Better or Worse?

Would this have made the movie better for you, or worse?

For me, in this one picture this cosplayer has more personality and charisma than Brie did in her whole performance.

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Monica will save us, maybe Nicki Minaj will play her adult character

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brie suffers from a terrible case of manjaw and fungus feet so the left is better

Captain Marvel should have been a dark skin kween. This no ass roastie is unlikeable and has zero comedic timing.

Honestly, better. I'd have been more disposed to see the movie if she was involved. The race card wouldn't even be an issue if she just kicked ass and took names without being uber-feminist.

Captain Marvel should look like pic.

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the race doesnt matter when its brie larsson cause anyone else, even a trans midget lizard goblin larper would be better than brie larson

anything would be better than brie larson but if it was a black chick you guys would be seething about blackwashing blond blue eyed girl

based and redpilled

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Could a white hoe do this?

Worse for both. It actually shows how bad the suit is and that Kevin Feige should have insisted on a redesign.

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She looks friendly, and she probably is. The problem isn't just the eternally unlikeable Larson though, it's the entire change of the Danvers character. They removed the sarcasm born from alcoholism and made it their typical Disney sarcasm born from Disney sarcasm.

Pathetic marvel girls...

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Way better.

Good god, she could bare some big and healthy children for a white man.

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Much better, i dont give a shit what /pol/ says
This girl looks perfect and beautiful.


the one on the left looks like a woman though

What is it baby?

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I-I love you

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so das it. what, we sum kinda: Captian® Marvel™

If Brie is committed to the empowerment of black people, why didn't she pass on the role and recommend a POC take it? Typical white feminist.

This is the most disgusting pic ive ever nauseous


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Everyone knows Captain Marvel was black.

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left actually looks like a woman. right looks like a subhuman fugly freak of nature tranny pigface

We could elevate the level of film and television if we just stopped talking about Disney products. Let the shills shill to each other while we move on from being led like children to the latest focus group claptrap.

Who is with me?

I take the No Disney Pledge!
Say it!

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Imagine if adult Monica looked like this, where did Marvel go so wrong?

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>I have no tits

I usually hate niggers but that white bitch is 4/10 at MOST.
Im all for the chocolate elf.

Unironically I think Disney was just scared to go full liberal right off the bat. First they make a white female superhero to measure up the market, then they start with the minority representation. Looking at the news they've already begun.

genuinely based

Is her face melting?

>cosplay outfit is exactly like the real one
terrible original that is easily replicated or top notch cosplayer?

Terrible original. I mean, just look at it

The cosplayer was sponsored by Marvel

Which is weird because it's make brie larson look even worse by comparison. Hopefully they're setting up Monica Capt Marvel

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>that right picture
How can Brie be a role model for women when she's very clearly a man?

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Too much inbreeding

brie-posting is going to end eventually, right? i'm so fucking sick of it, /tv has been uninhabitable for months.


they should have started with her, it's going to be very weird and awkward when literally almost every superhero transitions from white to black at roughly the same time

captain marvel, spiderman, ironman, captain america etc

Impressive. Very nice


the thing i hate the most about niggers are their elbows and knees.
always so fucking dark, it looks like they are filthy dirty.

Keke Palmer or Michaela from How To Get Away With Murder would be good casting.

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I don't mind blackwashing if the actress is hot.

A nigger would have been even worse.

So you do mind it

>Would this have made the movie better for you, or worse?
Worse and that's saying something.

Read again

Google images, first result

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I really don't see Rhodes replacing Tony Stark, both actors are getting too old

And Bucky will probably replace Rogers

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Better. Even Maria Rambeau was more interesting than Brie Larson.

wow you cracked the case detective, good job

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They are using Blank Panthers sister lupita do to it. It's actually kind of in the comics. She's a mixture of 3 characters, but she's going to be the new Iron Man. Bucky will replace Rodgers briefly and Nebula will be shifting to the avengers.


