
Logically and objectively, the extremists are correct.
the fight or flight kicked in. he chose fight, obviously
That's what he wanted.
If you are a real man you won't give up your guns and will fight against the invaders.
If you aren't then nothing can help you at this point.
>50 dead muslims
>stupid people exist therefore I should be stupid as well
Stop believing reports done by the (((ADL))) and the (((SPLC)))
>gunning down invading muslims is bad
What the fuck is WRONG with you? Seriously wtf people died and that's fucking funny to you? Are you serious right now?
>you're more likely to be killed by a white nationalist than a Muslim in western nations
No matter how much you say it, it simply isn't true.
*patiently awaits cherry picked statistics dating from September 12th, 2001*
Quads of truth for anyone that missed it
With only 12-15 being actual citizens of new zealand
>if you point out the anti white agenda you are stupid
>white guy kills 49 muslims
>Imagine the backlash against white people
He deleted his twitter, haha.
It's up to 50 now? So he broke the Pulse score. Wish Moonman was still producing music.
Statistically, more Muslims want me dead. More Muslims want to oppress me. Just because there's not enough of them in the west yet to make a difference. In England, Germany, Sweden, or France, I'm already much more likely to be killed by a Muslim. Muslims commit more acts of public terror. Muslims commit more rapes.
you clearly know nothing about middle eastern history then. the system of numbers we use is literally from the middle east (arabic numerals). read a book you idiot
There's plenty of barbaric shit in the Bible as well, retard. Maybe living in a civilized Western nation rather than a warzone has something to do with people being generally less violent and less likely to fall into extremism.
Do your own studies than faggots. Sitting here and crying "WAAAAAAAAH I DONT WANNA LISTEN TO YOUR FACTS!" isn't a good look.
Funny how the trannies don't give a shit about the Netherlands attack.
>shooting people and then justifying his actions as a retaliation to stupid people is just “pointing out anti-white agenda”
Literal retard
>they kept feeding me
>and feeding me
>and feeding me
Interesting. At least normalfag media can't demonize r9k lonely autists for this one
>do your own studies THAN
Haha. Retard.
He must have a room temperature IQ. If the shooter was using a pistol, I could see him having a chance.
You don't beat faggots blocking up with muh principles, you beat them by blocking up yourself.
Nobody gives a shit about the Dutch tho
All forms of violence are strictly forbidden in the new testament. There is no possible interpretation of Christian teachings that permit violence, murder, or war.
Stop hanging around faggots, faggot