And wonder where the fuck it all went wrong? I looked like, and was, such a normal kid. Little league games, pictures of me with the neighbor kids playing in one of those blow up pools, pictures of me with friends on Halloween trading candy, pictures of me and my siblings at the county fair, pictures of me with relatives. Now I’m a KHHFPFV (kissless hugless handholdless friendless partyless flirtless virgin). What went wrong?
Do you ever look at photos from childhood
Other urls found in this thread:
No I don't. I now look at photos of cunnies.
You didn’t put in the work. You’re a man, things you want don’t just jump into your lap.
based and redpilled
have sex
you've never been to a party?
do you smell bad or something?
Based user
>where the fuck it all went wrong?
where do i fucking start?
I understand that but they did for literally everyone else. I actively avoided others, everyone else just acted normal and things fell into their lap.
I mean imagine looking at old childhood photos you took with girls of your age and you start fapping to them.
Maybe it didn't " go wrong" per say. Maybe this is always how it was supposed to play out once you know the bigger picture.
Second post best post.
It's a slow progress and I think it happens to everyone.
Everyone just gets more miserable and dies troughout all of their lives. Like, it's true for the human condition. You'll never be as happy as you were as a child.
So, I don't think there's a specific moment when everything goes south.
It's just that when you notice, you start spiraling
What have you done recently to change that?
Serious question
This is him now.
I was a weirdo outcast pretty much as soon as I started school. Doomed from the start.
nice tv related post, you stupid faggot
honestly, when I got my first console
I wish I could start all over.
is this the cunny thread
Well there you go
The first step is accepting something is wrong, the second is doing something about it. I wonder if you will
thats an improvement.
I won't
>I actively avoided others
Pretty sure that answers your question.
I saw some of mine recently, and from the look on my face it all went to hell after I got out of diapers.
>thats an improvement.
Fuck off gymcel
You answered your question, man. Those other people went out and got it done. You're not them, and I don't know them, but I bet you they had to fight their own internal battles, at least some of those people. Many people don't want to have to put in that effort too, but they just deal with it and realize they'll probably feel better after trying than berating themselves for not taking chances later.
god fucking damn it
> wrong
Fucking failed normies
>tfw puberty fucking ruined me just like it does most child actors
I was such a cute kid... now alcohol is my only refuge
In your teenage years your body was flooded with hormones and, where they made other men attractive and strong, made you retarded and ugly.
Stop complaining then, you have everything you need already
that time of the month, eh
lmao this
I can't even imagine a scenario where I'd be """happy"""
Not to say that I'm sad either, I just exist until I don't, like some amoeba.
except the hope, motivation and will power
Fuck. This is it
sometimes I imagine having a conversation with my younger self and all he ever says is "what happened?"
The good things happened to someone else
user is no longer here
Dumb whore
those are reps, btw
Looked less like a poo lord as a kid.
What about this?
No, I look at pics of my ex fiancé and wonder what I could have done to save our relationship
>Looked less like a poo lord as a kid.
Excuse me you dropped this
This photograph makes me want to ejaculate
>character avoids friends txts
>slowly becoming friendless
what did i mean by this
Nobody that ever changed it around had them either.
I'm done friend, make excuses forever. But know I love you, and I'll believe in you until I die
literally me
So this is the power of /fit/ cucksheds..
>You didn’t put in the work
What does this even mean? I work out five times a week. I study hard in a prestigious education. I take care of my looks to the point of vanity. I'm social and outgoing. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME???? A girl can literally just exist and she'd still be ahead of me.
lmao isley
friends just take time away from getting drunk and watching movies
oh why thank you. and I believe you dropped this.
At least they texted you. After I graduated high school they stopped talking to me and I was replaced in the group. I was a normal guy, too. Sometimes my jokes got too personal but everybody had a laugh...
I don't even have photos because I was autistic and everytime someone tried to take a pic of me I would tell that person to fuck off.
did he died?
Those are the shittest squats I've ever seen
Sadly, no
grow up. i have two dates this week. one tonight and one tomorrow both with different girls
If you want a girl, make going out and looking for one a hobby. They will never ever ever come to you and that’s just the way it is.
teach us your ways chad
>Chad enters the thread and speaks to us as if we are equals
>make going out and looking for one a hobby.
I do this too. The only thing I refuse to do is get a Tinder because I have a geniune phobia for shoving my face on social media. It gives me massive anxiety.
What's this doing on Yea Forums?
But yeah, I do. I wish I could just shoot myself and it resets me to my childhood with my full memory intact.
Why are you holding poop?
im not chad i just use Hinge. One girl is a qt who loves hiking the other girl is a farmgirl from kansas who moved to the big city and is very old fashioned
I have this fantasy on an almost daily basis
>I work out five times a week
Doesn't matter when you're ugly
>I study hard in a prestigious education
No one actually cares
>I take care of my looks to the point of vanity
Girls want a man, not a woman
>I'm social and outgoing
Put in the CORRECT work, dipshit
>A girl can literally just exist and she'd still be ahead of me.
On that point you are correct.
When I put my trust in women.
Just take it back. It's getting cold and is going to clump up if I hold onto it any longer.
>I have a geniune phobia for shoving my face on social media
No you don't. You're just a pussy. Probably an uggo as well.
>Isley is 6'4
>this manlet looks like 5'5 at best
how old is she? her youthful glow is gone
How did Yea Forums become the designated shitting board for every topic other than television & film?
Miles of cock will do that
Do you ever think at least I'm not that guy?
The more personal responsibility and initiative that was required of you, the more you failed. That's what happened.
Getting chicks is about reaching 6-7/10 in looks, good hygiene, and not being flabby/fat, being able to talk to them like they were dudes.
You're the one who has to pursue it, initiate EVERY time, over and over again until you get decent at it. It won't matter how good-looking you are if you're you're too chicken to approach girls and unable to hold a conversation.
I say the same thing to all the people like you, but none of you ever do it. Fix your fucking apperance so you're not off-putting, find a job listen to co-workers how they socialize and gradually increase socializing. Then you'll be half-normie in no-time.
When all other threads became capeshit and jannies didn't care.
Fuck off stinky
>A girl can literally just exist and she'd still be ahead of me
until she hits 25, if she didnt use her time well up to that point she has no way back, a man can always remake himself because its the achievements and status that matter more than the appearance
Unironically, the rise of capeshit
Pick up your own poop. Keep our streets feces-free!
>being able to talk to them like they were dudes.
Don't listen to this guy, I did that "act towards girls the same way you act towards a guy friend" all my life and in result you merely become an acquaintance to women. If you are interested in someone you should show that you are interested as soon as possible, treating a girl you want to be with as if it's your whatever high school friend will only leave you at "hi how are you stage" indefinitely.
Off-topic shitposting is still better than capeshit threads
People keep saying this but all the late 20's girls I know are happier than ever revelling in their degeneracy of weekend fucks.
haha do you still have those pictures of you and your little friends in the pool in your bathing suit haha i bet those would be funny to look at right haha
I just did. Didn't realize I was such a big boy
You did it for me, for free.
I die a little every time this gets posted.
Well someone has to civilize you people.
Why did a qt rejected you before?
Look at this brainlet.
Every board has these types of threads, it’s what gives the site character. People associate based on hobbies but sometimes you want to get to know those people better, that’s what these threads are for.
>w-well uhh... I dont even care, cuz I'm a moderator!
Okay janitor.
For some it comes later than for others, and I don't know where that user pulled 25 out from. 30 is closer to reality.
Shirt says Mommy lol
>that sense of ''style''
>that sad beard
>that hat
man this is physically hurting me
if you define happiness as sex you're doing it wrong to begin with, people in public offten act differently than they do in private, and women are especially good at masking their emotions
Holy cringe
Based 90s nigga
Sure but not in such a fashion. I just imagine being one of the guys in the background and having to watch this neckbeard get emotion mogged by the roastie.
Question. And answer truthfully. How long have you been here?
Yeah but in his situation he's basically scared shitless of girls and socially awkward. It's about babysteps. You don't go from
>I'm a KHHFPFV (kissless hugless handholdless friendless partyless flirtless virgin)
To flirting and getting a girlfriend in a few months. He'll figure some things out eventually.
because Yea Forums got completely taken over by faggots and trannies
My mom does that to me a lot. I'll visit her and eventually it'll come out. "Oh were such a cute boy, so funny and handsome...what happened?". I think Im gonna stop visiting her, it just makes me feel like shit every time.
Say it's her fault.
Kiss your mom?
I saw a funny post about this lonely virgin guy on r/Yea Forums last year and said hey, this looks like a funny website. I've been browsing ever since.
>went back home one weekend
>mom had hundreds of childhood photos of me and my siblings spread all over the table
>I was trying to find when you got traumatized haha
Have you considered fixing your shit instead?
mom loves you, she wont do that. mom is the only woman who will ever love you and the only woman deserving of your love.
>being mean to Isley
Fuck off
For me, it was puberty
Damn, definitely not too far removed from the ape.
I did. Was a handholdless virgin until 24. Decided enough's enough and went for it.
>hanging with bro and his gf(wife now)
>brother's gf's roommate shows up
>looks like pre-bog Olivia Munn
>fell for her
>went out for a smoke
>tell her I think she's very pretty
>hug her
>while still holding her ask her out
>get coffee next day for first date
>second date she spends the night and I finger her
>third date she takes my virginity
>dated for 6 months
I can actually see the latent mental illness in photos of me even as young as like 5
For me my mother still thinks I'm funny handsome and actually chased by women on a daily basis here on college.
It's that delusional blindness some mothers have, she literally asks everytime do I have a girl and everytime when I respond with "no, not really" she goes to that "haha don't be shy about it, we all know, especially for a good boy like you!" blissfull delusional response.
But it can only go for so long
pretty good
>Have you considered fixing your shit instead?
I live for myself, not for my mother.
>1 year
Then you need to stfu and lurk moar.
>mom is the only woman who will ever love you and the only woman deserving of your love
Then why don't you marry your mom?
None of those say anything about your social skills which is the single most important part.
Why would people want to hang out with you if it's not fun?
I was relentlessly bullied non-stop both by my family and friends for like 5 years during the most sensitive part of my life.
This. Yea Forums’s base will always be /r9k/.
STOP MAKING WOMEN THE LITERAL HOPE OF SAVING OF YOUR LIFE Thats a mighty pill to swallow but you have to eventually.
Thats what they do. They want to be rescued from their boring life. Do you want to be rescued by a women? BE A MAN WITH A PURPOSE: A real one. Building houses. Teaching kids. Fight in a war. Whatever. Women will never EVER E V E R understand the cosmic void of desire in us!
Pic related, the thing you will NEVER have. Accept it and move on.
Haha, one year? Nooo, I wouldn't hang around here for that long. More like 5 months. Now go poo in the loo!
I literally don't know any feeling more painful than reading through these threads. God bless you anons.
oof. I know this feel user. ill think of you while getting drunk tonight
What year in college? That stuff stopped around sophomore year for me when it became obvious what a loser I was
>Dunkelheit from burzum at the start of the video
>"Suddenly, life has new meaning"
>Start crying
Thanks user
>>tell her I think she's very pretty
Thats the most omega thing to say, how the fuck did that work? Are PUAs lying to us?
a million miles away...
Unironically this. Stop putting pussy up on a pedestal. They're not magical. They just feel good wrapped around your dick.
You got addicted to the internet. And just based off of that you should be ashamed for not taking your fucking blogpost elsewhere.
You'd just fuck it up again
>women are especially good at masking their emotions
Jesus Christ. You newfags are hopeless.
>They're not magical
They very literally are. It's a dark evil magic that drains the souls of men, but magic none the less.
Nobody on any site wants our “blogposts” anymore. Everywhere else calls us “incels”, and actual incel sites are hyperbole filled honeypots. This is all we’ve got left. The television and film board.
ITT: Sad ugly women and trannies roleplaying as sad nerdvirgins they like to blame for their empty lives
kek, I have a old photo from when I was like 10 with the girl I liked at the time, we were doing a dance presentation at school together and you can see that i have a little bulge in my pants, I've always been a perv cunnylover I guess.