Why would the bugs attack Earth if they're halfway across the galaxy?

Why would the bugs attack Earth if they're halfway across the galaxy?

Attached: 220px-Starship_Troopers_-_movie_poster.jpg (220x301, 22K)

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why would jews do 9/11 if they're halfway across the earth

It's a facism metaphor you fuck, they probably blew up Buenos Aires themselves

"Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today!"

was the attack on argentina an intentional commentary on 9/11?

Other way around.

si :^)

>It's a facism metaphor you fuck
Thing is they never showed anything fascist in the entire movie. If anything it was some sort of meritocracy where you had to "earn" your place.

reminder that when you watch this movie with the innocence of a child, you take it 100% at face value, and in that case the humans did LITERALLY nothing wrong and the bugs FACTUALLY needed to die. Because thats the reaction I had when I was a kid and this came out, and I guarantee 99% of you felt the same way.

Buenos Aires was an inside job

half of this board wasn't born when starship troopers came out

Because humanity or any other alien race capable of space travel is a mortal threat to every other alien race. It would be stupid to not try and wipe us out and us them.

>as a kid it's a fun space action movie
>as an adult it's a super serious commentary movie
Holy shit go fucking kill yourself.

no im saying as an adult its still a fun space action movie.

were you hit on the head recently?

they "earned" their place by unquestioning obedience to the state and sacrificing their lives in a dubious war.

also nph was wearing an SS uniform for half of the movie. it was not subtle.

Attached: nph.jpg (560x415, 21K)

If you read between the lines, we attacked them first. Buenos Aires was a revenge strike.

they're literal brain sucking, man eating bugs user.

I saw it in the theater at a midnight showing with a bunch of friends all half drunk and it was honestly one of the most fun cinematic experiences of my life.

In the weeks leading up to it they kept playing a trailer with that Blur song to hype it up.

>i got my head checked/by a jumbo jet

I'm not defending bugs, I say kill em all. I'm just saying if you pay attention humans expanded into their territory, not the other way around. They were just fighting back.

...who were minding their own business on their worthless desert planets until humans needlessly settled there


They put the state before themselves like the bugs which they admired
That’s literally the definition of fascism, have you ever even seen triumph of the will you fucking pleb

yea I get that humans aren't supposed to kill each other, but you aren't actually defending a species of violent man eating bugs are you? like you do understand that under no circumstances could we ever co-exist?

the entire film is blatant propaganda for a fascist military society. If you didn't pick up on that I don't know what to tell you.

should i watch it? is it secretly trash like metropolis?

Is the 4K Blu Ray worth it?

>implying they needed humans to survive
>implying they weren't eating humans because they didn't want to waste the meat

You're dead wrong.

Don't you get to see prime Denise Richards titties? surely thats worth it

They sucked his brains out.

Why wouldn't you kill 'em all?

the only dead thing here is the bugs, user

>dude like, we shouldn't attack this alien race of giant bugs
>I'm sure they just want to peacefully co-exist with us and even have an advanced understanding of our morals and values

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My god you are dense.

If YOU attack someone else and they defend themselves, the fact that they are weird and different from you doesn't change the fact that YOU are the violent one.

You don't have to coexist with them. Just stay off their planet. It's not that hard.

Well yeah it's like we want Muslims to stay out of white nations but they can't seem to manage to do that either.

sexy uniforms btw

nazis could have been pure evil, but damn it if they werent stylish.

That's a hazier example, because the local populations of "white nations" disagree about whether Muslims should come or not.

But I'm glad you can at least appreciate the logic. Baby steps, user.

You're a literal retard

Wow I owe you an apology. Sorry.

If you look at actual polling done on the specific issue, the UN has done a bunch over the years, no white nation has ever had majority support for mass immigration from non-white nations. It literally never gets majority support until there are enough non-white citizens to skew the polling because they vote for letting more in.

If you had had a referendum on it in any white nation in the last fifty years it would have been a resounding 'No' by 70% plus. It was just never put to referendum and was simply decided on by politicians.

im not talking about people vs people user, take the movie at face value and assume your enemy is actually an alien race of carnivorous bugs. Does it actually matter if they attacked first? they're bugs, they're gonna kill us eventually.

I'm from buenos aires and I think fascism is good, do you?

Define "people." The bugs are self-aware and have a complex society. You're using the same logic that past humans used to justify racial genocide.

> they're bugs, they're gonna kill us eventually.
There is absolutely nothing in the movie to support this conclusion. The bugs showed no sign of wanting anything from the humans other than to be left alone.

how different would it look like if current earth had space warfare tech and we would be attacked be aliens? Would there be a single banner under which humanity would fight, or would it be each country using its own tech to try to defeat them, like ww2 countries against germany?

>There is absolutely nothing in the movie to support this conclusion.
t. brain bug

Same here. Fun movie to watch.

It was a metaphor for Israel and Palestine.

They didn't attack earth at all. have you seen any tech with them whatsoever?
They fart this stuff into space which eventually hits an asteroid and puts seed on it. They must have done this since forever because asteroids take a shitload of time to cross the galaxy. Not to mention it would be impossible to aim at anything across those distances.

word of god is buenos aires was not a false flag. bugs were retaliating for the mormon colony. the human response was completely justified.

>unquestioning obedience to the state

Attached: starship troopers fascism.webm (1000x542, 2.94M)

>fascism is an aesthetic!
no you miserable niggerfaggot.
the terran federation in a constitutional democratic republic. a constution limits and describes the powers of government and citizens elect representatives. civilians have all the normal rights and protections of a liberal democracy. all people are garanteed the right to become citizens regardless of age, race, sex, disability or any other group.


do not ever say the federation is fascist again.
you are so fucking wrong that you are the OPPOSITE OF CORRECT.

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Close, more like
>as a kid it's a fun space action movie
>as an adult it's a piece of shit and the book and OVA are obviously better

LOL the last quote u want to live for ever is a real quote from Marine Daniel Daly during the battle of Bellowood

You can be a fascist dictatorship and still have all those things.
Movie doesn't really explore the society or how it works beyond it being intrinsically militaristic. Thing about fascism is that if they know how to run an economy well enough to not collapse and they really follow their ideals, they might well create a utopia for the people who are deemed worthy to live in it.

>You can be a fascist dictatorship and still have a representative government elect by the people.
you ignorant fucking nigger.
fascism is defined as: Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5]
the terran federation has NONE of those traits. they have a market economy, freedom of speech/assembly/religion/petition. ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES. trial by jury. and all other signs of a lawful republic.


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>Movie doesn't really explore the society or how it works beyond it being intrinsically militaristic
no you're just too stupid to extrapolate their society from the clues in the movie. instead you see black uniforms and start regugitating everything that other people say like a fucking parrot.

>thinking this contradicts the statement

The primacy of the society is never questioned, only whether he 'has what it takes' to risk his life or whether the safety of non-citizen civilian life is better for him. Not only is the question rigged in a moral framework that heavily favors enlistment, neither choice repudiates the militaristic chauvinism of the society, and even if by some impossible feat of moral consciousness, someone were to defy their 12 years of state-sponsored indoctrination and be a pacifist, the compelled service for enfranchisement would ensure the sentiment dies with him. I can't believe there are anons on here that fall for illusion of choice.

Wars arise from population pressure. No matter what we need to expand and so do they. It's them or us, and no successful species in history has ever put another species' survival above their own and lived to tell about it.

Our survival is the only moral option. Nothing else is worth considering, you'd have to be a madman to choose a wolf over your own son.

>radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5]
>the terran federation has NONE of those traits. they have a market economy, freedom of speech/assembly/religion/petition. ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES. trial by jury. and all other signs of a lawful republic.
You realize these are compatible? You can have democratically elected dictators. Juries dispensing authoritarian judgments. "Free speech" with forcible oppression of opposition. Strong regimentation of society (which is plainly obvious) and the economy with a market economy. The freedom to practice whatever religion you want, within the list of acceptable religions, who all preach the correct messages. And so on.
What at its core defines fascism is it's nationalistic and social darwinist, and the federation is both of those.

>he accepts the Jewish definition

Tell me, what is Abraham Lincoln's statue resting his hands on?

Shut up and stop asking questions citizen

We'd be dead by sunrise. Interstellar travel+bombardment from space= over.

The fasces is much older than fascism. Your point is as dumb as saying the Aryans were Nazis because they had swastikas.

Relativistic bombs. Don't even need FTL bullshit, just an engine that burns anti-matter. It gets up to a stupidly high fraction of the speed of light and whacks the earth a new one. instant extinction event at very low cost.

The scary thing is that the light of such an engine is unmistakable. If we ever light one up for mundane transportation purposes we are signalling to the entire galaxy (at least) "We're a mortal threat to you, here is our exact location".

Good thing the odds of life on or near our level in the Local Group are basically zero.

You dont need to do military you could do civic duty. Also you talk like a faggot.

Buenos Eres was just the science fiction version of the USS Maine
an excuse to start conflict

No it's the same age. Rome was fascist. The definition you're using is less than a century old, invented by jews.

The Bugs had interstellar flight. They were not confined to a single world.

>bugs comes into contact with human colonists on a planet they have already spread to
>brain bug sucks colonists brain and learns they are from earth possibly BA
>bug plasma sends meteor to earth

>The Bugs had interstellar flight
t. the Federation

>the bugs don't have interstellar flight

The bugs literally attacked zegima beach in the movie. They have FTL

Now THAT is kino

This movie and x-files are proof for truthers

Nobody prior to the 20th (perhaps late 19th) century would self-describe as fascist, because the ideology had never been formalized as such before then. You're using a definition that has never existed.

sst is a unicorn. even the corny stuff is A+

We happily live on a continent that we acquired through genocide. We have no intention of returning this land to the indigenous people we conquered it from. Our society was founded with the context that we conquered and destroyed an inferior civilization
We feed ourselves by committing genocide on beasts that live their entire lives in a cage. We have no intention of setting the chickens or cows free. Our food chain operates on the assumption that we are rightfully the supreme species.
There is no argument that can be made to convince me that the bugs deserve to live. We operate with one assumption: what's good for us is all that matters. Replace bugs with Muslims and I do not care. Its us verse them and I'm not dying if it comes to war

bug hole. there.

Right, it was just called being a successful nation with laws and unity. It was only demonized after the jew got into power.

E pluribus unum is a description of a Fasces.

>book is better
>dude listen to my mouthpiece talk to my robotic protagonist lmao

yes, four years in advance

No. Dina Meyer got hers out, but Denise didn't. That had to wait until Wild Things, and then we all wished she'd hadn't.

The "Mercury" dime that was used from 1916 until the end of WW2 literally had a fasces on the reverse, too.

Attached: 1943D_Mercury_Dime_reverse.jpg (2500x2500, 2.63M)

gay bad remake that tries to "set things right" when

>tfw reading the book
I don't know if this was intentional on his behalf, but it has a lot of lines or observations that I find funny.

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>Define "people.
I'm trans insect and this is offensive

>Buenos Aires was an inside job
Nah, we are not that capable.

No country is, actually.

>I'm from buenos aires and I think fascism is good, do you?
So am I, and I say we have no fucking idea what Facism means. We're almost as pitiful as amerifats trying to use the word "Liberal".

you sound like a pacifist bug lover.

It turned out they were actually capable of aiming to a certain point. They were more intelligent than humans thought they were which lead to the massacre on Klandathu...Was it Klandathu? It's been a long time.

>I caught one of those master's thesis assignments he chucked around so casually; I had suggested that the Crusades were different from most wars. I got sawed off and handed this: Required: to prove that war and moral perfection derive from the same genetic inheritance.

>Briefly, thus: All wars arise from population pressure. (Yes, even the Crusades, though you have to dig into trade routes and birth rate and several other things to prove it.) Morals — all correct moral rules derive from the instinct to survive; moral behavior is survival behavior above the individual level — as in a father who dies to save his children. But since population pressure results from the process of surviving through others, then war, because it results from population pressure, derives from the same inherited instinct which produces all moral rules suitable for human beings.

>Check of proof: Is it possible to abolish war by relieving population pressure (and thus do away with the all-too evident evils of war) through constructing a moral code under which population is limited to resources?

>Without debating the usefulness or morality of planned parenthood, it may be verified by observation that any breed which stops its own increase gets crowded out by breeds which expand. Some human populations did so, in Terran history, and other breeds moved in and engulfed them.

>Nevertheless, let's assume that the human race manages to balance birth and death, just right to fit its own planets, and thereby becomes peaceful. What happens?

>Soon (about next Wednesday) the Bugs move in, kill off this breed which "ain'ta gonna study war no more" and the universe forgets us. Which still may happen. Either we spread and wipe out the Bugs, or they spread and wipe us out — because both races are tough and smart and want the same real estate.

>Do you know how fast population pressure could cause us to fill the entire universe shoulder to shoulder? The answer will astound you, just the flicker of an eye in terms of the age of our race.

>Try it — it's a compound-interest expansion.

>But does Man have any "right" to spread through the universe?

>Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics — you name it — is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what Man is — not what do gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be.

>The universe will let us know — later — whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it.

>All wars arise from population pressure
Brainlet-level take, as expected from Heinlein.

Is that all you can say about it?

What else do you wanna hear? Everything else is /pol/ rhethoric 101, and regardless of your personal feelings on it, it's not a very deep analysis of such things.

Because earthlike planets are rare and both humans, the skinnies and the bugs are in a threeway interstellar conflict over control of them.

If you're above /pol/ you can explain why you think that.

But you won't, because you can't.

>it may be verified by observation that any breed which stops its own increase gets crowded out by breeds which expand
Haha, what a quack. What a nut-job. What a loon.

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You could gain citizenship through any number of jobs most of which didn't involve the military at all, anyone could enlist and they couldn't turn anyone away, and even without citizenship you enjoyed all the rights of modern society minus voting and running for office.
>Dubious war
The arachnids attacked earth and had been attacking human colonies for some time before that.

Just because Veerhovan stuck Carl in a nazi costume doesn't make the federation fascist.

>Not only is the question rigged in a moral framework that heavily favors enlistment,
The federation does literally everything it can to discourage people from applying for citizenship short of turning people away.

If they didn't like you when you enlisted they gave you deployments that would result in your death guaranteed, to make sure you didn't end up causing any problems in the future.

The sense in which you're using it is just confusing the matter because unity and strength can be understood without "reappropriating" fascism, and frankly, I doubt your good faitb. So before you go further with what fascism is or ought to be, tell me this. Would you describe Mussolini's Italy and/or Nazi Germany as beneficial or preferable models of governance? Are these governments fascist in whole or in part, and in what way do they depart from what your sense of fascism is?

>Would you describe Mussolini's Italy and/or Nazi Germany as beneficial or preferable models of governance?

Are we talking reality NSDAP or cartoon nazis? because if you look at the miserable state germany was in in the 1920's and early 1930's to how it was in the late 1930's before the war i don't see how anyone could ever consider it a failure or not immensely beneficial to it's people.

>Are these governments fascist in whole or in part, and in what way do they depart from what your sense of fascism is?
They were as "fascist" as the USA was at the time.

they didnt, it was a red flag to keep mankind as a war oriented civilization focused on an external enemy

>If they didn't like you when you enlisted they gave you deployments that would result in your death guaranteed
No they didn't, Mobile infantry were the only ones in regular direct conflict and they were uncommon, most people served in things like fire brigades and colonial security.

>half of this board wasn't born when starship troopers came out


a splinter group of humanity settled on a planet against the wishes and advisement of the federation and in response the bugs decide to try and wipe out all of humanity. Fuck the bugs, they all deserve to die.

You're still being completely dodgy about what fascism means to you. The political and social structures of Germany and America in the 30s were significantly different, so if I knew nothing else about the term but that the two nations shared its principles equally, I'd warrant fascism doesn't mean anything important at all. You also didn't mention Italy in your answer, which makes me suspect you're not actually that familiar with fascism's history outside of German volkism and the fasces in disparate iconography.

>You're still being completely dodgy about what fascism means to you.
Law and order. The same as it meant to the USA and to rome.

>The political and social structures of Germany and America in the 30s were significantly different

>I'd warrant fascism doesn't mean anything important at all.
It doesn't. It's just a means to demonize the concepts of law and order as well as phillia.

This movie used the same costumes as Starship Troopers.

So did Power Rangers.

I think we're running circles at this point, but you have an interesting perspective, so thanks for the chat.

Oh look, it's another "I didn't ever read the book, and I didn't hear that Paul Verhoeven refused to read more than a chapter or two of the book before declaring it "boring" and asking his aides to give him cliff notes, which incorrectly surmised that the Terran Federation is a fascist regime, and since Paul Verhoeven doesn't like fascists, he set off to make a movie making fun of fascism, which perhaps even dumber people saw, assumed the book was about fascism, and either loved it because of that or hated it because of that all while Heinlein spun in his grave like a fucking turbine at the hoover dam" thread.

Attached: ffs.jpg (437x335, 49K)

The book and the film completely depart from one another thematically, but guess which board we're on, and then try to surmise which work the non-retards in this thread have been referring to.

>Doogie Howser + trench coat = Nazis = Bad!

What did Doogie Howser, SS do that was so evil?

>JFK was a fascist because he said "Ask what you can do for your country"
>Choice is an illusion because some choices are better than others
>The easiest way is the only way
You're either stupid or you got a chip on your shoulder that makes you say stupid things.

Holy shit dude, please stop you are retarded.
Just admid the guy was right.

Haven't you heard?

/pol/ is always right.

That choice is an illusion because the results equally reinforce the system. JFK's famous line has a different context. I don't even know why you thought your third implication bracket addressed what I said, but it doesn't.

What if I like both the book and the movie and don't think either depicts a fascist civilization?

It was fascism done right. If anything it showed that all inclusive fascism is what's best for the world.

They knew it was coming

>the miserable state germany was in in the 1920's and early 1930's to how it was in the late 1930's before the war i don't see how anyone could ever consider it a failure or not immensely beneficial to it's people.
The German economy under the NSDAP was a fucking sham though. Deficit spending and heavy debt borrowing that they had no way to pay back because almost none of that was going into actually growing the economy but building up the military. The only reason things temporarily improved was because people could go to work building tanks and munitions, most public works projects (like the autobahn) were effectively cancelled within a few years of them starting. Even during the height of the economic "boom" basic necessities like food and clothing were still being rationed because Germany had to import most of that shit and Hitler put idiotic tariffs into place so not many people wanted to trade with them.

>things that were the fault of the treaty of Versailles
Yes but what about the NSDAP?

They stopped paying that shit in 1932.

lol, no.

Something something racism something something fascism something something fuck drumpf something something

I only remember it for bath scene.

zomg youre 40