Who should play Elliot Rodger in the inevitable bio pic?
Who should play Elliot Rodger in the inevitable bio pic?
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Not a chiseled alpha. Would have to be a beta manlet.
Ezra obviously
>implying Ezra cant play a beta and isnt already a manlet
he could just act like Kevin again
>Ezra Miller
>chiseled alpha
seems right, both are huge faggots
Imagine looking like Ezra but being fucking gay instead of slamming top tier pusy
What a waste
Being straight is for NPC's.
looking asian is never a good thing. Also Elliot was shorter compared to Ezra already being 1.80
Any ol' Chink with a tiny wiener.
i miss this little nigga more than you could ever know
just like Ricky Martin
like him or not his jaw is fucking magnificent
t. Cope
I would give all of my money to look like Ezra and I don’t like anything about him. He has a jaw that was carved by Greek gods.
He's hooking up with Nasim Aghdam in heaven now.
Based. Maybe I'll forward this post to Ezra and you two can hook up.
>What a waste
A waste for whom? He obviously doesn't care. You mean it's a waste for the roasties who can't control him with their fish holes?
Hey thanks, I'd appreciate that.
Hit me up on Discord if you're serious.
Ezra's a good choice but I think we already have a Ezra shilling twink army problem on Yea Forums
i think theres a secret organization of Ezra shills. Lots of gay Ezra twink posters on /fit/ and Yea Forums
why the fuck did he bulk up? he looked so much better as a twink
>blue eyes
>goblino head
>404 lips
He's spooky skeleton mode again, those were only temporary weight gains
This kid was born to play David Bowie
Dane is a much better actor but unfortunately doesn't look as weird as Ezra
born to play dylan roof
Do people not realize Ezra isn’t Asian? Like whatsoever?
Funny enough, Elliot loved Chronicle and the movie was what helped inspire his god complex.
He saw that characters fall from grace and wanted to replicate it
dat hair tho
scarlett johansson still got to act in ghost in the shell
that nose though
the jew is strong
Wtf I love kikes now???
The source of all his movie roles
post that webm where he has a guy on his lap
that fucking faggot
the supreme gentleman deserves better
>chiseled alpha
He is a beta bottom faggot with a chad's appearance. It's like slapping god in the face.
You love it faggot
am i the only one that thinks he looks like james from cowchop
Christ his dick must be huge
If you consider 7 inches huge, sure
jfc why do you have this and why did you slow it down
>ywn creampie that asshole
Feels bad man
Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to?
how come his hair went from straight when he was young in all hi films to currly recently
same with his pube facial hair looks much better
His hair has always been the same, it was more straight in Kevin because it wasn't long enough to get really curly - and then he grew it out extremely long from 2012/2013 and didn't cut it until he was made to...by Judd Apatow actually kek, I have a video of that somewhere
As far the the pubes facial hair goes he's probably just unironically better at grooming now
KEK, yes, I found it...they had cut his hair for the first time in years here: youtu.be
Pretty sure he is growing it out again going by most recent pictures
also are you an ezra miller scholar
I'm extremely autistic and in love with him :(
He’s way too old already
It will be Finn Wolfhard or the other kid who plays Bill in IT since he’s half Korean
He looks Asian.
We're all getting older bros
I'm getting older
Ezra's getting older
Every day we come closer to the day of reckoning
Ezra looks great and cute and is aging gracefully, moreso than I could hope for as a crusty old boomer.
Also witnessed.
Ezra should take up the nudist lifestyle
I’m not gay but he actually looks like a cool dude
He's flamboyant and borderline retarded but still very likable
I think he's super cute