Reminder S. Craig Zahler Is A Nazi Facist

I know it's a meme to dislike Jews but can we not (Just this once) support a guy who is literally a Nazi supporter? It's all fun and games until one of you takes it too far and shoots up a mosque.

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I wonder how many mosques the jews have blown up on the gaza strip.

Go back to /pol/

Well /pol/ have 50 confirmed mosque kills, shall we start to tally up the jew score?

1. Jews in modern society have never shot up a mosque, retard.
2. Stay on point. We shouldn't encourage people to see films that can radicalize them by normalizing a toxic behavior.
3. You can laugh this off but things have a way of coming around. Let's see if an article comes out and exposes the kind of stuff spread around here.

>have never shot up a mosque
no, outside palestine, they have the americans and anglos do the bombing for them.

Nice. Keep avoiding the main point of the thread. We shouldn't encourage people to watch or listen to things that are bad. It's not healthy to promote this stuff as "cool" and "deep" when it's just outright horrible. Btw, you have no proof about the bombing stuff, Eddie Bravo lol

>avoids the subject of jews manipulating other nations and committing crimes against humanity against their neighbors
good thread, schlomo

>1. Jews in modern society have never shot up a mosque, retard.

Bombing them is fine though

>2. Stay on point. We shouldn't encourage people to see films that can radicalize them by normalizing a toxic behavior.

we should ban every violent film should be banned then.

>3. You can laugh this off but things have a way of coming around. Let's see if an article comes out and exposes the kind of stuff spread around here.

It's almost a daily routine the media showing the bad influence of places like 4 chan.

Some jews are bad, some are good. Some muslims are bad, some are good. There are NO good Nazis. This is my point, retard. Let's not support people who are trying to glamorize this ideology. I understand some people here like to meme and be funny but movies are used as propaganda. Let's just avoid this one movie, is all I'm asking. It's not much to ask for but yet it's incredibly important. If you quit worrying about the boogeyman jews all the time, you'd see the bigger picture

Is the movie out yet? I've been waiting for so fucking long. My parents loved the old Lethal Weapon movies and they're also hyped. I can't imagine the type of person who would shit on a movie without seeing it first.

What specific bad ideas do you think this movie supports and why?

>Bombing them is fine
But that's the Jewish government. I'm talking about regular people (like people who visit reddit, Yea Forums, facebook, youtube) who get radicalized. I like sarcasm and dark humour. But there is a line and this movie crosses it. It literally glamorizes the alt right. Why do u think Gibson and Vaughn (two conservatives) were picked for this film? It's literally propaganda but u don't care cause you just want to be entertained but this is the kind of stuff that changes people. That shooter wouldn't have shot up the mosque if he wasn't looking at far right stuff online

lol trust me, you don't want to do that even though you think you'll come out on top
Not that it would change your brainwashed mind but yknow

>It's all fun and games until one of you takes it too far and shoots up a mosque
The guy who shot up the mosque wan't a nazi.

>jews are the real nazis all along
really makes ya think

>support a guy who is literally a Nazi supporter?
omg literally literally? Like LITERALLY?

Why don't you go fuck yourself you soft-headed pussyboy? That's all I'm asking.


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>t-thats just the government
oh yeah? see how the argument fairs the next time you tell some jew israel shouldn't do that

>it cries out as it strikes you

>Jew's have never harmed anyone and are innocent of everything.

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>There are NO good Nazis.
Actually they were good and bssed and fashionable and redpilled and right about everything.

Why are conservatives generally pro police when they support smaller government?

Hey OP, if you're not just pretending to be retarded then remember that censorship is wrong. Keep repeating it to yourself.

. Stay on point. We shouldn't encourage people to see films that can radicalize them by normalizing a toxic behavior.we should ban every violent film should be banned then.
I didn't say ban. I'm not for censorship. I'm just asking that we stay away from bad stuff that isn't good for us. This movie is toxic and will leave you bitter and with an myopic view of the world.

Look at the link. Zahler is literally making films for MAGA people. Films shouldn't be aimed at one group of people. Dallas Sonnier, the producer, is a huge right winger and has appeared on Fox saying he wants to make movies that are conservative and reach to blue collar people. So my point, if you don't like it when Hollywood does Blackkklansman, Get Out, Captain Marvel then don't be a hypocrite and support a film that is using propaganda too but with a different angle

>Why are conservatives generally pro police when they support smaller government?
Strawman, but it's because boomers are retarded and have been co-opted by Classical Liberal ideologues and Zionists.

Your list doesn't relate to what you're implying fuckface

>then don't be a hypocrite and support a film that is using propaganda too but with a different angle
That's not what being a hypocrite is, and also who cares?

Unlike gibs, security is one of the few legitimate uses for tax dollars.

I watched it. It was long (almost 3 hours), boring, lots of talking, and in your face conservative propaganda.

What that jews are innocent of all crimes thrown there way? Are you really implying that the alt right have killed more muslims than jews?

>if you don't like it when Hollywood does Blackkklansman, Get Out, Captain Marvel then don't be a hypocrite and support a film that is using propaganda too but with a different angle

Lol, this is nothing but the sneakiest most paranoid form moralising I've ever seen. When 99% of films are Jewish controlled and espuse a neo-liberal agenda why shouldn't people enjoy it when something else is offered specifically for and by them?

You're a complete retard.

I read that interview earlier and I'm surprised Zahler didn't just end it prematurely. He has a lot of patience for stupid people. It also answers your questions on how Vince and Mel were cast (not even what he had in mind originally, age wise for both parts).

wtf i love christ killers now

holy shit Yea Forums is zogged out reddit trash

Basically... Media is bad and cops are trying the best they can. Also, it shows black people in stereotypical roles and being the aggressors against a white family. I honestly can't believe he got away with this movie.

He was a white nationalist and that's what this movie supports. I've seen it. It's an NPC movie for right wingers.
>White man misunderstood
>Black man bad

I think you are confused. I meant he didn't want to look up violent incidents jews had a hand in because he would not have the moral high ground.

Great counter-argument.
>Me: 1
>You: 0
Take this L

You know stereotypes exist for a reason, right?

>>Black man bad
This but unironically

How incredibly unrealistic. Black people are never violent or antagonistic.

Sounds like smart marketing to me, the MAGA audience is an untapped well of disposable income. It would be better if movies catered to that crowd considering they actually support thing with money and support capitalism unlike social justice scum, wouldn't you agree?

How unrealistic

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>I'm not for censorship, I just don't want artists' to be allowed to make movies marketing toward a demographic I disagree with
>but once again I am NOT for censorship, I just don't think they should be able to make creative works that don't align with my idea of morality

Because they're retards. We live in a police state but cuckservatives live in lala land and won't listen

sounds kino, if the dailybeast hates it, you know it's good

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I NEVER said censor him, retard boy. I said to not watch it. In other words, boycott. Plus, this boycott would actually hurt them unlike your failed boycott against Captain Marvel lol

Lying kike parasite.

>Also, it shows black people in stereotypical roles and being the aggressors against a white family

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math is like a social construct man, it's White supremacy at its finest and disadvantages womyn and people of color

How is that a strawman? It's just a separate question.

Sounds like honesty to me. I'm surprised it got made as well. Honesty in message isn't the standard.

Stop adopting black lingo, appropriating culture is wrong and it kinda makes you look pathetic

You're actively trying to censor us.

Is this movie out yet? How can I give the creators jewbucks?

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That is hypocrisy, user.
>REEEE Hollywood forces feminism and liberal politics and interracial relationships
>Oh, I love Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood. I love this right wing movie even though it crams politics down my throat.
Don't claim to be against politics shoved down your throat but then accept it when it's something you like. It's either ALL okay or NONE of it is

I hope that every person to the right of Marx comes out and supports this movie, we need conservative voices to prove they are financial powerhouses and the Jews, despite themselves, will begin to fund more projects since they can't resist the shekels

But I just want the Marxists out.

There's far more people in the world that enjoy things based on their merit than any political association it may hold. We're talking about a motion picture here, not real life.

So if Hollywood suddenly flipped and 99 percent was shit like this movie and American Sniper or anything with a forced conservative message then would you still be mad? Would you support the 1 percent of films like Captain Marvel and Get Out? Or are you just mad cause your side isn't represented and you're butt hurt about it and think there's some big conspiracy?

Well doesn't look like liberal scum are going to stop shoving their garbage views into mass-entertainment any time soon, especially with the contrived (((success))) of (((Captain Marvel))) so why should conservatives have to remain consistent when you weasels would never? Fuck off shill.

How about this question instead since it's not as a loaded question coming from an intellectual weason e.g. (((you))): Would you support a film industry that had 50 % conservative viewpoints and 50 % neoliberal viewpoints?
The answer for me at least, is yes, the political pandering and posturing only becomes incessant when it dominates 99% of what is distributed which is happening now even though you claim it is 1 percent because you're a intellectually-disingenuous faggot.

Do you even realise the own hypocrisy of what you're saying? You just admitted that 99% of films encourage a neo-liberal outlook. There is no, "So if.." the situation you described would never and will never occur in this political paradigm. And no, I wouldn't support degenerate trash because I am a fascist. Go moralise to some other retarded conservative.

There is no hypocrisy becasue everyone likes it when their wolrdview or opinions are agreed with an endorsed. All media is propaganda, it's a tool, the question is what the propaganda is used for. There is no hypocrisy because there's no rational and objective way to enjoy a film.

Let's see how long Yea Forums and /pol/ last when an article by someone established exposes all the racist, sexist, and hurtful shit said here. Normal people will be fine with shutting this shithole down. This isn't a threat. Just saying. Maybe keep an eye out soon :)

unironically gas yourself.

Is this one of those retarded "reddit raids" you guys have been planning? Because this is totally pathetic.

Either that or you're Mossad.

No, Captain Marvel is gonna hit 1 billion dollars and Black Panther hit over 1 billion, you retard lol Did you see how much Brawl on Cell Block 99 made? Exactly.

Its specifically your brand of tranny garbage that no one likes. No one would be mad if every movie was starship troopers.


There's no way you're older than 14.

I never said they shouldn't make it. I'm saying we shouldn't watch it. Boycott isn't censorship.

You're an obvious kike lol.

You're promoting censorship.

I'm African American, dumb fuck. Also means I have a bigger dick and is the 4th most subscribed site and 2nd most viewed site on pornhub. Yup, almost all of the top 100 pornstars have appeared on Blacked lol Btw, Get Out got nominated for awards (name 1 horror movie that has in the last 15 years) and Black Panther broke records. Stay mad on your safe space site, incel boy :)

Who? lol wtf are you smoking, user

>muh dick
lmao like clockwork

I thought OP was just retarded but if this is reddit's idea of a raid then it's even more pathetic.

>but it's NOT censorship bro!
keep silencing dissenters and pushing them far to the right, it only helps our cause you authoritarian idiot hahaha

Lol this has to be parody.

Brawl on Cell Block 99 wasn't getting free outrage marketing like you're giving this movie by being a little whiny faggot, you and the rest of the (((journalists)))
Keep doing our bidding little bitch

Can't wait to see this on Friday, post source or fuck off OP

>14 posters in this thread

Totally not a mossad operation or some pathetic discord raid. Nothing to see here boys.

Its obvious bait retard

Are you just going through a checklist of things you think will piss us off? Don’t let your nose hit the door on your way out now.

>Well /pol/ have 50 confirmed mosque kills
You mean /natbol/ not pol

No, I only support good films. Here's a crazy idea how about filmmakers come up with better conservative movies. Liberals have tons of them. Name 1 good conservative horror film in the last 20 years? Exactly. Meanwhile Get Out (and likely US is next) got nominated. Name 1 good conservative superhero film? Exactly. Black Panther got nominated cause it did better. Okay, name 1 good conservative sci-fi or crime film from the last 20 years? Exactly. See what I'm saying. lol

black "men" using emojis and talking about and Get Out on Yea Forums.
I don't think so, I think you're a self-hating mulatto, white soi-consumer or a (((white person))).
Everyone knows that your trash movies being awarded are an embarrassing pittance thrown to your undeserving ashy feet to stop the online chimpout. Token awards that mean nothing to people with any interest in a meritocracy and intrinsic value being rewarded. Oscars have completely lost their value and the ratings continue to tank sweetie.
>Porn and muh dick
Imagine being such a waste of space as a race you actually feel proud to be exploited by Jews as a glorified sex slave, lol pathetic

And just like that, i now like the guy... magic.

>1. Jews in modern society have never shot up a mosque, retard.
Yeah they just bomb them from distance.

I never said neo-liberals represent 99 percent of movies. Some user threw that number out so I said hypothetically, how would he respond if the political shit was reversed. Learn to read. Fuck you fascists scum. We already live in a fascist country so I'm sure you're loving it.

This image killed me hahah
god fucking damn it /pol/ stop trying to make me racist

Imagine actually believing Black Panther and Get Out won awards based on merit. HAHAHAHA The VVItch is 10 times the better horror movie, hell even Hereditary is a better horror movie than Get Out but it wasn't nominated and everyone knows (((why))) you're in a little protected bubble monkeyboy but most people just laugh at you like the circus freak with the Jew handler that you are in reality.
>Why don't conservatives make movies?!! Oh btw let's try to make sure this conservative movie isn't successful with a boycott tee hee
You're such a weasel redditfag

>Because this is totally pathetic.
Says the loner on an anime site

What's the difference? Explain.

>I'm totally not partisan you fucking fascist scum, we live in a fascist country although at the same time Get Out wins an undeserved oscar and Black Panther is too big to fail and wins some undeserved too, also is popular but anyway as I was saying America is fascist


You can't read.

>Muh lil dick insecurity
awww someone's mad :)
Are you mad that the women you love are in bed with another man and most of your celebrity waifus have been blacked?

You can't think, must be the black genes bringing down the ability for self-reflection and coming up with a considered response I guess?
>Me got big dik but me also got small brain
>Me hate whypipo but me also hate racism
>Me hate fascism but me love neoliberal suppression of free speech and expression

Was gonna go see this whenever it finally comes out, but now I'm gonna see it 10 times instead.

You see, here's the thing

>most of your celebrity waifus
>porn stars
I guess if you're a porn-addicted failure like you, maybe you'd value porn stars but most people do not I can assure you

>how dis make u feel yyyte boi

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E;R is a good nazi, he has great comidedic timeing

This is why your people were enslaved.

Why does Hollywood blacklist the right? Can someone give me a non-meme answer? For ex, the left and right only disagree on shit like taxation, medicare, immigration, abortion. It doesn't seem to serious idk. Also, when did the left start censoring people and standing for sjw shit? Back in the 90s it was totally reversed. Wtf happened in Hollywood

>Films shouldn't be aimed at one group of people.
Says fucking who?

Name one good jew.

Zahler was jewish but is now atheist


Nope just the facts. Inb4 you post dumb stats showing women marry white men. Guess what? They marry white men for money but they keep black men to the side to fuck lol Have you seen all the porn videos of white women going crazy over black men? Or how about the black ambush videos where white women don't expect a black guy but then squirt and cum 10 times. There's a reason why 90 percent of cuck films show white woman and black male. Get over it.


>unironically calling someone a nazi

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Excuse you faggot, I will have you know this is a tran-asian origami fetishist forum, good day.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Those are the facts though. I'd rather have a better sex life than have a better house or whatever. You know how many white married women I've been with lol

brother nathaniel

Christianity fucked Rome so not really.

Theres a difference is activism to pressures a boycott and not watching something user

Facts don't care about your feelings, user.

I wonder how deluded of a freak you must be to actually believe any of this. Stop watching porn.

Dragged Across Concrete was kino as were his other two films. He's one of the only directors working today whose films I can actually get excited for.

fuck off faggot nobody cares.

The difference is that leftists are awful at integrating political messages into the script. Think the robosexual droid from the han solo origin movie. Think interracial netflix shit, which everyone finds disgusting on a subconscious level. These movies would be better off without such elements.

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How pathetic does your life have to be to post this cuckbait unironically?

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I miss when cp spam kept you idiots out.


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This is the whitest post on this entire site.

You're exposing yourself as a stereotype right now.

I am black, Sigmund Freud. I just posted the facts. Feels good to see my people doing well at the box office, on the radio, and in the sexual market too.

>Imagine being such a waste of space as a race you actually feel proud to be exploited by Jews as a glorified sex slave, lol pathetic

Oh, yeah. I'm being so exploited when I fuck married white women or cuck some dude at a club, or when all of the most famous porn stars are doing hundreds of Blacked videos lol Yeah, it must suck to have so many famous hot white women cum and squirt all over black cock. I can see why this upsets you though lmao

>the movie shows reality REEEEEE

Nigga get da fuck outa here, you sum dumb ass cracka playing

>muh dik
Every conversation with a black person will boil down to this. Why do we even bother?

> not /ecogang/

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You seem pretty hysterical about it, so I'd say so yeah.

No lol. Niggerfucking is a fetish, just like bestiality.

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the only niggers on this site are the one that are even more autistic than the biggest incels on /r9k/

Well, Trump and the guy who sends kids to gay camps to get rid of gayness luckily have no control over that stuff. The people in this country are ready to progress, we just have corrupt politicians with backward views in office

This, it's pretty fucking obvious this guy is a shill

>not /ecogang/
Yup, not eco at all. He supports China and lived in Israel. He's /natbol/

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