What was the military benefit of giving the T-800 a thick Austrian accent?

What was the military benefit of giving the T-800 a thick Austrian accent?

Attached: arnold.jpg (1007x696, 48K)

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Making it a foreigner would enable it to blend in more easily as people will be more forgiving of strange behaviour.

Austrians are known for their wooden mechanical mannerisms so it helped cover the machines stilted body language.

he's not australian you brainlet hes from europe

Wow dude that's a pretty astute assessment, I agree entirely



Both of these. Nobody would bat an eye at an autistic German(because that's all people would assume, let's be real) acting weird.

germans and austrians have the silliest accents, no one ever takes them seriously

Hahaha what the fuck? I don't remember that at all.

It was cut from the movie. They should have left it in, would have made it kino

deleted scene
samuel jackson dubbed sergeant candy

Attached: 1552338689674.jpg (600x574, 57K)

>They should have left it in, would have made it kino
Indeed, would have made me look back on the movie a bit more fondly

it was originally supposed to be lance henriksen
if they had gone with him it definitely would have felt more like an exploitation film

Attached: terminator-lance-henriksen.jpg (480x270, 27K)

Excellent, I didn't know that one.

Attached: respec.png (451x152, 6K)

Kinda racist against rural folk, glad they kept it out.

the machines didn't have a good ear for accents

moments later the third reich was born

>didn't get to be the Terminator
>so got to be Bishop instead
For once we live in the good universe.


Woah, Cameron is based.