Be me

>Be me
>Be somewhere slightly left of centre
>Watch the first season of the Man in the High Castle
>It's fine. The Nazi plotting is more interesting than the main storyline but the cast is charismatic enough to carry me through that
>Go back to daily life and find my opinion are suddenly a lot more Right Wing
>Want to be more involved in my community, feel moderately disgusted by blatant displays of degeneracy like public drinking
>Wish I could enjoy displays of technological innovation like rocket planes or the Mediterranean dam
>Strange longing for a Fatherland and powerful expansionist government I can be loyal to
>Powerful urge to find loyal feminine wife I can raise a family with

What the fuck just happened? Did I get memed into being a Nazi again? How long will it last this time?

Attached: 91q6tq6zYTL._RI_.jpg (2560x1920, 776K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>you have to be a nazi to do community volunteering
>you have to be a nazi to dislike addiction
>you have to be a nazi to like technology
>you have to be a nazi to want to have a loving cuck-free relationship
what an age we live in

ive been an ironic nazi for years

nobody is stopping you, cuckface
stop playing the victim

Fascism works, even when the people presenting it are trying to paint it negatively.

Attached: pol gets back to work.webm (624x352, 2.95M)

You have to have social empathy and a nationalistic loyalty. You don't need to invade russia in winter. Hitler has become an icon because most of his ideas are obejctivly true, he's simply gone to far on his autism, especially the autism proposed by his nepotic friends.

Once you ee how nice things have been and could be still today, you start to get a longing for it, even if it means collecing the remaining oven dodgers in a summer camp.

Attached: nUtifYK.jpg (600x315, 37K)

this series will have an All In The Family effect on anyone above 105 IQ

you’ve been brainwashed by /pol/, you retard

darn those /pol/tards..their mind tricks are so do they do can you ever win..we must put an end to them , like heavy metal music

lol, you wouldn't get any of those things, you'd be a shitty pawn in their war machine that will die on some forgotten battlefield thousands of miles away.

>you'd be a shitty pawn in their war machine that will die on some forgotten battlefield thousands of miles away
something familiar about that..can't quite put my finger on it...

You are just easily influenced and gullible person.

Exactly how I felt after playing Spyro 3

If you like nazis and want a big authoritarian government to tell you what to do, you're still a leftist

>Fascism works

I rather die for the prosperity and safety of my children than to live a long and "healthy" life childless in a degenrated society wanting to destroy everything which my ancestors build.

There are worse things than death.

you can find purpose in life without living in a dictatorship, just saying

This society is designed so people find purpose in consumerism though

>being cucked by a nation state that doesn't give a shit about you
how delusional are you

>Don't have certain values
>Watch show where Nazi characters have those values and suddenly I do too
Pure coincidence.
Don't use /pol/ on account of them being degenerate retards

that's true, but being called probelmatic or a bigot for saying something sucks sure beats getting detained or shot or drafted into a penal work battalion

That's not what he said you retard.

We're talking about finding purpose here, sure you won't get shot but you're probably not living for any meaningful reason anyway so who cares?

Trips of truth

You have to be a nazi to do that sort of thing because everyone's decided that stuff is the purview of the state.

alright, but what's stopping you from picking up traditionalism, getting a wife and starting a family? if you don't want to be a normie now, you sure as fuck wouldn't be a normie in a fascist system

If season 1 did that to you wait until you watch season 2. Lots of episodes take place inside the Nazi states. It’s honestly portrayed as a utopia.

show is interesting but you sound like a faggot lol

Well I was never the guy who originally said that's what I wanted but I imagine finding a woman who matches that worldview is pretty hard nowadays.
Personally I'm aware my autism will prevent me from doing it myself regardless of the situation.

the free market wins again

Season 2 has alot of world building and you get to see what life is like in the American Reich as well as some scenes in Germany.

Worked for 20 years in Italy until Allies invaded and BTFO the govt.

Attached: merchant disguise.jpg (688x456, 41K)

most people don't care about politics too much, just don't pick a college or big city girl

Divorce is nothing to do with politics though.

The hippies won the culture war and became the norm. It's now edgy to not 420 blaze it faggot.

it's also more authoritarian and orwellian in appearance though, but honestly the sheer degeneracy and incompetency of the rebels is what sells the reich. They have no idea what they'd do with freedom or a state and when they do have freedom they make lawless shitholes like we see in no mans land. Also coddling parents is shown to be a bad and negative thing which we know it to be.

>The world is so bad people are starting to wish Hitler were alive

Why do (((they))) have to deracinate everything? Can't they just be comfortable living in their mansions making movies?

>Did I get memed into being a Nazi again? How long will it last this time?
Just take your regular prescription of blue pills, watch captain marvel and the next two big feminist pushed movies in theatres and you should be back to being not a nazi again.
Also no browsing /pol/ or watching animated destiny features until you're in the clear.
Ask Yea Forums for further consultation.

>or the Mediterranean dam
are they doing that in the man in the high castle?
that's terrible

>let a movie changed your point of view

Attached: 1552981725205s.jpg (205x250, 6K)

You have to go back

Make America goy again

>talking about hitler in the present tense


Yes, because he has transcended his mere physical appearnce and become the definition of his ideas, similar how people call physicians doctors. You don't even need to conform to all his ideas. He's just another cultural myth, an anti-hero which you sometimes hate ut on other occasions can fully understand in his actions. You might be disgusted by his methods but still know that his means were necessary or made due to human falibility. Play some Wagner in the background and he might just as well be a modern extension of the Nibelungen Saga, the Rheingold beeing his peoples eternal seed.

One cannot understand national socialism without understanding Wagner

That's the point though, there is a veneer of wholesomeness and harmony, but a great darkness underneath. You're not supposed to fear the nazis on grounds of aesthetics, technology or family values. All gets disrupted when it's about erasing the history of your culture (Jahr 0), euthanizing a wheelchair bound family member and getting an award for it, hypocritical homicidal elites with too much power etc.

Would they genocide incels? If so they aren't that bad in my book

>Would they genocide incels
They wouldn't be incels in the reich, because thots would know their place

Incels would be send to the front lines and either become usefull parts of society or at least have a honorable death.

>urge to find feminine wife

Attached: 1439609783308.jpg (250x237, 7K)

>But Vater, I don't want to date him
>You are right, my dear daughter. This "man" may claim he's white but he looks and behaves like a classical Untermensch. Go and meet up with Hans. His muscular body and great personality is a better choice. In fact, I might call the Reichsrassenamt. This disgusting user should be euthanised for the greater good

Indeed. But I think his music has the power to make every european proper realise it. It's like the phantastical music of the Ainur, it can carry millenia of our history on a far deeper level than anything which could be said. A man which doesn't feel anything listening to wagner is a mere golem.

>But dad, Hans is already married, if I don't have a family by 21 they put me in the roastie asylum.
>You had enough time and suitors, dear daughter, I can only offer you this call but don't count on it.

Yeah you're right, better go back to the /JazzJennings/ general

>Fascism works
It literally didn't.

You people are fucking clueless. Wagner was an anarchist. He couldn't be more far away from your totalitarianism.

Wagner was somewhat of an anarcho-communist, and he became a serious Christcuck later in his life.
Literally the only reason Hitler jerked off to him is because he also didn't like jews. Which nobody did in the 19th century.

How is that different from now?

don't make you more stupid than you are, nazis shared a bunch of good habits and values that can inspire us as an individual and a group

>le instruments political compass affiliations are relevant
Imagine having such basic bitch understanding of history. Truth knows no ally.

>Wagner said that revolution will "destroy the domination of one over many [...] and the power of the Almighty, of law, of property"
Mmmh sure sounds like nazism.

>I will destroy the domination of one over many, OF THE DEAD OVER THE LIVING, OF MATTER OVER SPIRIT; I will break down the power of the mighty, of law, of property

You do not understand either Wagner, NatSoc nor his time. NatSoc doesn't mean the domination of one over many and this quote actually clearly shows that he his longing whas spiritual for the freedom off his own people, as was the driving spirit of the NatSocs.

Please don't try to play the missleading quotation game with be, brainlet and don't talk about topics you clearly can not comprehend.

This means stopping acting depending on your traditions and your ancestors and living for yourself, which makes him closer to the Stirnerian anarchism (can't be the same since Wagner is still an idealist), and further away from nazism.
This means going against materialism, which is inherently anarchist since you cannot be a materialist if you believe in the concept of freedom.
You cannot have NATIONALISM if you want to break down the LAW, because the law emanates from a State, and you're basically implying that you long for a Stateless society. You can't also have fascism if you want to break the power of the mighty, because that implies you want to break all working hierarchies and achieve an egalitarian society of sorts.

I bet you're one of those morons that also thinks that Nietzsche was a nazi.

Nazis BTFO

It literally did, that's why the jews and commies had to gang up on Germany.

Attached: welcome to pol.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

>took the whole world being absolutely ruthless to bring one already economically starved country down

>This means going against materialism, which is inherently anarchist since you cannot be a materialist if you believe in the concept of freedom.
Please tell me you're a poorfuck child, because under any other circumstance you would nee do be described as mentally handicapped.

You also seem to still not understand that NatSoc doesn't equal Fashism. Which is a common mistake with people which haven't actually bothered to engage the subject truthfully.

NatSocs broke down the existing order and ideally wanted to free their people, which made necessary the way of fashism for a certain time to get to that point. Just like there is no communist revolution without blood and tears for freedom. Fashism is never a stable and long-term thing, it's a tool. He speaks about breaking it all down, ye poor, and guess what this breaking down needs material tools and peoples blood to free mankind from eternal slavery.

Similarly to Nietsche, your kin doesn't understand that truth can be spoken from any site and that this is actually how it can show to be the real thing. In the end it doesn't matter if one calls himself fashist, social democrat or communist if the goal, not the methods to get their even, are the same. Nietzsche just like Wagner might not have called himself NatSoc, but they both had the same goal in mind. That's why he, after realising the consequences of his near-nihilism has reinvented himself ith the Wille zur Macht.

Some things are so basic and timeless that labels do not matter. Something you clearly do not understand.

literally is what he said

Learn to read

All this bunch of poorly-written garbage and all you've said is
>all the poor nazis wanted was to free their people, so they were anarchists too
>disregard the historical and sociological environment, everything was always nazism

No wonder you ilk are always spouting your garbage on Yea Forums, /pol/ and all the brainlet boards. Everytime one of you retards shows his face on Yea Forums or /his/ you get blown the fuck out.

Maybe they shouldn't have started a total war then?
Oh wait if the hadn't they would've collapsed by themselves even sooner.

>>disregard the historical and sociological environment, everything was always nazism
You could have not made it more clear that you didn't understand a single thing which has been said. Sad. Many such cases.

By the time the United States recovered it was superior both economically and militarily, it could've taken on the entirety of the axis by itself and won.

Unironically, yes.

Attached: fake-hate-crime-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)

>blatant displays of degeneracy like public drinking
lol you've gone off the deep end.

>Did I get memed into being a Nazi again? How long will it last this time?
>op makes a funny
>everyone just gets triggered or praises hitler unironically

I'm glad someone finally picked up on it. I've been dropping hints all thread

/pol/tards and Chapo fags kill yourselves

Shit taste

Attached: 001dfdf964b.jpg (720x377, 75K)

I noticed, I just took it as an opportunity to dump webms

Attached: 1484189624693.webm (720x404, 451K)

Nothing to do with taste you moron.
You'd destroy europe if you'd dam it up.

>t. althistoryhub
That's total bullshit

>crime is so low people leave their house without locking their door
This hit home for me because my neighborhood used to be like that, but not anymore. My grandparents also never once locked their door. Without incident.

What the fuck are you guys on about? Wagner was an anarchist early in life, who was friends with Bakunin for fuck's sake. Only in middle age did he get disillusioned with politics in general, he read then read Schopenhauer and decided to become more spiritual.

Attached: wagner.jpg (638x478, 73K)