What is opinion on television actress Camren Bicondova from the hit show Gotham?
What is opinion on television actress Camren Bicondova from the hit show Gotham?
she looks like a fat ugly midwest kid who's just started 8th grade and parents are in the middle of a divorce
She needs to have sex
This. Incel faggot bitch.
Still would
Seems desperate. What happened?
She's a brapqueen and fits the bill.
That just reminded me of the time tarantino did that retarded dance on the red carpet
is dancing like a whore fun?
absolute kino
So she's kinda self-destructed huh?
Starve yourself, you fat fucking pig and grow your hair out, you look like a fucking dyke.
why did you show me this
I fucking love the Getty Centre.
art is for women and gays
This bitch hit the wall so fast.
I like the complex you dullard. It's Italian limestone with coral.
It would also make an epic shooter map. It literally looks like right out of halo.
I want a chubby gf
What race is that?
she looks like she smells really bad
Don’t call me names you dick
based pugsly dabbin on the NBA
God I hate this retarded meme gender
what a bunch of retarded garbage. Woman logic never
Literal dude.
i would too
brave and powerful
Women only cut off all their hair when they have mental breakdowns. Some bitch at my work did it when she couldn't get pregnant... two weeks after that she tried to hit her dad with a car. women, man.
Did she go on some serious anti-psychotics or something? It would explain her pudgy blob physique and her obvious mental instability with cutting her hair.
this is very bad
There was a big story from our high school that one of the teachers tried to run over her boyfriend in the parking lot. I wonder if she had cut her hair off as well.
If she didn't' at the time she probably cut it all off shortly afterwards. If you know a woman who cuts off all of her hair she's close to snapping.
>ywn recieve validation for being ugly and retarded
Where's my male privilege when I need it?
hipless is her middle name
I've went out with a couple of women that were doubtful they could ever get pregnant. It really messes them up. It's sad.
there's nothing inherently feminine about long hair
my sister is an attention whore like this. its tiresome
Same. It only gets worse as they get older. If they make it to the mid 30s without kids they fucking lose grip on reality.
Nothing is worse than a chubby bitch with a smelly pussy. that shit stays on your fingers for a few days
She's cute. I like her.
s1 - 7.58m viewers
s2 - 5.37m
s3 - 4.52m
s4 - 3.69m
s5 - averaging less than 2.4m through 12 eps
Why do Slavic women always turn out like that sooner or later?
Fertility goddess
Someone can be feminine without long hair but you're still wrong
It's not a matter of long hair vs. short hair. It's the lack of attention a woman gives to her appearance. A woman giving herself a buzz cut is a sign that she doesn't want to be seen as feminine anymore for whatever reason. Bald women can be feminine and sexy but they still make an effort to look attractive.
>no arguments
Wtf happened to the qt.
You don't need arguments to say a statement is wrong.
Tell me what arguments you'd use against someone claiming the sky is red, you fucking retard.
You're not wrong but there's nothing inherently feminine either about having no hair and a fat moon face.
This chick trained to be a professional dancer and threw that all away now that she's probably financially secure from her tv role.
>but she's dancing like a crazy person in these webbums
That is not a dancer's body. She knows that's not a dancer's body. Her dance career is over and the way she seems to have developed a series of neuroses (molested during Gotham? molested during reality show?) probably means her acting days are through too when the show wraps. There's too many crazies in the DC television department, especially with the sex cult, so don't expect them to call her back.
You have to explain the science behind why the sky is blue, or else the sky may as well be red.
>Someone can be feminine without long hair
Based and basedpilled
See? You're retarded.
The sky is blue wether you explain or not that it's blue. Retard.
>A woman giving herself a buzz cut is a sign that she doesn't want to be seen as feminine anymore for whatever reason.
Ahahaha they still get chasers like me though.
I can't tell you how many dykes have given me the shit-eye because they think they haven't done themselves up butch enough if a guy is still hitting on them. She has to be a 250 pound plaid-wearing diesel dyke for me to get the message.
I'm sick but I can't help myself.
I have not read the thread. Selfish and irresponsible decision to not stay in shape of the role for Catwoman of all fucking capeshit starlets. They would replace her instantly if they could but that’s not Hollywood nowadays.
Gotham is fun as hell, that's a shame about the viewership
She was never cute. Even as a kid she had the face of a 45 year old woman and that only made her look like a freak.
She will probably never get a tv or film role again :^(
I think its disturbing how celebs of all ages these days act like they're doing preschool show n tell hour whenever they open thier mouths
My dudes!
She will when she puts her body and mouth in a good use.
Refrain yourself from posting such horrible things
>hit show gotham
what fucking whacky world do you live in where gotham is a hit show and that cunt is considered a "Woman"
Wow do you think she will do erotic full frontal scenes?
She looks like she fucks black men with very, very low standards
Fantastic leg to ass ratio, but the hips fail to deliver. Cute belly tho.
She can actually dance though. So aside from the stereotypical "female empowerment" bullshit the incels hate here being cringy, how are they comparable? Quentin looked like an autistic fucking spaz with no self-awareness. I think this sort of thing triggers people here because they're all deeply insecure and probably can't stand even being out in public, let alone enjoying themselves
Intense potato consumption
Is she gay?
It would make a lot of sense if she's a lesbian.
Literal earthrocker tier vid here
lmao my cousin fits that description exactly and just shaved her head like a week ago.
posts pics, before and after
It's a fucking haircut. Trying to justify it makes her seem mentally ill.
>when the inbreeding kicks in
>What is opinion on television actress Camren Bicondova from the hit show Gotham?
great casting, this is the exact bodytype i think of whenever I hear "catwoman"
It's not just the haircut. She used to look pretty good with her ayylmao features making her look like a cute little alien. Now she's bloated and looks like a butch dyke, truly a shame.
She has, just not consensual
She is enjoying her checks from Gotham. I doubt she will find work after Gotham. Unless she sticks to B rated CW shows or family channel. But judging by the way she put on the pounds. She is having a good amount sex. Substituted to bottle for sex.
Yeah but it requires a feminine face and body
the irony is that now she looks like that fat kid she was laughing at.