Blade Runner 2049

Just got round to watching it. What was Yea Forumss reaction upon release?

Attached: blade-runner-2049-poster.jpg (648x960, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>hes trying to discuss movies

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unanimous praise

Runtime 2049 minutes

It was great. Then the contrarian faggots showed up

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Nonstop threads just like the recent Alita bs. Incels and doomers worship both movies btw

Everyone loved it minus a few contrarians. Everyone was seeing it multiple times to support it.
Then as with all things, the contrarians shouted louder than the supporters and there was a backlash and now I think if you ask Yea Forums you will get mixed reviews. But its honesty a fantastic movie and one of the greatest sequels.

I loved it, I've watched it four of five times.

It's a waste of time and the new dune movie will be a waste of time too.

Yea Forums loved it when it first came out. then they started to hate it like they do with everything.

Way too long and boring. Also the space depth charge sound effects were retarded. The plot was dumb. Joy was dumb and not even that pretty. Luv was great they should have made a movie about luv. But the incel zoomers on here love it because k is "just like me".

Luv kills joi

I remember a lot of comfy threads with insightful comments. Then the blu ray was released and contrarians started to derail the discussion. Also many redditors spouting "kino" and praising it without context.

The ones where idiots helped other idiots figure out the incredibly straightforward plot?

Positive, then a confirmed redditor namefag going by Review Screw launched an autistic crusade against it with his 5 o 6 twitter buddies when it won the visual effects oscar over a capeshit they liked, and now it's one of Yea Forums's all time favourites

I unironically enjoyed it more than the original BR.


Everyone on here is right, it was literally a month long love-in for the movie

I hear a lot of flak saying the revolution subplot wasn't really necessary, but I think it works pretty well with the main theme of K trying to forge his own direction in life

As much as the revolution claimed to be for replicant rights, at the end of the day they were trying to force K into being their pawn as much as leto's character was. K returns Deckard to his daughter despite being told to kill him and prevent this from happening was the ultimate expression of his own free will. For the first time in his existence, he does what he feels is right rather than what other people tell him to do. He dies at the end looking up at the falling snow, wheras Luv, the 'perfect little angel', dies a horrific, ignoble death during the fight scene at the sinking cruiser, and despite seeing things that obviously made her uncomfortable was so enamored with being such a good little servant that she's nothing more than an expendable pawn

Leto's god-complex also felt a bit unnecessary, but after thinking on it does add a nice spin on things, going off that 'perfect angel' concept and giving it an allegory to Lucifer rebelling against God in hopes of exercising his free will. If anything else, I almost wish that Villenvue expanded further on this metaphor

The eye symbolism also comes into play here. The eyes are the window to the soul, and in Blade Runner were used to determine 'real' people from the 'fake' replicants. One of the most prevalent uses was Leto having a multitude of electronic eyes he could hook up into that would float around him. He is a real human, using fake eyes, pretending to be the creator when in actuality he simply stole the concept from the original god, Tyrell. In this, the 'god' complex comes off more as a demi-urge of gnostic myth, the false deity hijacking creation from the real Creator and passing it off as his own creation, and turns K's "fall" into a much more sympathetic role

Lmao no one is bothering to say that they're like K aside from that overpostes reaction image.

>Way too long and boring
>Joy was dumb and not even that pretty
>But the incel

Female fingers wrote this post, disregard it.




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>way too long
not everything is a quickmatch, fucking zoomers

Plot was meh, but the cinematography was great especially in the theater

top 3 of the 10s

Literally this

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good post

comfy discussions among a few shit posters, before the lonely and horny shitheads ruined the image of this great kino. oh yeah and a few idiots kept posting the s.0.y meme to anyone who liked it, it was annoying.

Can't help but feel they were all drones whose lives didn't matter and the movie wasted my time desu. Jerk-off-instructions was just following her programming, so was every other replicant.


withIN CELls interlinked

The ending is literally K disobeying both his programming and his orders.

It was good but I was disappointed honestly. I feel like I was expecting something more from the story. I would highly recommend it though for the cinematography alone. If you're into cyberpunk type aesthetics it's pretty much mandatory as well.

Very nice post.
Back then, every thread was like this post.
Then one autist got BTFO over and over, and became so bitter he started troll threads 24/7. That was one contribution to the drop of quality.

Wether Joi was ALWAYS following a programming or actually rebelled is the new "was Deckard a replicant"?

Based. I really mean that.

This movie is where I finally accepted that Yea Forums was primarily made up of vapid dilettantes. At first I thought it was possibly just healthy good natured trolling but after a while I realized that this board actually was that stupid which was disappointing. I guess I should have known better.

The movie is pure unadulterated garbage from beginning to end and that's not an exaggeration or hyperbole. If you don't know why then you're not all that bright and I no longer have the patience to keep breaking down something that should be glaringly obvious even to uninitiated.

Of course there are some people on this board who will go on to watch better movies and will someday understand how ridiculous their opinion of this shitty movie was but unfortunately that's not going to be a widespread phenomenon and it'll take years to come to fruition. But when it does finally dawn on the few of them that went on to educate themselves I hope they come back and tell the truth and detail why the movie is so bad.

Anyway. One of the most disappointingly shitty attempts at a nostalgia cash-in I've ever seen to put it lightly, the original Blade Runner was a masterpiece.

Total kino. It's the greatest work of art mankind has created.

Best scifi film of this entire decade, alongside Hard to be a God and Under the Skin

Attached: Blade.Runner.2049.02_31_50.jpg (3840x1600, 2.12M)

It's more about if their love was real or not, but yeah

>"Everything you want to hear, everything you want to see."
>"Everything you want to hear"
She told K he was special.

maybe because it completely falls apart upon 2nd viewing?

I saw it about 7 times now. Love it more with every viewing

>no Roy Batty
Movie automatically garbage

>user let's begin. Ready? Recite your baseline.

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it has nice imagery and K's romance and story in general were touching
apart from that the plot was bad and the movie turned to shit the moment harrison ford entered the scene

Based narcissistic psychopath that never, ever gave up after being btfo over and over

>And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked, within cells interlinked, within cells interlinked, within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played

>Joy was dumb and not even that pretty
I really hope you are gay or just female. No one should be that stupid to think that joy in that movie is ugly.

/ourmovie/ and kino of the century

Just finished watching it myself. Loved to watch something that actually took the time to develop characters and let scenes breath.
It was no surprise when I went to check out the critical reaction and see how many people thought it was "too slow" and boring.

I like it still can't top tears in the rain scene though

Everyone loved it except one guy who kept spamming the word "dishonest" over and over

This is actually exactly what happened. I saw the film randomly with one of my best friends. It was the day before he and I had to work, and I was vaguely interested in 2049, but I never saw the trailer or read anything about the film.

The only thing I heard about the film was "The sound is amazing" from one friend, and "It was amazing" from another friend. My friend and I saw it in a Dolby Digital theater. There was row after row of speakers along the ceiling that could deliver directional waves of sound depending on what was happening in the movie. You could feel the air pressure changes in above your head as the bass dropped. My friend and I smoked weed before entering the theater (INB4 DUDEWEED BRO), and we proceeded to have our minds blown by what was to become my favorite movie of all time.

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this movie was a e s t h e t i c

and the big WHAAARRRR noises spooked me out


I went back and saw the movie 3 times in the theater, with my parents, once with another friend, and once more by myself to experience its theater running ended.

Just about everyone on Yea Forums was applauding the film in the months after its release. Everyone was getting jealous about how many times one had seen it in the theater, or what type of theater.

My favorite aspect of the film is most definitely the SOUND. The whirring motorcycle sounds I loved the most, that you first hear when K approaches the LAPD building for the first time, and then when K is in the market outside the prostitution bar. The sound effect is actually produced by a device called a bullroarer.

Villeneuve says in "The Art and Soul of Bladerunner 2049" that the "baseline test" scene is the "soul of the movie", but for me I think motorcycle sound is the soul of the film. Its the acoustic embodiment of humanity's evolutionary descent into doom. It sounds like a motorcycle speeding recklessly into a dark tunnel, without any concern for safety or ethics. This of course is exactly what characterizes Niander Wallace's business strategy of dragging humanity across space at the expense of annihilating biosphere after biosphere, along with millions and millions of replicants being exploited, and killed.

Favorite scene:

Attached: LAPD 2.jpg (1319x617, 34K)

I watched it in theatres, half way thru I became bored and started looking around the theatre and saw other people were shuffling uncomfortably and checking their phones. It’s a nice looking movie with a serviceable story but it’s boring as fuck. I could never watch it again. Once is enough.

Should have been 5 hours long

I need to get/make a bullroarer