Why did the transition to mainstream fail

why did the transition to mainstream fail

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Good thing those books are in frame, I would've otherwise just assumed she was a vapid skank.

unwilling to suck director cock for roles

because jews like defiling chicks who think they're too good for the casting couch, nobody wanted to fuck her in exchange for roles because she probably wouldn't stop licking the toilet and get the fuck out after you're done

Because despite "sex positivity" in modern society, deep down noone likes whores, especially whores who licked toilet bowls for money.

She wasn't cast for good roles subsequent The Girlfriend Experience.

Why was she on Entourage, for instance?

It did. She still travels and does art exhibits, DJs, and all that stuff, but she'll never be a mainstream actress.

I'll give her credit for completely cutting ties with the adult film industry and trying to establish a career based on her own artistic beliefs and not using her former "fame" in anyway. I'd unironically like to have a drink with her, even if she was once a toilet seat licking whore.

She's too intelligent for Hollywood.

absolutely based truthpilled.

The jooossss

why the fuck would i want to see her do anything like act or play guitar when i can see her dressed up as a bunny and shoving giant balls up her asshole?

how do you top that?

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I love her bros

that gurl is hot, any nudes?


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ugly face
can't act
she's gross. it's impossible to look at her and not think of her licking toilets/getting dped

The first acting thing I saw her in was Would You Rather, and wasn't too impressed.

I'd actually agree with this.

Why would someone who belongs in the basement of Laboratory on Snaxx night sniffing ketamine while talking about Rohmer with some leather bears ever fuck with the shithole that is Hollywood in the present era?

What could she hope for there? To be in a superhero movie or some mom in some Judd Apatow movie with a bunch of unfunny fat Jewish guys?

Fuck that. That being said, as someone who also belongs in that scenario, I'd love to be around a bunch of fat unfunny Jewish guys. Mmm. Sucking on their cut cocks.

Yeah. It would feel great edging them while their girlfriend was in the other room.



I'm palying with my nipples.

>she probably wouldn't stop licking the toilet

Speaking of which:


Women are insane.

Any nudes of her?

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there can only be one shovelkino actress at a time, it is an unwritten hollywood law sorta like highlander. olivida wilde is currently the The One and sasha fears to face her

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based normposter

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Also will suggest she's a terrible actress.

She's very talented in a variety of ways, but she has a kind of detachment from reality that keeps her from ever fully taking on a role. She's nice and cute, but...she can't be an actress.

Turns out being a 5/10 untalented whore with a huge ego garnered from sucking 300 different dicks doesn't give one the skills or tools necessary to achieve mainstream success. Odd huh?

>how do you top that?
By dressing up as a ball and shoving giant bunnies up her asshole?

Pretty sure she bullshitted everyone about using pornography, as a medium, as an outlet for artistic expression, trying to make out like her featuring in a bukkake blowbang dressed up as a french maid was on par with some kind of post-modern art installation.

she was perfect

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if you successfully bait everyone then it does become art

t. le french urinal man

She has no acting talent and spent her early career doing pornos, so she wasnt worth putting on the casting couch...

Otherwise she seems nice

I'm sorry, but I don't follow.

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As if you have a leg to stand on shekelstein

>Toback was born to a Jewish family[3] in Manhattan, New York City. His mother, Selma Judith (née Levy), was a president of the League of Women Voters and a moderator of political debates on NBC.[4] His father, Irwin Lionel Toback, was a stockbroker and former vice president of Dreyfus & Company.[5]

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May have had something to do with her inability to act and the fact she swallowed semen on camera for money

Every photo looks a million bucks but then you watch her vids. I don't think theres another pornstar that is so unequivocally shit in motion. It's incredibly irritating!

may she rest in peace

I prefer the newer improved model

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She can't act unless she has a dick up her ass.

I wish more "celebs" turn to porn/try to turn legit. I just a grand time fapping to them.

I'm pretty sure it was uncovered that she used the N word in one of the porn films.

>her Legalporno scenes

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she already looks worned out and good for the trash

If she was fucking a black guy then it's cool


That fucking jaw

she did it at the wrong time, she should have waited 5 years
sex positivity, people being fully open about their sex life and porn viewing habits, and more importantly people falling for the sex work is empowering meme didnt really take hold until fairly recently.
her attempt at going mainstream failed back then because people were too embarrassed to admit they knew she was

Remember that time parents got pissed off because she read to kids in a classroom?

Her career was astroturfed from the ground on.

only god can save her now.

This desu ne. Watched an interview/documentary with her lately she's friends with some really crazy interesting people and doing weird art shit. Good for her.

I saw her drink her own pee once


jlaw is at least 7/10 actress. I'm not saying she didn't suck dick for roles but she's far better than OP.

This. Fucking prude.

Two tenths better, yeah.


I've seen her in Entourage, The Girlfriend Experience and Would You Rather. She is a genuinely terrible actress, to the point where she is noticeably worse than even her B level castmates.

What about that pozzed faggot ex gay pornstar turned good guy philanthropist? Have a drink with him? Surely it's not your cock talking. Topkek

>Women are insane.
It's not a woman, it identifies as nonbinary. That said it's clearly insane.

She's hot as fuck but I can't watch her scenes anymore because she keeps talking and never shuts up.

Fappening when?

I like how in Would You Rather, she plays a mean cunt who will do absolutely anything for money, and she can't even sell that performance.

>wh*te """people"""
When will we finally put an end to them?

what if she's actually a good actress but the fact that you've seen her take a cactus up her ass on an airplane wing mid-flight means that you can't take her seriously anymore no matter what she does, so her acting all seems fake when it's really no worse than normal?

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Occam's razor nigga. Maybe she's just a fucking hole

does she do those Dj's show naked?

She's too pure for the industry

I can't load up this webbum but I'm guessing it's the stripy black and red perfect jiggly ass one
I need to have sex bros

all women are fucking whores

nah she really can't act

I don't understand this post. Id have a drink with that person alright, as long a it's agreed he's not gonna try and put his dick me. Anyone whose a philanthropist starts above the bar for me.

stop bullying sasha

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is she proof of ass>tits?

If she wanted to marry you would you wed her?

yes and yes and me too

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Holy shit I remember seeing a vid a decade ago when, presumably, she'd first entered the porn industry.
Fucking downhill spiral indeed holy shit.
Bimboified, bolt ons, piercings and of course the tatoos that mark them according to their owners.

It's horrifying, really.
Good thing I only fap to words like a bitch if I have the strength to fap at all anymore.


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Hell no. She's pump n dump tier.

I've honestly only ever seen her normal porn.

>regularly got pissed on and swallowed dicks on camera for a living
>suprised she isn't a mainstream actress

The only porn star I'd legit marry is Lexi Belle. I love that crazy bitch.

She is. She's pretty much an even more degenerate version of Sasha gray. She does tons of piss drinking scenes, eats a lot of ass, and is just in general an actual slut. She's second only to a scat eating porn actor when it comes to her degeneracy.

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i unironically don't think i'm good enough for her

yes and i would make her eat all the eggs

I bet she has worms.

>as long a it's agreed he's not gonna try and put his dick me.
But you'd drink with Sasha in the hopes of getting your dick wet, and that's fine but lets not pretend we give a fuck what she has to say. I'd rather have a discussion with the fag too

This board has low self esteem

water is wet


>"i was in the "adult industry" for 3 months only"
>whore is a whore
>only known for being a whore
>calls into radio station that only wants to talk to her because her only claim to fame is being a whore
>proceeds to get all bitchy and indignant when the reality of her existence is pointed out, quite matter of factly, by the radio presenter
if you're going to whore out your image for money, you better own that shit and not have the gall to act all indignant about it after the fact


Have sex

i would kill myself if i weren't such a fucking coward

She actually did this to her mouth. Her parents must be suicidal.

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>when you realize teagen presley was the best bimbo bitch in porn

i just want a hug

Why even give people like this attention?

The only reason I know this bitch is cuz some old dude at work would bring in a specific video where the actor went straight tongue up her ass. He loved it then said he couldn't wait till she "got thrown to the niggers"

I guess you used to be able to watch the rise and fall of pornstars, now they just jump straight on a black guy out the gate. I feel sorry for old mate because he seemed to get off on watching them get used up and go lower

Thanks, it wasn't clear to me before :)

I can't imagine how much of a whore you have to be to eat a guys ass.

Amber was better.

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Goddamnit man get ahold of yourself.

i just want a fug



>But you'd drink with Sasha in the hopes of getting your dick wet
I wouldn't drink with Sasha at all. Unless she somehow turned up pat a place when I'm at and she turns out to be a fun person. And no. I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing, actually, just like the people she seems to hang out with now, based on that interview.

You may have misinterpreted my post though. I was just making a general statement about where she is now, not a declaration of fancy. She looks like she's living an ok life, porn past notwhitstanding, which is a good thing. That's all I said.

i haven't been hugged by a woman in my whole life

You just know that when you marry a pornstar it's one of those sexless marriages where they always have a headache, but receive a suspicious number of text messages every night before bedtime.

naw you poor thing :3

She's licking prolapsed anuses in the great beyond.

eww, she got a nose like a pitbull.

Absolutely based

It's overrated. Then again I hate to be touched so what do I know.

Bitch got a fucking bellpepper nose

Saw Corey Chase on a cam site. She was being a total cunt while her husband was serving her things just off camera. Then she freaked when someone called him a cuck.

>that nose

How do I get a virgin gf? The internet has ruined me, anytime a girl starts talking about her past it just fills me with disgust. There has to be some cute shutins somewhere, right?

mrs potato head looks like THAT?

Why should you get a cute gf when you're so ugly?

When you watch others fuck, you are the cuck.

Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replaces it with a prebuilt disgusting one.

Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.

The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerful energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade you're ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.

It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerful and shocking images.

Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1
Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2
Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child
Your Brain on Porn

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Start staking out in front of high schools and stalking fat girls in their senior year.

Yeah I'm a cuck now what, faggot