3x3 thread, haven't seen one for ages. Rate & hate and procreate

3x3 thread, haven't seen one for ages. Rate & hate and procreate.

Attached: msc13.jpg (1675x1500, 215K)

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i bet your popular with the ladies

Attached: 8C8C1837B75ED67A.jpg (2400x2400, 952K)

since this is a potential kino thread can i ask if anybody owns the australian kino grid? thx

You wouldn't believe.
Can't place bottom right, what is it?

Attached: msc14.jpg (1675x1500, 1.35M)

I don't recognise any of those
These are mostly good but District 9 is bad propaganda
Don't know any of these either

Attached: 2x2 Films.jpg (1200x800, 588K)

I also like animated movies

Attached: 2x2 Animated Films.jpg (1500x1125, 778K)

lmao what's all this boomer bullshit? take a nap gramps

This. Show me some quality cinema in the past decade. Dark knight, interstellar, inception to name a few.

>lmao what's all this boomer bullshit? take a nap gramps

Attached: 13b.gif (931x682, 426K)

>Can't place bottom right, what is it?

Attached: 9.jpg (929x922, 682K)

Bretty kino, here’s mine

Attached: 1B7994F9-F52E-4652-826D-AA6B64B1839D.jpg (2048x2048, 902K)

>OP is the only patrician in the thread

Only 4x4 because I haven't seen many movies :(
(Titus is extremely cropped from the widescreen)

Attached: 4x4.jpg (2308x1784, 604K)

>Christopher Nolan
His movies are sometimes good entertainment but they're not special or memorable

that's 2x2 user, not 4x4


Attached: i'm retarded.gif (220x165, 889K)

Good afternoon.

Attached: 3x3.png (1400x1400, 3.11M)

Judge away.

Attached: Anon's 3x3.jpg (3264x2065, 2.29M)

Attached: 1549042026572.jpg (3264x3264, 700K)

Good grid, nicely diverse.
If you haven't seen it, Woman Under the Influence is good, I'm sure you'd like it.
Is this a post-2010 3x3? What did you think of The Square? Though some "criticism" was a little too on the nose and due to the fractured scope, it jumps through the story in a very odd manner. I liked it anyhow. Check out Tigers Are Not Afraid.

Attached: This Took 12 Years To Make.jpg (3264x3264, 2.81M)

Attached: mosaicd9a76616de341189232fd1b7b3169673e97190ed.jpg (920x920, 185K)

Attached: Collage.jpg (3264x3264, 1.96M)

Kino Romance Edition

Attached: mosaica481ebd108a05bff04220ca059ef0bc31b124bcd.jpg (912x912, 193K)

Pan's Labyrinth instead of The Spirit of the Beehive fag
Posters instead of screenshots fag
Respect for El Sur. What is top left and bottom right?
Absolute pleb fag

What's bottom middle?

give me the titles right now user i only recognize 3

how dfo you make this?

Attached: 1552598813894.jpg (1500x1500, 439K)

Thanks for the rec, it's been on my watchlist for a while.

Great taste user, would hang out with

Attached: FilmGrid.jpg (3264x3264, 3.61M)

The Annunciation, On the Silver Globe, Symbiopsychotaxiplasm
Witchhammer, The Valley of Bees, Marketa Lazarová
Embrace of the Serpent, Ashes and Diamonds, Camille Claudel
Try befunky.com/create/collage/, it's pretty easy to use.

Attached: msc10.jpg (1675x1500, 1.35M)

thank you, i'm really looking forward to seeing Symbiopsychotaxiplasm now

plebian here.what are they from?

>What is top left and bottom right?
Top left is Night of the Hunter; bottom right is Titus.

how do i make my own grid?


bottom right, is that prisoners? I really like most of these, user, you're alright. Jaws would be in my grid too.

it's La La Land

Nope. It's La La Land.

step 1: be a redditor
step 2: have way too much time on your hands
step 3: crave the attention and approval of others despite having nothing of your own to offer them
step 4: crawl into Yea Forums because you hate yourself and the pressure of real contact with people terrifies you
step 5: believe that a surface level knowledge of movies is a substitute for a personality
step 6: use some faggot ass gay website to make a grid of some arthouse liberal cringey soiboi shit where you have completely misunderstood the purpose of every single composition and frame within
step 7: post ITT

>tfw all of that is most likely true

Attached: 1552549682576.gif (631x325, 2.23M)

>*anons post pictures of thing they enjoy*
>lel let me project everything i hate about myself onto these people

you smell of sadness


NotH is well overrated. I'll look into Titus.

nice spacing there bud

US math


It's Prisoners.