The Walking Dead Thread

Episode: 1 - let's let us agree that this was pure kino from the start - and we let it ride.....

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28 days was better

it's literally been like what, a decade since the zombie outbreak? How are they even an issue anymore, unless we just throw away all logic and assume that they're magical beings.

How do walkers derive energy? Why are they allowed to violate the laws of thermodynamics? If you think about it, zombies are essentially perpetual motion defined. They do not stop, they have unlimited energy despite lacking a transportation system for energy in their bodies. They cannot deliver the very form of energy that muscle cells require to be activated, to contract and relax, which is delivered via blood to your muscles. Zombies lack vascular systems with blood moving nutrients and energy throughout their body, yet they endlessly move, even when burnt to a crisp, or just being a fucking head, or having their hearts destroyed and no manner to move anything around their bodies.

Yet they still walk, completely coordinated across terrain that normal humans would struggle to move around with ease without expending massive amounts of energy.

It was because at least the "rage" humans eventually expire because they run out of energy after a few months. Still, their bodies would have shriveled up and become useless after a week without water.

the show is shit, but not for the reasons you listed

>it's literally been like what, a decade
Like 2 years

The show started off decent but then it just kept getting shittier and shittier with each new season.

Provlem with apocalyptic horror is that writers are too scared of writing a decent resolution or progressing the story, so they play the "everything is shit and will always be shit" card like some edgy teens to keep things going. In the end you get a soap opera. This is why the first two seasons of ZNation will always be superior to TWD (too bad those faggots decided to change course and not finish the story properly).

the laws of physics that arent correctly isnt the only thing that bothers me

what bothers me is that after 9 seasons (9 years) they still get surprised by fucking zombies. You would say any basic form of millitary training would prevent you from getting surprised by fucking zombies yet its still EVERY SINGLE TIME
>hey lets enter this dark buildings
>oh no something inside breaks and we escape from the zombies just in time

shit gets stale as fuck.

And after each boss they add a new one. First we had the Governer, then Neagan and now some bald lesbian bitch. It gets fucking stale as fuck.

Either let this show die or tie it to the end. Show something in Washington about the only government pieces that still function.

And what was the deal with that heli?

I think this is a major flaw in the show and the comic. More specifically, because it shows the story has gone for far too long. There is not a single point to be made. There is nothing more to say. The desperation for more has drained the story of any poignancy, because not only does the reader/viewer know there will be no actual conclusion. The story implied there would be a point, but there isn't a point, because it's literally the same story over and over again. The characters will never have a satisfying conclusion at this point, regardless if it's happy or sad.
So a major character dies. Who the fuck cares? We're guaranteed that 1. The plot will be minimally effected by this, overall, because the repetitious story will not reach a conclusion, and 2. Their beats will just be replaced by another character because of this.
The Walking Dead is both pointless to read and watch as a single story. The comic is just as shit as the show. It was interesting at first, but it has nothing going for it.

The first 6 episodes were great. I watched them again recently and they're still just as good as I remember them.

I wish I lived in the timeline where they kept going for another 2-3 seasons, diverging heavily from the comics to keep suspense and then ended it with some dignity, preferably on a very depressing note.

>28 days was better

The first episode of TWD was a straight up jacking of 28 days, and the first 5 minutes were cringy as fuck.

Ive started watching this last week and im now at s3 e1 where they find the prison.
A couple of months have gone by between s2 and s3 how come they are still more or less in the same area as where they started? It literally only takes 2 days to drive from new york to LA.

>Finally, zombie kino without the standard long stretched nothing happens bullshit tv narrative/storytelling! And isn't Lennie James great?

then s01e02 came.

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>The first 6 episodes were great.
What drugs were you on? The drop in quality after e01 was HUGE.

only the seasons Frank Darabony directed were good, which were the first 1 or 2.

Didn't amc boot him because they wanted to use a cheaper budget and he wouldn't budge?

>unless we just throw away all logic and assume that they're magical beings.

They basically are. The zombies don't need oxygen, they can survive submerged. They don't suffer from blood loss and can move their muscles even being dried up husks. They can even be burned alive and won't die unless you damage the brain.

>Lennie James
is it just me or is his character the most infuriating one on the show?
>muh peace
>muh aikido
>we can do this without killing
>next episode he kills 20 people
>next episode he preaches about not killing and how theres a better way
>but rick, we gotta try
>i lose myself
>i lose evy body
>i am tortured soul
>muh inner struggle

Michonne's ass looked n i c e in those jeans

Morgan was a pox on TWD and now is a pox on FTWD
Whoever made the decision to make him the lead in his own show basically
is bad at decisions

the time skip at the begining of the season was 6 years user......

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He was kino in the first episode, everything that came after was shit. Though the aikido flash back episode was somewhat alright.

>Morgan was a pox on TWD and now is a pox on FTWD
finally someone puts it in the words that I couldn't, he is like a walking bacterial infection of bad writing and confused character and look-at-me faux-depth. Hate that guy more than I hated that schizo kid Sam and that limp dicked "villain" the Govenor.

>mfw Michonne has no choice but to slaughter all the younglings
good 'sode desu felt real feelings