Favorite cooking show?

For me it’s Wang Gang

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mmmm love me some no. 6

I know what you're getting at OP. I have lived in China for some time. It may surprise you to know that most Chinese are normal people that might have different cultural values than yourself.
While I know that alone will trigger Nazi larpers, I hope no one here is stupid enough to be genuinely offended by the preparation of meat. Monitoring this thread, if anybody is curious about China or Chinese culture, I could answer some questions.

For me it's Yang Gang

So he just... cooks it? I thought it was gonna be like those Chink recipes where he boils it alive or some shit.


Someone post the Tianemen square copypasta so this chink gets a visit from the secret police.

is rat a delicacy to your people

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I'm American, faggots.

Pretty damn kino

i hate this insect's face

No that shits on liveleak. Saw one video where they boiled a chihuahua alive (because they believe cooking something alive brings out more flavor) and the dog runs away with burns and they’re all laughing trying to catch it

Yeeees. This channel is turned on the tv of a local vietnamese joint and I keep salivating even more while waiting for my food.

When you were in China have you ever knowingly consumed gutter oil?


Rabbit is really delicious. Used to be really popular in America, but not any more because "they're cute."
Frog isn't that great. It's like shitty chicken or fish. Can't say I've ever had frog sashimi. Don't imagine it'd be pleasant. I have had live octopus, and it's a good if they cut it up because the chopped up tentacles still writhe about. Eating it whole is a chore: you have to chew a bunch or else it'll expand its tentacles and choke you from inside your throat. Happens to some drunk fucks.

Not explicitly knowingly, but it's possible. One thing I was made aware of was certain clubs/bars serving 'fake' alcohol. Not sure what exactly it was but man it did not sit very well.
One thing of a similar vein that doesn't seem to have had a lot of exposure in a rice: I saw a shared video once of some factory that was processing plastic bags junk etc, shredding it finely, weaving and snipping it, and ultimately selling it as rice. Pretty gross. I'd like to think I'd notice if I was eating plastic, but of course I'm sure they would just extend actual rice with it.

exposure in the West*

Nice! I watch it when eating my bland, no effort food, it somehow makes it more tasty

Jesus fuck that was a lot of chilli.

I want it.

This can only happen in Asia and South America. Why did not chinks develope sympathy for animals. The main reason why jew and muslims eat only halal-meat is because back then it was the least painful way to eat an animal. In christian and European pagan cultures, they also always made the slaughter as inhuman as possible.

Does Asians and South Americans lack souls? They're the most unempthic continents for sure.

did he but the spine in there?

Wow China sounds like a complete shithole. Why were you there?

>NOO you can't eat dogs it's inhumane and cruel
>cows and pigs are fine, but doggos are fluffer pupper woofer goodboyes

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Its population distorts many aspects of the country. Though salacious videos like what I mentioned and what have leaked through the internet are perhaps shocking, they're also very very minor representations of the nation as a whole. But such acts are enabled by a simultaneously iron but also very porous rule of law and extremely low value of raw manpower.
Their education system and government bothers me much much more than sleazy penny-pinching operations run in some dude's garage.

Dogs are fucking delicious.

carnivores taste like shit and only larping faggots or gutter oil cooks think that it is a delicacy

you don't like fish bro?

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>why were you there
Wanted to live somewhere new, see the world, learn a new language, that sort of thing.

Based Chef John


Shooting a cow in the forehead with an air gun is humane. Boiling a dog alive is not.


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For me it's molecular cuisine.


fucking chink, kill yourself

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Are you literally so retarded that you cannot imagine a non-Chinese person having an interest in China?

>different cultural values than yourself

Well saying that is pretty much what makes people get classified as nazis in the first place, fucking nazi.

>All the sheltered and triggered Ameri-Mutts here who now discovered that the rest of the world, including their grandparents, actually ate animals like rabbit and that meat i actually from animals you have to kill

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*is actually*

Not unless you're an insect like them, so I guess you're an honorary chink.

ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong ching chong

Is there any group of posters worse than mainland Asians?

personally i was surprised to see they use GSM in their recipes


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how to ruin chinamans day?
make him drink 1 glass of real milk

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>This can only happen in Asia and South America.
>South America
Here, we only do that to people.
Dogs are frens

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>All the white boys here SEETHING because cute Cindy Lee from high school would not go to the dance with them and now blaming their virgin angst on all asian people when all they fucking had to do to get her on a date was fucking shower and not wear cargo shorts combo with a my little pony t-shirt

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Same difference.

and a ching chong nip nong to you too motherfucker

Is it true if you make jokes about China's president looking like Winnie the Pooh you and your whole family get sent to a NK labor camp?

How's that dry cock?

What is it about cooking rabbit, a traditional game meat in every country, that makes people so seething

>yeah bro it’s
>slices dogs stomach open and throws it into boiling water while it whines in pain
>just a different
>hunts rare tigers and whales to extinction
>cultural norm!
>sets chicken on fire

You have to go back. This place... isn't for everybody.

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That's somewhat exaggerated. But you are touching on what I meant by the porous iron legal system.
It's basically the Wild West. There IS regulation and oversight, but it's very sporadically and sometimes opportunistically enforced. However, one constant is: do NOT fuck with the party. That's the reason for the Yea Forums copy-pasta.
As a foreigner, I'd likely just get booted out. But if a real mainlander Chinese person were to get implicated in a deliberate act of political defiance, then it's quite likely they'd face some consequences. Makes you respect more things like habeas corpus and due process, huh?

>it's quite likely they'd face some consequences
i.e. death for themselves and family members


More commonly disappeared to labor camps I believe, but yes. Authoritarian governments are horrifying and I often worry when I hear MAGAfags' espousing an ideal society hilariously similar to China's own vision.

So you never worry?

dude, I will kill you with my air gun, but no need to worry it is humane ;-)

>there are people here who care about how you treat the animals before you slaughter them for food
Do you faggots even think for one second?

My disdain for the chinese far surpasses my dislike for any other peoples by miles.

Hello Wildcats!

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>ESL thinks murder is the same as harvesting animals for meat
Not a surprise.

Nigga u ever seen halal meat slaughter before?

>all these anti-asian posters
gee I wonder who are behind those posts.......

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People with common sense, so your pic is unrelated.

About myself getting disappeared? While I was there, no. Again I repeat, I am not Chinese. Unless I was doing some seriously provocative or agitatory things, I'd likely get deported and blacklisted as the most serious consequence. And for the most part, it doesn't affect your every day life (unless you're a Uighur or Tibetan).
It has been the Chinese ethos of the citizenry for many millennia: keep your head down, and hope the warlords and power-lusters fucking around above you don't fuck up your life up too much. I kept my head down.

However, upon my most recent visit, it's easy to see that it's getting worse. I had no ultra-nationalist party members among my friends, and while before they were if anything willfully ignorant of the horrible power controlling them, people now are starting to get more worried. Watching what they send on Wechat (whatsapp equiv), etc. It's very strange to be in a place where there's an omnipresent lowlevel of fear. But that's characteristic of the authoritarian state, isn't it?

Niggers don't have common sense

Thank you for repeating what I just said, retard.

calm down, Tyrone

Why did you call yourself a nigger?

dude, I will kill you with my air gun, but no need to worry, I will eat your dead body, so it is humane :-)

We don't eat people in first world countries.

Americans and Europeans are cannibals?

you would know about eating all kinds off cock, subhuman flith

filthy chinks can't even read

Calm down, Ping Ling

You can deny yourself of any kind of food you wish, just don't impose your diet on me.

You'll never get Asian pussy, Weeaboo, cry more

I don't make the laws, pal.
That should be obvious from the fact that you're still here.

poor froggers :(

Stay mad, Nigger

someone give me one good reason why I need to treat the animal that is my livestock food in the same manner as my house pet


Because stress makes meat taste like shit.