Avengers Endgame Trailer Ending Explained
Avengers Endgame Trailer Ending Explained
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i dont care about avengers or superhero movies, im not a child anymore.
is reddit able to decipher why she has NO ASS ?
>marvelcucks put stormbreaker into their flicks
>but not its original owner
It's khazar milkers, not khazar brappers.
is reddit able to decipher why she has NO TITS ?
i miss fabio thor
this new one is trying hard to be the Cap but can't
that was done to please the red dit faggots, they are literally gay and affeminate
>explain that
oh damn, marvel fans are retarded
Says the faggot in a mongolian-based cartoonish imageboard. And you care so little you had to enter the thread and be sure everyone knows how much you don't care. Grow up for real.
He's going through his transition, from boy to man to GOD.
Holy shit u mad. It’s ok, bro. You’ll have sex someday :)
demonstrably false
Imagine being Chris in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Brie Larson, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Chris and not only stand in front of Brie as she stiffens her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her flatass and leathery skin, and just stand there, take after take, hour after hour, while they try to make her show some emotion. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, BRIE LARSON LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face stuck in the grimace you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of redheads and supermodels for your ENTIRE CAREER. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled forehead as she tries to look intimidating, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Chris. You're not going to lose your future capeshit career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Have sex
We all know Captain Marvel is gonna cuck Thor and Captain America by going back in time, geting back the Mjolnir before Cate Blanchett destroys it, being her holding the Mjolnir and killing Thanos with it.
You know that's what's going to happen
I hope so
>you can tell it's stormbreaker because of the way that it is
the hammer isn't even important. why are you so obsessed?
t. 19 year old angsty teenager
It's a strong weapon that can kill Thanos, as they intented in the other Avengers movie with the new made one. They're gonna go "poetic" by giving him the final blow with the real Mjolnir and killing him for good this time, but not by Thor. I bet at first it should be done by Captain America (Because the hints of him moving it in the Ultron film and as a leader of the Avengers, maybe as a double kill scene with both getting killed by the other), but they're gonna turn it into the NEW leader and FIRST AVENGER, Captain Marvel, the one giving the strong feminist blow to the Thanos patriarchy and save the universe. It's a common sense path to go at current events in this Franchise.
Last time I felt such excitement was when I saw the entire crew of Big Bang Theory to stand up for Jussie Smollett!!!!!
lmao seething
there was a statue of beta ray bills head in the latest thor movie
literally basically this
>>Dodging filters this hard
It was done because Hemsworth hated the wig.
Why didn't Thor go for the head?
so does that mean that hela is stronger than thanos?
maybe, she was banished by Odin for a reason.
The latest thor movie was just "remember comic reference? we've referenced it! now back to quipping!"
The proof was literally in the trailer... Are these people retarded?
Push up bras don't count, flatty
>fans make convoluted theories based on nothing
>it doesn't pan out
>declare it shit because they were wrong
all i know is dem avengers, smacks lips, are gona undo Thantoes snapping his fingers, smacks lips, Trump being president.
That's basically all of the MCU though
>capeshit fans
You tell me, user
The idea that she has an ass but it's hidden in some sort of code is cracking me up.
One could argue it is since she fell for the hip thrust meme and has no hamstrings to make the ass pop.
The hammer is pivotal in Endgame, don't you know? Cap wields it.
You're fully wrong. Captain Marvel doesn't steal the show. She's just in the first half for a bit and as a supporting character in fight scenes. That's it.
Anyone having a tantrum over Captain Marvel humiliating the OG, stealing the show, and saving the day is either an idiot or hasn't being paying attention (or both). It's damn obvious from the posters, trailers, promotional material, spots, director interviews (many of which she is absent from altogether) that it's a film for the OG with her simply there as a supporting character.
God, this board is awful
Marvel really can't do anything at this point cause someone on this image board will always REEEE over the comics not being accurate, get smug over a comic scene recreated, REEE over the humour and then mock it for having serious scenes, etc.
kys braindead manfetuses
Nah old Thor was boring as fuck 2bh. Goofball Chad Thor is kino
I thought the OP image was a parody of the over analysis and clickbaity thumbnails with a circle and arrow pointing and highlighting nothing. I really hope it's a parody of that shit instead of an autistic and unironic analysis.
>"Sorry Thor but there are just too many white men in the avengers"
>Thor, cap and ironman look down sadly
>"We need more women and POC to better represent a more inclusive team"
>Banner rubs his eyes
>"You aren't needed here anymore guys, we will find a more diverse group to defeat Thanos"
>Tony balks "But we are literally super heroes, with special powers, Thor is even a god"
>"Are you saying women and POC cant be super too? Why are you so racist and sexist Tony?"
Simple, she's underweight and primarily does cardio and core exercises..
Why didn't Thor just create more resources?
The Russos made the best Thor. He has the silliness and laid back attitude of the Ragnarok one that made him surge in popularity whilst also having pathos and seriousness when need be.
Yeah, they just launched her with the Avengers to give her legs.
>B-but... I PUSHED A JEEP. A-and... I can deadlift 2-220 lbs...
>*entire theater claps as all the men are escorted out*
She'll probably serve a plot function first and foremost with all the emotional stuff, nostalgia, big moments, etc. reserved for the OG. I remember reading one comment claiming she'll probably say 'Avengers assemble' instead of Cap. Are anons here really that stupid, paranoid, and overemotional? If so, they may as well have a vagina like Larson, cause they are as sure as sit as irrational and overemotional as her.
What is that picture trying to convey? Do people really not know that it's stormbreaker? Reminds me of pic related.
Hit the squat rack girl if you want dat ass.
Yeah, Marvel would never make the OG look like shit in favor of newer characters.
>Arch villain is called Hitler
>His evil henchman is called Himmler
>Goebbels is short, sickly, ugly, dark eye and haired, and looks like a negative Jew stereotype cause of le epic irony xD
Season 4 sucked. I especially hated it how Churchill came back into the series and became Prime Minister. Totally unrealistic writing and Churchill's arc was complete in season 2. There was no reason to bring him back. Also, the Germans going through the Ardennes and France being BTFO? Did the writers suffer brain damage?
The absolute state of Disney shills
Cause that 20 second exchange in a film otherwise absent of such a thing is definitely the equivalent of Captain Marvel completely stealing the spotlight, having all the big moments, saving the day, and relegating the OG to secondary roles despite everything the Russos have said and all the promotional material suggesting otherwise.
>american women needs to go to gym to create ass
Dumb comment. You're basically on the other side of the coin as the idiots that pretend only soi scum like Marvel. Normies massively outnumber incels and soi scum when it comes to either disliking/not caring or liking Marvel.
>2018, Disney didnt think BP was gonna be that successful, give him minor role in Avengers
>Solo movie makes a lot of money, doesnt do shit in Avengers but die
>2019, bank on CapMarvel being another billion dollar hit, give her big role in Avengers
>Movie is a dud and no one likes it, saves the day in Avengers single handedly
Read . It's so shitty that I really hope it's parody.
>I especially hated it how Churchill came back into the series and became Prime Minister. Totally unrealistic writing and Churchill's arc was complete in season 2.
Nigga if he didn't show up in season 4, he's entire season 2 arc is meaningless. With season 4 he comes back vindicated and can act with completely rigtheousness due to having been able to see all of the shit coming right back in season 2. It was a masterful method of a bringing back a supporting character into the main cast.
Captain America is a proven money maker, Bucky a fan favourite, etc. and they only got like 6.5 and 2.5 minutes in Infinity War respectively. I think you're reading too much into it.
>saves the day in Avengers single handedly
I also think you're stupid if you really believe in this shit.
>THREE people (arrow pointing at the three)
All it takes to save the day is her defeating Thanos when the others could not.
I don't know what will happen, but I wouldn't consider it an asspull, not with Feige out there talking about how she's the most powerful character in that universe. What other reason is she there for? She's not some great leader. She doesn't have time travel abilities. BP was inserted into CW and had a pre-emptive movie to set up Wakanda. What would you say is the plot reason for Captain Marvel being in an already over-stuffed movie?
liking ass is gay
At least the ones that don't eat enough food. Seriously, tons of girls I knew growing up were insecure about their tits and ass but all they really needed to do was eat some some more food and add a few pounds and they'd hit 10/10
>Hitler's henchman is called Heinrich Himmler
>Himmler's second in command is called Reinhard Heydrich
>the evil plan is called Operation Reinhardt
How fucking lazy were the writers?
Homophobe, please. Liking ass is the key to finding women with excellent child bearing qualities.
>he deleted it
is this the quality of disney shilling power? pajeets who can't follow simple instructions?
Bro, that shit doesn't happen in real life. Even though he was a fan favourite, guys like him lose in real life. Bringing him back would have worked but as PM? A a self righteous vindicated one that becomes a British icon despite the type of career he has beforehand? Common man, that's too much of a stretch for me to take seriously. Also, the USSR getting BTFO in large part due to Stalin's purge? LE EPIC IRONY XD XD XP. The writers must be redditors because they are really fond of that shit. Also, the Nazis should have been more sympathetic. Stomping around in all black with skulls on their uniforms and units dedicated to executing Jewish civilians? There's evil and then there's cartoonishly evil. The writers went too far in crafting season 4's villains.
>I remember reading one comment claiming she'll probably say 'Avengers assemble' instead of Cap
never gonna happen.
It's obvious they want to segue into a new generation of Avengers which she is a part of, hence her presence. That isn't synonymous with her saving the day, stealing the spotlight, etc. I'm confident Endgame will have the OG front and centre, not her.
Hulk and Cap defeat Thanos, no one else.
>people of color? back in my day we called them colored people
>you can't say that
>but what's the difference?
Indeed, pic related is the pinnacle of homosexuality.
Very. S4 had some redeeming moments (Hess parachuting into Scotland was kino despite how ridiculous it was) but it was so weak compared to the previous ones.
Why is cap mansplaining to carol? He should know his place and just shut up
Fucking awesome.
>three weeks or so into CM release in theaters
>still hasn't hit 300 million domestically
What literally went wrong?
What fucking show are you aspies on about?
Thy didn't bother covering the basics.
big ass = big hips = won't die in child birth
it's literally the most fundamental attraction a heterosexual intent on impregnating a female can have
A show that is pure kino up until season 4.
Because she doesn't do anal.
>introduce ugly actress who runs her mouth off outside her work
>garbage script
>cheap pandering (women's day, HERo, basic as fuck plot)
>cheap CGI and direction
>0 style to it
basically lol
Wypipo don't understand that, that's why they have low birthrates and every white country is getting old.
Also Disney just likes to double down and yell at you for not liking their turds, odd business model.
Enlighten me plox
It's called the Tinderbox. Season 2 is probably the best one. Season 3 gets a lot of love too but I do feel it was underrated. Season 4 is okay. Season 5 is great. First season is the classic that started it all. A solid 8/10 overall.
What is this nerd shit
white people always liked big hips, women aging themselves out in dumb careers while muslims rape every 14yo is why
>That long headcanon of a post
seems ironic.
You can be as confident as you like. You still haven't come up with a reason for her being in the movie.
The only people who dislike the Avengers are incel losers. Have sex.
>haha wat if reel life like moooobieeee
I can understand your personal distaste for boomerang plot devices like these, however I still think that keeping Churchill was a good move. First of all, who else would be the lead in the british plot line? Nobody I can think of would even dare to contribute as much writing to the series his actor did. I mean most of those speeches were entirely within the actors own hands and they are still studies in speech writing classes despite being works of fiction.
>A a self righteous vindicated one that becomes a British icon despite the type of career he has beforehand
Most fans liked the King much more than Churchill when the series actually aired. Its easy to forget that.
>It's obvious they want to segue into a new generation of Avengers which she is a part of, hence her presence.
That's the reason I gave you idiot. Her being there mainly so there's mainly for a smoother segue into a new gen of Avengers instead of a deep artistic reason is what I anticipate, with maybe a tacked on plot reason.
>big ass = big hips
That's not how it works.
>big hips = won't die in childbirth
Also not how it works.
>this reddit shit
I love the team up movies. It shows that you can accomplish anything when you work together. DMX couldn’t stop, drop and open up shop on his own; he always needed the rough rider crew by his side.
So you don't have one, yet you call people skeptical of it idiots. Your whole faith is that Marvel would never do you wrong.
It's typical comic shit. Rando overpowered character comes in and saves the day. Will that happen? I don't know. I'd like to think it wouldn't. But it's hardly all that farfetched, user.
>he doesn't know
Fucking cringe
I've laid out why I don't think it will happen, i.e. she plays second fiddle to the OG in every trailer, spot, poster, promotional piece (many of which she is absent from altogether), and what the directors have hinted at. It's not blind faith. Everything is indicative of the OG having the spotlight.
Google image search.
I'm embarrassed, this is the first time I've heard of it. Thanks user.
seething marveltard.
wait, is this it? Seems wrong desu.
ragnarok ruined thor you faggot. It threw out his last two movie character development for cheap laughs
Yeah, and there's just a ton of that, isn't there?
to be fair the previous movies' were bad too
i like the dumb frat viking having fun Thor but ragnarok was a shitty comedy
>immigrant song is thor's theme
>not thunderstruck
Was this because the director, a kiwi, hates aussies?
They are fake though
i was gonna write "previous movies' thor" but just said fuck it
2 trailers, a tv spot, a poster, 2 pieces of promotional art, a magazine cover. Captain Marvel is present in a trailer on as a small zinger, way off in the background of a promotional piece, isn't that prominent in the poster. She's absent from the rest and Larson is billed behind the OG (though I concede that's not the strongest support, i.e. Brolin is billed behind Benedict Wong but he'll obviously have a bigger role). Taking all that into account, I fail to see how me thinking she won't steal the spotlight from the OG is me being an irrational faggot with blind faith in Marvel.
because immigrant song fits better
>way off in the background of a promotional piece
She's bigger than Banner and Hawkeye and almost centered
I said she's way off in the background in one of the promotional pieces, i.e. not referring to the poster, where I said she isn't that prominent (which she isn't). Read carefully. Also:
How fucking timely.
>way off in the background of a promotional piece
Pic related is what I'm referring to.
is this image satire? obviously it wasn't mjolnir. how retarded would you have to be to think that?
People like Hulk, not Banner, and literally no one has ever given a shit about Hawkeye in the MCU.
which promotional piece? the trailer? getting the post-title scene is not exactly "way off in the background" because it's a special scene. she's also being touted as their ace up their sleeve. The confirmed leaks from the footage shown to shareholders confirm she going all "this time you have me". Now, I do believe she won't save the day, but they are promoting her as a special character.
acquire intercourse
Thor 1 and 2 were fucking dog shit movies. Ragnarok was at least watchable.
If Cap doesn't lift Mjolnir and bash Thanos' skull in with it to win this movie will be absolute trash.
Sorry sweetie but Captain Marvel is going to finally stop the bad purple man and fuck drumpf
found the stefan molyneux subscriber
Could someone PLEASE decipher why Thanos is purple Joss Whedon
Thor looks so cheeky here lol what an Aussie chad
I can't wait for Endgame lads
Even her khazar milkers are looking deflated lately.
Just cuck my decade-long movie universe up senpai
The fact that you're an incel proves otherwise.