>we won't get Kaiju Kino again because of John "Affirmative Action" Boyega ruining the franchise
We won't get Kaiju Kino again because of John "Affirmative Action" Boyega ruining the franchise
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They may have not named it 2 but a subtitle deliberately and bring back guillermo at some point, maybe even pretend upshitting doesnt exist
one can hope
In their effort to have an ebic moment the big boom :DD had no impact at all
If they continue with the faster jäger I hope at least theyd include something like a makeshift tungsten lance charge that takes 100km to get to speed while others clear the path to ram it horizontally into a flagship type moving base kaiju that withstood nukes and orbital lasers
So many ideas better than orbital drop with fists
I jumped ship when Del Totoro did, and that seems to have been the right call
>tfw no cute Kaiju gf
Why even live?
>that webm
meep meep
>Why even live?
because you wouldn't live
>we won't get anymore kaijukin-
Here's hoping that movie ends up top 5 of 2019
Is the story that he totally fucked up the sequel true? Or is Yea Forums trying to meme me again?
Actually in terms of that webm, just big fights, Uprising was a fucking fantastic film and all the bullshit shitposting about "weight" and "realism" is elitist complaining about a hypothetical perfect movie that doesnt even exist. There was a part where they are THROWING BUILDINGS on a kaiju to stop it, and it really felt like an end of the world scenerio. While the first film is better directed the second gave me what I actually wanted, which was to see the mechs go all out and not on the verge of extinction and fighting in the ocean to avoid collatoral damage.
Consider that you're only able to explain in such detail that running process because as its happening over the course of five minutes a crowd of people are fucking explaining it to you in words, both showing and telling, which is a poor story telling method. If you were to simply show that happening it would be over the course of a few seconds and wouldnt even really matter in real time.
Can I get a quick rundown on why Pacific Rim 2 sucks?
Tbqh Pacific Rim had nice effects and action but the story was pretty forgettable
You have faggots like this fawning over it. Should tell you a lot.
>Boyega, who shares a producing credit, is particularly invested in this fluidity. The actor admits that he found the movements of the original Jaegers a little too cumbersome, and has brought fight co-ordinator Liang Yang over from Star Wars: Rogue One and The Force Awakens to bring the aforementioned “martial arts feel” to Uprising.
>“They were like, "What did you feel about the first film," and I told them straight up the stuff that I didn't like and the stuff I wanted to see more of,” says Bodega. “I wish the robots would hurry up, just hurry up.” Boyega and DeKnight’s talks also resulted in more of a connection between what’s going on in the Conn-Pod and the outside, so action sequences won’t jarringly jump from CG to something that’s been shot in the studio. “We have a way of blending those two worlds together,” says Boyega, “and once I heard that, I was like, "Okay, cool, that's going to be really, really good.”
He was given some creative control since everyone was panicking about production since del toro left
Boyega has a BBC
The biggest lie told by Yea Forums was that the first one was good to begin with.
He wouldn't be such an overcompensating twat if he had one. Bet is D is as short as he is.
I really like it and simply enjoy a lot of things others liked, but the first movie had a tighter screenplay, better characters, better visuals, better camerawork. For example the first half of uprising is a pacific rim sequel, then it turns into power rangers, then back to pacific rim for the third act. Its just not a great movie, but I actually dig the turn into power rangers territory and loved the fights. I still remember the snow fight with the alien jaeger and how impactful it was. Another thing right there too, people hate how the jaegers are faster now despite it being a natural evolution and center point of the plot. Then you have faggots like who can't articulete themselves and look down on people for enjoying things with sincerity.
And he's correct, they explain in the plot that the cockpit is like a Ready Player One situation, so in effect the pilots are more literally making the movements of the jaegers and the intercutting between exterior and interior is less jarring as a result because the pilot reacts accordingly instead of cutting back to him standing in a full harness.
A true hipster faggot.
Got any more?
The arrogance of some of these actors, whores of a different color think they're "creatives".
Consider that what I explained is not whats happening in the webm, Im drawing a picture for you to imagine.
You could literally pull it off without any voiceover by showing a nuke or two getting dropped on a huge moving kaiju, disappointed generals and then cut to jägers getting dropped off and starting to charge
>loved the first one
>second one literally opens with a screen of Boyega kissing a bottle of Sriracha sauce
It’s so fucking “meme-y” and pandering it’s ridiculous
>another scene of Clint Eastwood’s son aggressively making an ice cream sundae for a good 4 minute so
>all the bullshit shitposting about "weight" and "realism"
That's because the original had both weight (this means that the audience, that's you, can understand and grasp the size and power of these machines without needing to be told outright) and realism (this means that they aren't going to throw building and shit at the monsters)
the first movie was shit anyway, boring characters /with predictable story plotting.
Godzilla spin DO IT NOW!
>Godzilla Kaiju Kong
>Godzilla "This isn't Pacific Rim" KaijuKong
ah yes, the quintessentials of mecha vs kaiju
>the only kaijus in the movie were the one in the trailer
>fucking boyega is the one that asked the jaegers to jump and move around like russian ballerinas
Fuck this ape
>mfw cherno alpha
the new pacific rim was so bad. It's like they put effort into making the characters different instead of focusing their creativity on the suits and monsters. But the writers were so bad that the characters were cookie-cutter and the giant monster-fighting suits were somehow boring and all the same. I don't even remember how it ended. I just remember it was obviously trying to get the 'young adult' crowd. Total disappointment. The first one had awful characters and dialogue but holy shit were the monster fights fun and the mech-suits interesting
How do they walk on the water but also submerge fully?
In that scene they're in a shallow bay, they don't really "float."
Later in the movie the you see them walking on the ocean floor
shit meant for
>Godzilla "Fuck the other Kaijus" Kong