Mortal Engines. Been a long time since a movie pissed me off this bad

Mortal Engines. Been a long time since a movie pissed me off this bad.

Great story, great source material, great actors, great visuals, great score. I was genuinely pumped for the first chase scene, which introduced everything without a line of dialog and we still got a badass chase scene to boot.

And then, they fucking ''hollywoodize'' it. With shitty in-your-face exposition, all the cliche one liners and 0 character development, no reason for anything happening other that the cardboard cutouts of their characters randomly doing stuff.

Apart from the zombie dude, which was the only one even close to getting a story arc (obviously cut down af from the books), the rest is just the usual hollywood garbage, which shouldn't be surprising, but GODDAMN this specially pissed me off because you can see how GOOD it could've been. They couldn't even make a borderline FUN movie.

Fuck hollywood for butchering yet another great concept with their bullshit.

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>great source material
It was childish YA genre fiction.

>Fuck hollywood for butchering yet another great concept with their bullshit.
neck yourself

My main problem with this film was that the cities move too fast. It would have been cooler if they were more realistic, and crawled along at maybe 5mph max

>the scene where they go to blimp town

Seriously who thought that was a good idea

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Hollywood didnt make it fuckface, its based on books. Pretty good ones even. And as far as futuristic steampunk concepts go, this seems a pretty good one to adapt. Just because it's farfetched or silly doesnt mean it couldn't have been fun. Great movies have been done with worst concepts, so you can go and fuck yourself

so just like game of thrones and lotr then?

>Pretty good ones even
They're genre crap, dude.

steampunk is so fucking stupid it hurts my head to think about, the only success it will ever have is wild wild west

>great actors
the pretty boy main guy and elronds daughter were fucking awful

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They're actually not that bad. They're just like average YA stuff

So, the scourge of literature?

How? Reviews range from average to good, with a seemingly original idea. Just because it's set in a genre exploited to exhaustion doesn't mean it's not imaginative.

Just because you can't conceive literature as more than the sum of its parts and the plot doesn't mean some people don't think of it as a serious art.

Pretty boy got nothing to do, and liv tyler wasn't in it.

Go watch Misfits and you can see the kid is good enough. And please tell me how Hugo Weaving and Stephen Lang are bad actors and wouldn't have been more than enough to propel the story forward, if there was one.

The trailer for this movie was so baffling to me that I immediately began to hate the movie despite knowing nothing about it
>after the war, cities were rebuilt on the sea and in the sky, but the biggest ones...
>dramatic pause
>were built on land
Okay. So fucking what? Why should I care that the biggest cities were built on land? Literally what significance does that hold? Why did they rebuild the cities on giant ass vehicles any way? I'm missing vital information here and you're just spouting word soup at me
>cut to teenage mixed race cast on a tiny village tank
>"w-what's that?"
>Its London....
>inception blare
>the city of London begins shooting harpoons
Fucking what? What retard decided that this would be a good idea for a trailer? There is not a single piece of information that makes any sense in this entire jumbled mess of shit. Who gives a fuck that some retard put the entire city of London up on wheels? Why is it shooting harpoon guns at a bunch of nobodies? Why is anything happening in this trash heap, and what does any of it mean?
God damn, what a mess. Worst movie I never saw.

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What sense did this pedantic shitty comment make? I perceive literature based on what it is, and I don't automatically shit on a book because it belongs to a specific genre. This series is good. How the fuck is this a problem? Seems I see it as more of a serious art than you do

But it looked stupid and was stupid.

But it belonging on a genre at all is what makes it bad. Literary fiction doesn't fit into a genre, and that's what classics are made of. You enjoy children's literature because you can't conceive appreciating prose, only plot.

Trailers are mostly shit anyway. The movie is not as bad as the trailer, it's just... disappointing. Generic?

>You enjoy children's literature because you can't conceive appreciating prose

Holy shit I can smell your perfume from here. I don't give two shits about genre, bud. Same for music while you're at it. I appreciate it for what it is, being it children's literature or D. Quijote. Maybe try to get the point instead of just spouting fancy vocabulary and sniffing your own farts

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This post added nothing. So why make it? It's just personal attacks.

Why are steampunk movies so mediocre?

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There has to be at least an average one. I guess V, maybe, tho I personally didnt enjoy past the point of ''its ok''. Alot of people jack off to it though.

You totally missed my initial point and started talking shit, even tho we obviously agreed. Definition of spam

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I can’t think of a single time steampunk was a cool idea for a movie or game.

Howl's Moving Castle, Treasure Planet. Both a blast imo.

Final Fantasy VI

I wouldn’t really consider treasure planet steampunk.

>Great story, great source material, great actors, great visuals, great score.

Almost none of this is true. Some of the performances were not terrible. Some of the visuals were good. Everything else was shit.

Well, the story is pretty run-of-the-mill hero's journey. That's always entertaining enough. And the actors are indeed good, if their performance was sub par was because all their lines were either cliches or exposition. The visuals and the score are pretty good too. I guess liking the source material is more open to personal taste, but its still regarded as pretty good too.

If by ''Everything else'' you mean the whole movie other than this, then I couldn't agree more.

Games from the top of my head:
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (one of the best games ive ever played)
Final Fantasy VI

A really good steampunk type film is something called Franklyn. I can't think of another film unfortunately.

>mortal engines
>more tall engines
bravo hackson

>Great story, great source material, great score

its funny cause its true

Had similar thoughts last night after watching the First Purge. They took such a cool concept for a film and turned it into LE EVIL WITE PEEPOE VS EPIC GOOD BLACK GANGSTERS. They didnt need that plot device a single bit

Felt the same with the purge too actually. They managed to take the concept of the mediocre 1st movie and turn it into good sequels... And then 2 steps back. Such a shame

Yeah it was a completely unexpected disappointment, maybe they'll get it right next time since the latest film did bomb pretty hard (for reviews at least)

>literally in the movie they mention the idea of giant moving cities that eat smaller cities is fucking stupid and doomed to failure because they would run out of cities eventually

So how did such a stupid idea gain so much traction? This movie is dumb.

>Not the Difference Engine

Wild Wild West would have been ok if it hadn't been all jiggified with will smith.

is this a Western Snowpiercer? (a movie so inscrutably chingu that watching it feels like water torture)

Wild Wild West is over the top and silly af. Not a good movie, but entertaining as heck

I like the girl, and I dont have to feel creepy about it since the actress is in her 30s

Snowpiercer definitely a pleb filter.

Yeah dood just like in its doomed to fail too, any minute now

Havent watch Snowpiercer yet, but im guessing this one is probably worse. It's literally the same movie as all those 3 stars imdb hollywood indistinguishable from each other. But this one is on moving cities.

>beloved by mainstream 'reviewers' and 'audiences' 10/10 across all 'rating' sites
>it's actually terrible emperors new clothes nonsense
>pleb filter

Anime adaptation of Metropolis

that was pretty cool

>being this pretentious and anti-fun.

Please, kill yourself immediately.



i think you replied to the wrong poster


I’m honestly excited to see how badly they’ll fuck up Artemis Fowl.
At least Nix is sitting on Sabriel and refusing to let it get adapted if a producer wants to fuck with it too much.

that is what the books say, yes

Steampunk is just outdated is all, hence why nationalism is so tied to many of its works.

>the only success it will ever have is wild wild west

mfw you consider "wild wild west" to be a success

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Forced YA franchise #365.

>Hollywood didnt make it fuckface, its based on books.
You were this movie's best hope. Too bad there wasn't enough retards to help out.


lack of creative vision from talentless producers

>literary fiction doesn't fit into a genre
>doesn't fit
Yea Forums pseudes all need to be crushed by the rocks they crawled out from under