*angry choking noises*
*angry choking noises*
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He did nothing wrong and was in the absolute right. Snow is massive faggot.
ding-dong diddly worked himself into a shoot like a mark
you probably blame your involuntary celibate status on migrants
There is no color, it was obviously a work.
Have sex.
Ygritte would have been a lot hotter if she had HUGE tits
Maario Naharis
I dont care he betrayed Snow, still glad he because of Ygritte
This desu. fuck Jon snow, he deserved it. It was Ygritte and Tormunds group that killed and raped Olly’s peaceful village. Lol dude they’re doctors and scholars, let em all over the wall.
What did he mean by this incomprehensible post?
it shows how retarded the game of thrones fan base is that they’d all rally around despising this kid instead of Alliser
woman dead bad child dead good
>attempt to murder your CO
>wow why am I being punished for this attempted mutiny life is so unfair my decisions should have no consequences
You can hate both you brainlet
>CO colludes with the people that you were sworn to keep out and who murdered your family in front of his an your eyes
In other words he was killing a collaborator who had betrayed his vows
he needs them as fodder for the coming Night King battle, Olly and the others were just shortsighted cucks
Why do people say this? It's mean :(
The Night's Watch is there to protect the people from the white walkers, not the Wildlings. If Jon didn't let them through then their army would be 100,000 men stronger.
Jon Snow pls go
>keep the wildlings out and give the NK a dozen thousend more undead
>let them in and have more fight power against the NK
compared to you he is a genius
>thinking the amount of men NK gets in the end matters since he'll be obviously btfo in the last season of the show and the last book
You genuinely believe anything remotely interesting will happen with NK and his shitty undead army?
It’s not about what will or won’t happen for the audience. It’s about the narrative logic of the show retard. Wipe the drool off your chin
if you think anyone but the NK wins you're basically retarded
Have sex
>expecting characters to make decisions based on a meta analysis of the kind of story they are in
great logic retard, see
I'm glad he killed ygrite
fuck wildings, they belong north of the wall, couldn't care less about those primitive pillaging, killing cunts
jon snow is a traitor who allowed them south of the wall, if it were for me to decide, I'd let the WW kill them so the southern army could kill them again
fuck I hate the wildlings, litteraly the worst characters of the show
Must have been his (((targaryen))) blood that made him sympathetic to them
I'm glad he killed Ygritte for what she did to his village and was defiant to the end.
Gentlemen of the Night's Watch, I have something to say...
Olly did nothing wrong
Jon Snow is a traitor and the wildlings are lawless barbarian scum
That one girl who came over to their side of the wall and acted as an aide to Bran was pretty hot though
Jesus I totally forgot Wildlings used to be like this until people made me look it up.
He cute
the people cheering when the kid died are so fucked up
He can wield a knife and have sex. He's officially a man.
>¡Ay, caramba!
This wasn't a hanging, it was a strangling.