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Tons of fags play straight people, just look at Bazooper Man.

Now that she's balding she can't play anything

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Remember how Jared Leto got shit for being a straight man and playing a tranny in Dallas Buyer's Club?

Same rules for everyone sweaty.

did she ever publicly apologize, btw?

In Umbrella Academy (2019) her whole character was based around a straight relationship. I’m convinced she realized it’s the only way to get work lmao.

Nah, she said she had no reason to believe it wasn't true, and that she will continue to speak out for victims.

What are you talking about? She would be great on Star Trek. Look at all that canvas space for putting rubber bits on.

Remember how everyone lost their mind at Matt Damon being in a movie set in China or Jake Gyllenhaal playing the prince of Persia but we NEED more people of colour and LGBTQIIAAPQWERTYYUOP folk shoehorned into white male characters?

It’s almost as if these people play pretend for a living and live in a fantasy land where logic and consistency don’t apply

this is getting retarded you're a fucking actor you don't have to be a doctor to play one on tv

you're pretty good

I wonder how she’d look with bangs

Scarjo was attacked for being picked to play a trans character.

No, you are no longer allowed to portray things that you aren't.

Matt Damon and the Great Wall isn't even whitewashing. It was a fucking Chinese made movie and they just wanted a popular white actor to tell more tickets. But virtue signalers don't care about Asians think.

The problem isn't that they believe them, it's the way they attack anyone who doesn't.

She's right. Hollywood actually does hate gay people. If you are out, you are going to get marginalized. Ellen Page, Rupert Everett, Neil Patrick Harris and plenty of other out gays got sidelined. Hollywood is fake liberal, it hasn't actually changed much since the 20s.

Why do you think Spacey and Travolta stayed in the closet? Playing a gay makes your career, being gay kills your career.

I've yet to see Neil Patrick Harris in a gay role. Nor the guy who played old professor xavier

>But virtue signalers don't care about Asians think.
This is unironically true.
There was a huge shitshow over Scarlet Johansen being cast for Ghost in the Shell - sure it was a shit movie, but basically nobody in Japan thought she was bad for the role.
Most of them even think white people look "more like anime characters" than Asians

it's really more that she's ugly.
if she was a hot lesbo she'd get work.

Ah yes, the plight of the privileged millionaire. Truly she is the most deserve of pity and support

Patrick Stewart isn't gay

Virtue signallers don’t care what the people they’re signalling for think in all instances. They are always right and infallible, and anyone that disagrees with them is a far right bigot. Who knows more about the plight of starving Africans than a someone who lives in bel air. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

You mean the guy who played magneto, ian mckellen or however you spell it

>straight people not allowed to play gay characters
>crazy lesbian should be allowed to play straight woman

I meant Ian McKellen

And he has played gay

>now I'm gay
I thought you were just born that way? Or is the narrative changing?

I masturbate to the thought of a young ellen page wetting herself in public

Go on

Magneto is gay though

I don't get it myself. Lots of male actors got oscars for playing trans people in blatant oscar bait but ScarJo couldn't?

And ScarJo would've kept that role if not The Mouse telling her to stand down for not wanting negative buzz on the next Marvel event movie.

She could barely pull off the cute friend role when she was 18 and now that she hit the wall and said she hates dick no one wants to see her stupid bald head in any movie. Not really that hard to understand.

Why did people feel the need to "come out as gay"
Isn't sexual activity something private?
I never see people coming out their preference to doggystyle instead of missionnary. What the fuck do we care about your sexual preferences.

use the updated pic

Attached: ellen page 2.png (590x523, 334K)

Just ran a simulation, this is her in 2042

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The only possible roles she can get these days are indie ones and even then noone's going to go see some navelgazing sundance romcom when they know she's gay.

is there anything this women can't do?!

she was just a hetero character in the Umbrella Academy, let's all settle down


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terrible, she has a pretty distinct receding hairline these days.


>Your move, creeper

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>this was ellen page
why she looks like 40 something?
what we can do to age more greacefully?

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Is she alright? Is this what vaganism does to you? She's looking too skinny, CJ. Surely she's not adhering to a healthy diet.


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Despite it being much more tolerated these days, homosexuals are still discriminated and underrepresented in the movie business. She probably felt a moral obligation to come out as an inspiration for those struggling with their own sexuality.

Please, user, continue. Please.

>much more tolerated these days
Where? Just because law threatens your ass if you so much as glance at a faggot molesting young kids at NY gay bar scene, doesn't mean that they are tolerated. Exact proper representation of homos in movies is 0%.

jesus christ
prior to this article, i bet you she would have thrown a fit if she had been asked to play a straight person. and now look where we are.

>constantly remind everyone you are a lesbian and how that's a good thing
>WTF why no one giving me straight roles

>what we can do to age more greacefully?
don't come out as a dyke

It's really tough for homosexuals in acting and theatre, it makes sense this translates to the big screen

There was a recent study saying that basically ugly or awkward females were the highest group for "gender identity" issues and homosexuality. Wish I could track it down.

Y'know I've seen so many films about serial killers and I guarantee you at least half of the people in those roles have never deliberately killed a person in their life, let alone multiple people. It's disgusting misrepresentation.

She looks like an Erudite from classic EverQuest.

He was in Vicious too

>I never see people coming out their preference to doggystyle instead of missionnary
give it a few years user

The irony of this dumb bitch being one of the whiners who bleeted about straights playing gays and straights playing cross dressers lol.

Hows her logic working out for her now? If the Dems dont excise these loony limo leftists theyre gonna get smashed again and again.

she looks like she couldn't play a convincing human tbqh

Considering a lot of people seem to think straight people can't play gay, I'd call it a fair deal.

This is why actors historically do not come out. They stop getting parts. It's why gay men in Hollywood have beards instead of not giving a shit and just living their lives, because they stop getting leading man roles.
You'd think she know that being in the business for as long as she had been at the level she is, but there you go.

This, in Hollywood, if youre not good looking, you better have buckets of talent to back you up, but she doesnt so...

>minorities can't be racist
>homos can play straight but not the other way around
>do what I say, not what I do
>I go by feelz, not by realz

pick one

Because noone wants them round user

>you better have buckets of talent
or at least swallow buckets of cum like JLaw

just wanna say I'm shocked some npc hasn't called you incel yet, based logical fren

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Progressivism is a cancer that destroy societies, why you believe its carriers are immune from effects?

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>2% are underrepresented

She was such a cute. I'll never forgive lesbianism.

> Now that I'm box office poison, I can't find roles.


Faggots should only be represented in homicide victim and suicide victim statistics. They reproduce by molesting children. They are a blight upon the species.

he's also dead soon

yes, that is a neck

>They reproduce by molesting children

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does she EVER stop talking about being a lesbian? ever?

They call it sexual identity for a reason , user. Its all these people have or they would just be awkward freaks.

*1 unread text message from ellen*
>user can you please bring me my sweatpants from your car? I'm in the bathroom"

I fucking hate this board
With the amount of actual r*dditors, niggers LARPing as r*dditors and general retards I can't even tell if you're serious or not
Seriously why does Yea Forums want to be reddit so much, just to stick it to the ebil /pol/ boogeyboi

Have sex.

Hulk Hogan.

have sex

by ratios of homos who were molested skyrocketing they actually do

>i can act as something different

Its astonishing to me that although it seems ridiculous to her that she can't play straight people while gay, she instantly assumes it what other people are actually thinking.



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That be fucking hilarious
>folks but the rumors were true
>i am indeed balding
>i am sorry