Who do you root for?

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Spencer rice is a fucking fuck

there is no point to this thread, anyone who says spenny is doing so just to bait

Generally I root for Kenny, because I feel pity for Spencer. I did feel happy for him a few times when kenny fucked up and made himself lose, though.

whichever one has had sex


spenny > (((kenny)))


this has to be one of the best ones

(((spenny))) > (((kenny)))*

They're both kikes

Kenny because Spencer is an autistic, unfunny, fun-hating moralfag.

I saw Kenny vs Spenny live a few days ago and Spenny ruined the whole show with his unfunny yelling and bitching. I think he was drunk. The audience also wouldn't stfu

THAT'S disgusting.

what was the competition

Was Kenny at least keeping it alive? The only real reason you go is to watch Kenny make fun of spenny


Oh no, I'm allergic to peanuts!

Easily the best

No. Spenny was completely off the rails.

Don't get me wrong there were some good laughs when Kenny would reel it in but it was really weird.

It was hard to tell if it was intentional or not

I love this one because of the crew, I could literally watch a show of just Kenny and his crew fucking around

Was this stolen from German TV or did we steal it from you? When did this show start?

Didn't do one

Spenny ranted about global warming for like 20 fucking minutes

After all of this time he's still a cunt

you stole it from us, kenny himself sells the format of the show to be used by other networks/countries

season 1: spenny
every other season: kenny

Did Spenny look like a washed up crackhead? Last time I saw him he looked rough and I think he was drunk too lol

They should really just do a YouTube show, it would do really well and they wouldn't have broadcaster cunts breathing down their necks

hmm, I could have guessed.

He looked pretty fucked. He had this goofy bandanna that made his hair stick up. He was definitely drunk

You guys ever think the show was faked? I know the gorilla one in particular is super fake, but otherwise if felt genuine

half and half

Spenny because Kenny is a literal Jew communist

Kenny loved nazis, spenny was jew sympathizer

Some of it scripted. The radiating Spenny's balls was a gag. Some of the verbal jokes are already written before hand.


> Chuck vs Sneed

they're maybe a bit to old now. I think both are pushing 55...

im pretty sure some of it is loosely scripted and then improved.

Kenny only liked Nazis ironically. He really is a commie though. His room is clad in USSR shit and Hammer and Sickle garbage

That’s perfect. It just makes them look more pathetic.

Kenny has always teased at bringing it back. A few days ago he posted a montage video on his youtube. Probably doesn't mean shit but it would be fun to see Spenny get humiliated for a few episodes.

Attached: spennysmom.jpg (504x378, 279K)

I'm too lazy to DL every episode on YouTube

Anyone have a drive link?



I found this lame Canadian shit cringy and unwatchable.

Which one isn't the jew?

they're both very jewish

You have to root for Spenny. The more he tries the worse it gets.

Americans are so weak that they fear the Canuck.

Uploading it's at 15%

Their first interaction when they start is the best moment of the series

Depends on the episode/challenge. Sometimes I feel Kenny goes overboard with inflicting misery on Spenny and I hope Spenny wins just so Kenny gets his just desserts. Most of the time though, Kenny is so funny and smart with his trickery and Spenny is so lame and gay that I want Kenny to win. Of course the joke is always at Spenny's expense and that's the whole point, and why the show is funny, but sometimes you gotta root for the underdog.

Poltards only think this is the best because of the Jew shit.
Bad sense of humour.

Kenny and Spenny said they would love to bring back KvS and that them being old would make that shit 100x funnier.

Kenny for some reason doesn't want to do a youtube show.

He's aint a commie. He just likes collecting old soviet shit.

That one's the best because Kenny fucks with spenny so hard that he cracks

I relate to Kenny more

They'd be making no money. It'd get demonitized instantly.