I'm gonna watch Avengers: Endgame

>I'm gonna watch Avengers: Endgame

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Into The Spiderverse was much, much better than any live-action marvel movie.

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Based weeb

>this thread will surely net me hundreds of (you)s!

stay mad

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kek who made this

what's wrong with glasses?

>tfw no job, no car, no house, no vacations except my permanent NEET vacation

what's wrong with all those things op?

A butthurt white woman. Who else?

Attached: 1530847248707.jpg (1000x2876, 412K)

Your eyes.

>never takes risks
>vacations in Florida

It's the style. They are bland.

Are these created by angry white women or angry asian men?

Attached: 1543030517101.jpg (424x408, 21K)

>not rooting for local teams of your town

There have to be more images by now to use as examples


Driving a rental car through Miami is basically a /k/ scenario.

This fat bitch is a self described facist though so it makes sense. If she still has Twitter have a read through, it’s hilarious. Most of her tweets are her screaming about how virtuous she is to random men, well, virtuous now she’s reaching 30 anyway.

They are right, though. There's Asian women who look ten times better. She's cute but not ''holy fuck'' cute.

implying i have anyone to take a vacation with

Or asian women tired of mouthbreathers hitting on them

Sensibly priced efficient cars, secure jobs, and respectable houses are comfy.

>rooting for sports teams

Incels seething

Google search, first result
Google images, first result

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But thats wrong. Asian women love white chads

Nothing wrong with being safe.

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More like Guy That's Got His Shit Together

Yes you’re right but they’re not talking about how there’s a Korean actress or a Japanese model who’s better looking, one of them said she’s ugly because 60 years ago there was Marilyn Monroe.

Yeah but stacys of all cultures hate betas.

Based detective

Marie Kondo is a great source.

So what's supposed to be wrong about what the women say? I really don't get it

>So what's supposed to be wrong about what the women say?
The fact that they are allowed to say it.

the last part reads like a Yea Forums post

white women are her primary audience. they were the ones buying her books too.

Yes but white women were also her greatest enemy. The liberal feminazi ones are the ones getting triggered.

She is so cute why do they not think she is attractive? Why can't they just be happy that she is beautiful? Why do they have to drag her through the mud? They wouldn't like to told any of the things that they themselves are saying. SAD.

Oh sweety, you do know that's because we adopted that shit from them because of how mad it makes you incels, right?

They are a vocal minority.

Marilyn looked like a cool wine aunt.

is it even possible to agree with them without being called a white roastie?
I mean, she's really nothing special

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Do you react this way when Yea Forums pans the looks of male and female celebrities daily? Be honest, you're mad only because they're women. It's not even remotely a hot take to say that she's "cute but not beautiful", most people would say that.

She’s arguably more attractive than any of the commenters (from what you can see of the tiny profile pictures). Besides, it’s the venomous attitudes that are shitty. One commenter saying ‘I’ve seen more attractive people, even Asians’. Classic white, educated female liberalism.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>White women have no self respect
>They gained (((freedom))) to do as they please, but they quickly realized that doing as they pleased didn't attract men
>Therefore, to get that attention, they started to act more like men, hang out at male dominated venues, and they thought this would attract men
>It didn't because men aren't attracted to women who act like men...they're attracted to women who act like women
>Now you end up in a situation where you don't want to give up that (((freedom))), but you also believe that men should treat you the way women were treat pre-(((freedom))) (only the benefits, they don't want any of the bad, what the fuck do you think this is? Women don't do compromise because they're princesses)
>Get mad when nature takes nature's course (ie: the path of least resistance)
>Call them incels and blame them despite you being the sole cause of what you're mad about

Bring this up to them and what are you? An incel. Which just further proves the point.

They always have been and always will be, but they're still a funny source as butthurt women.

I am completely indifferent and this is coming from a permavirgin.

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I swear there's one dedicated chink on Yea Forums dedicated to calling posters "white roasties" every time they criticize gooks.


>Besides, it’s the venomous attitudes that are shitty
t. a Yea Forums browser

Newsflash grandpa, nobody today can afford a fucking house and car anymore.

Jesus Christ w*myn are so mean.

Asian women are like a loophole in the system because they're on average easier AND more attractive than the average white woman so it's a win/win. If WW collectively lost weight it might even things out but i can't see that happening

>saying one thing is bad means I’m saying everything else isn’t bad

Because we drove that shit into the ground, and misused it to the point where it has lost all effective value. Now we wait for the next effective buzz-insult.

>i-it's just one guy

I agree. But it's not like her face is getting shoved everywhere so it's a non issue.

>because they're on average more attractive than the average white woman

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Me in the center

absolutely based user BTFO animu hating redditfag

That's not what I meant, but I guess it'd be useless to try to explain irony to a person who probably is part of the autistic gook defense force.

>gook defense force
Leave them to me.

Attached: Mark Wahlberg.jpg (267x400, 16K)

>on average more attractive

It's not even sunny, what are they squinting at? Are they all about to sneeze?

She's got fat bitch face even in that small profile pic.


> If WW collectively lost weight it might even things out
So basically, this is an american problem.
Not that i'm surprised the ones in a race to see who racemixes the most are amerimutts.

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have sex

guess who wrote the article

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I love asian girls
(i‘m white)

Attached: 76ADFF18-DC88-422E-AE23-254C9E376D4C.jpg (1118x2076, 123K)

>seething NEETs: the OP image

Let me guess, staying at home all day playing games is taking a risk but going outside to take care of your own life and responsibilities and finding a job is totally not risky

>the alt right
It's not even the entire right wing, it's just dumbass burgerclaps who are obsessed with racemixing because they are all mongrels.

>actual self respect
>screeches on twitter

Honestly shes cute for an asian and thats it

the OP image doesn't imply anything negative, it's meant to expose projecting faggots like yourself.

this dude seems based

Not even all americans.
Racemixing is the last resort of someone who has been rejected by their own people.
That's why most white women who racemix and fat as fuck, and why most white men who do are balding, fat faggots.

Not that i'm against it, it's just eugenics, the undesirables are filtered out of the white race.


Why are ugly, fat people so insecure?

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Meh body


>I hope he doesn't bring dog meat to the olympics

if we're talking about whites then yes.
Racemixing for non-whites with whites is going up. That's why even the most attractive asian girls have "no asian guys" policy

I didn’t say anything about it being negative. I am discussing a statement made within the image regarding it being an unrisky endeavour. Tell me if it’s such a safe life path how come not everyone can do it? Shouldn’t everyone just have a steady life like in OP as a baseline? Oh that’s right no they don’t. Their life is shit because they can’t handle their responsibilities but that’s ok because doing drugs and drinking all day was a “risk” you were willing to take.


white guys aren't that great t b h

>That's why even the most attractive asian girls have "no asian guys" policy
Source on this?

There's like 3 white guy comments in your pic and one is nammed "Muhammod"
nice try

>called out for projecting
>project even more
you're stupid as fuck


You don’t even know what projecting means because you’re not using it properly.

So basically, you could say that comment section is full of Americans.

This image scares me

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so discussing any topic at all is projecting
geez life must be hard for people like you

projecting is when you're projecting your own insecurities into a discussion where they weren't previously mentioned. who is talking about doing drugs and drinking all day in this thread besides you? you assume that because this picture points out some common aspects of a safe life that the person who made the picture has to be the polar opposite of it, which implies that you probably aren't confident enough in your "safe" lifestyle which you have chosen so you have to deride people who live degenerate lifestyles.


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like they say, "It's better to be a coward for a minute, than dead for the rest of your life"

I think there is some truth to the whole "beta white guys are into asians" meme. I mean some of the most common amateur cuckold shit is a white guy watching his asian wife/gf fucking another guy.

Objectively that is no different than what happens here

A projection would be unwarranted critique of the other person that is actually an expression of the accuser’s self. This discussion is neither unwarranted nor an expression of who I am. I am simply debating the lack of risk involved in finding a job, having a house, having a car, and managing all the responsibilities wisely. It is arguably one of the more riskier endeavours of life.

More proof that the people watching Marvel movies are MarvelCHADS.

Ristakers are for DCucks who fail at life because they take the contrarian and failed route.

Watching capeshit is quite the risk you’re taking for your brain

>This discussion is neither unwarranted
Yes it is.

White guys who desperately want to fuck asians but can't convince anyone to fuck them.

Id say 5 comments arent white guys. There are 14 comments. By far white guys are the most common race in that section.

That poster was an American.His post still stands due to the fact that asians are less likely to be fat as fatass.

>Are you lost in thought? It must be unfamiliar territory!

you're stupid but you think you're smart for wanting to discuss pointless things on Yea Forums. stop posting now please.

>is that chainmail? Or are you wearing a dress?

It’s related to the OP. Sorry bout it butthurt NEETs

No it isn't.

Such a stupid phrase because broken does not equal stopped

It literally does. In what other way can a clock be broken?

>those digits
>You have strength, you should join the order.

It is.

All sorts of ways.
>Smashed to bits
>Burnt to cinders
>Split in half
>simply moving at the wrong speed

By stopping periodically. By going slower than usual. By going backwards.

not uh

>smashed to bits
Which means the clock would be stopped.
>burnt to cinders
Again the clock is stopped
>split in half
But if the actual clock itself is going forward the clock isnt broken
>simply moving at the wrong speed
Doesnt happen

None of this happens...

I'm not arguing that the clock isn't stopping. I'm agreeing with user that just because a clock is broken doesn't make it correct twice a day.
>Doesnt happen
I know you zoomers aren't used to battery powered anything, but a clock slows down before dying when its batteries are low.

Yes it does you fucking retard

Maybe a digital clock is more your speed. What if the display isn't working?

I love pretty girls
(i'm white)

Attached: women.png (1406x1785, 3.27M)

There is only 5 white names. Most are Hispanic.

>those dudes running to hide behind the pillar at 1:30
Bad ninjas or what?

Attached: muhQTasaingf.png (554x504, 495K)

>I-I was being ironic so that means I’m immune from looking like an utter primordial

Yeah. No. But ig that doesnt fit your narrative

you would know huh? kek, incels are hilarious.

>Cafe Mustache is where he put on hours long shows about diversity and the struggle and call it satire.

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This man is now considered a God compared to the depressed, loveless, broke people we are today.

You don't have an argument though. What's risky about being born rich and continuing an easy life? Nothing. You don't understand fundamentally what you're even trying to "point out". Nigga you need to go back to school.

did they kill the sixth one and absorb her beauty in an occult ritual

sorry but the middle one on the right isn't the middle on the left, unless you can prove it (you can't)

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Can't join what I'm already apart of.

>tfw ugly girlfriend

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I feel deceived

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Yeah sorry but this style of frames just screams incel gamer

Seems like the kind of guy whose a secret serial killer.

Im a gamer. AMA

You don't get (you)s if you're the OP, is it your first day or something?

>Enables randomized filenames
Looks like your out of a job detective.

yes you do monkey. you can choose to quote the op post if you want

Unless he bought it used the Avalon depreciates at a much faster rate than a same year Camry.


i use clover mobile app and it gives me (you)s

>All these seething incels replying
Based roastie

>implying you need to be rich to attain this

Found the NEET who is afraid of actual risk taking

>Stay mad
>Is mad himself

Attached: 1539185368565.jpg (914x1400, 295K)

>likes marvel movies
>posts pol memes

0% chance it’s a girl my dude

Attached: 1548534655504.jpg (2448x2791, 1.45M)

No it's impossible. You just end up destroying race traitor's world view that every living white man on earth has a massive fetish for asian women just like they do. So they cry out "roastie" in retaliation so they can cease this horrifying reality that not every white guy is into asians.

White women are fine though.
However when I say this I'm a cuck or a roastie according to you.

This is how the average weeb fedora tipper thinks

compare the hairlines
same person

>dude if you find an Asian girl you like and she likes you back you shouldn’t be with her because of muh race traitors lmao

The whole basic gestalt to all of this is is to not give a fuck and to find someone that makes YOU happy. Fuck what everyone else wants it’s about what YOU want. If you like Asian girls go for it. If you dont, then don’t. Simple as that.

Who likes marvel movies?

Not women lol

Attached: 1535950990045.jpg (1384x640, 45K)

Angry white women.

Why is liking Asian girls only attributed to incels now? I remember it being incredibly common for white NIGGERS boys to prefer them in the early to mid 2000s.

You're missing the point, whenever I disagree with someone about the level of attractiveness of an asian girl on here, I get called a roastie. Like it's impossible for white guys to like white girls exclusively.
Asians have traits I don't find attractive. Simple as.

When will the yellow fever meme die? Asian women like white men more than vice versa. Castizas and Mediterranean women are where it's at.

>movies that routinely crack a billion dollars are only liked by male incels like me!
have you spoken to a girl in a decade user? they love marvel as its popular and women love popular things

>implying r*dditors are capable or willing of doing such a thing

They're called "incels" because of the retarded elitist attitude they have about it and the warped view they have of white women which reeks of coping mechanism not being able to obtain a white gf.
Sure, liking asian girls or any girl for that matter is fine. But when you make a political issue of it, people start to question your character

It's not what theyre saying, but if you look at their profile pics, all of them are uglier and older so its obvious the comments are borne out of jealousy

I prefer easter european women
t. eastern european man

>But when you make a political issue of it
Only seething fat white women tried to do that. NIGGER!

lol at the utter state of roasties. She looks fucking hideous and has taken at LEAST 10 nigger dicks

roasty getting toasty