Is there a modern day equivalent of Cannon films?

Is there a modern day equivalent of Cannon films?

Is there a modern day equivalent of Van Damme, Lungren, Stalone, and Scharzenegger?

Is there a modern day equivalent of 80's action schlock?

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what the fuck is schlock and why do i keep seeing it?

You can never replicate the cultural aesthetic of that era, simply due to the fact that society (or rather humanity as a species) has changed so radically since the internet became mainstream. 80s action movies were prime hyper masculinity. Although it was incredibly violent in its acts and their justification, it holds a certain child-like naivety and innocence when comparing it with today's media landscape.

I remember us as kids in the school yard, trying to jumpkick each other, or putting an empty can somewhere high up and having contests of who could kick the highest. Sure it was stupid and primal, but it made our generation embrace exercise, sports and dexterity. Something that has vanished from modern youth entirely... you can see that these old ass action stars are still working out today. Look at Stallone, Lundgren and Van Damme. They are fit af for their age.

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Syfy channel originals and other low budget studios just don't feel the same

A24 films

>modern day equivalent
fuck off back to your containment website, you retard

>Van Damme, Lungren, Stalone, and Scharzenegger
No Jackie?

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The age of stars has passed. Even in music it's the same. Everyone's five minute tier now when it comes to fame. I reckon many of us have gotten some inspiration from these movies. But it was always tied to a face. Nowadays it's less the worshipping of an idol in human flesh. Technology is just an even a false idol. But you need to adapt. We still are monkeys, in need of human interaction. Spanning over two decades as a global image seems close to impossible now. You would wear shirts back then with the image of your idol on it to declare to the world what kind of person you where. I guess we all virtue signaled at one point or another. Now you wear a shirt with a message on it. Or grey shit that doesn't tell you anything at all. It's different , but the same. I do believe our genetic make-up hasn't caught up to the world we're living in, and it never will. Kids may be smarter and faster, but they can never escape their biology. We need to be uploaded and leave this world of flesh if we're to make progress.

He said 80s action schlock, not unfiltered kino.

The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.


Bills need to be paid. But you do have a point: I have a circle who love me. I'm an incel, so there's quite a few irregularities in my life for which a have no manual. It's just that I was raised with a different idea. In the beginning you adapt, and then you adapt some more, and then you adapt some more. Until you don't recognize who you are anymore, just because you're abiding by some foreign rules that bear no relevancy on your life. I could bear being alone, were it not, that I'm upheld by the same standard society as people who aren't alone. I have my own place, I have a job, I do whatever the fuck I was expected to do from a young age. Should I fall from that, the people who are 'staring me in the face' would drop me as a brick just as easily. You'd be surprised. So yeah, I'm not overly grateful, even though I could be. There's not a lot of sincerity in it.

It’s movies you watch that are dumb and fun but leave no lasting impression

>heard you were looking for us you cheeky slag

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Millenium Films
Gerard Butler
Combine the above with an R-Rating, and a middle class budget.

Olympus has Fallen
London has Fallen
The Hitman's Bodyguard

it's a copypasta user

Scott Adkins is this generation's B-movie action star and his movies are the modern day action schlock


Savage Dog is actually based.

Color me embarrassed.


I love this guy.
Wish he did more movies
