Movies Yea Forums will never understand

Movies Yea Forums will never understand

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what does it feel like being balls deep in a girls throat haha

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>man with big benis is sad because he has lots of sex with tons of women

Exactly. Yea Forums can't understand that.

Same as in a boy's throat tbqh.

That wasn't the reason of why he was sad.
The sex and porn addiction was like a way of coping with the character's past. I don't remember if in the movie it gets clarified but I think it is implied that the main character and her sister were both molested as children and that has seemed to degenarated into their promiscuity at their adulthood.
He also was worried about her sister since she was suicidal.

>Unironically blade runner 2049
The people who got the film got displaced by the "horny and lonely" faggots who flocked here from reddit around the same time that the pedos from tumblr showed up after it got shut down and the domain split happened. Now the same faggots who spend their money on whores drove all the memes from the film into the fucking ground. It's like that quote about how acting like idiots ironically eventually leads to being surrounded by idiots who think they're in good company, only with pornzombies and literal pedos. I noticed there's a few of them shitting up the catalog today. Threads I saw get deleted when I came online early in the day are up again and getting deleted again right now. Same reddit and tumblr fags making the same pedo and waifu threads because Yea Forums is their self-professed favorite board.

That thread about increased portrayal of sex in media was ruined by people that turned it into a shouting match of fuck incels and fuck roasties even though a few anons were having good back and forths about the change in art movements over the past century.

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I understand it. It's the greatest movie since 2000, in my opinion. I cried for 30 minutes after I saw it. It's absolutely mindblowing.

>dat music
>dat cinematokinography
>dat acting
>dat ass

It's perfect.

We're not bad people, we just come from a bad place. Right in the fucking feels.

Devastating movie. Absolute mastery in that McQueen managed to make sex not sexy and showing a terrible human condition in the act. Also loved how the only emotional sex scene was the only hot one. Absolute mastery.

Hey moron: you were supposed to understand that Ass-Bender had an abusive childhood which ruined the possibility, for him, of real intimacy and love, and that he uses sex to compensate for all the love he never had and may never have, but since it's not actual love, it's never enough.

I hate autists.

This. How did everyone miss this? It was hamfistedly implied

That freudian childhood trauma is always so lame in movies.

>It was hamfistedly implied
>hamfistedly implied
I hate you cordially. Nobody should ever be able to say something this fucking stupid and live.

>movies that people pretend to like to make everyone knows they have sex
Yeah, sure, it's a masterpiece, the Citizen Kane of our generation.

It's not freudian, you moron. Emotional neglect, which is abuse, and other types of abuse, create problems like addiction and such. Study that shit, it's real.

You're projecting, incel. I haven't had sex in two years and I can't do intimacy easily because I spent my childhood getting raped. It is the Citizen Kane of our generation, except it's vastly superior.

Oh boohoo he was molested as a kid and now has loads of sex because of it what a sad character :(

I'm gonna make a movie where some guy gets 5 bucks robbed from him by bullies as a young kid, and he grows up to be a multi millionaire living a great life never worrying about money and how sad he is about that
Let's see if the normies on Yea Forums still praise it

>Study that shit, it's real.
Sure, I bet he's just like you. Go back fucking your sister now.

I'll hamfist you so hamfistedly you will be himfisting for a week

You literally made this same post verbatim a few days ago. Fuck off to reddit and post your depressionblogs there you faggot cuck. The movie's great for a ton of reasons but it isn't great because it's an opportunity for you to kvetch about muh depression.

>I spent my childhood getting raped.
Sorry for you bro but it's not because you got ass fucked by niggers during all your childhood that every character in movies did.

>Being this fucking pleb
The child abuse shit is a pleb filter retard. It's all about addiction and rampant sex. For all you know Chrissy and Brendan are regular people who weren't abused or anything but they're miserable because of modernity. Stop harping on about muh child abuse because some faggot YT essayist told you that's what it was about.

>Sure, I bet he's just like you.
user doesn't believe in trauma and consequences. Kek. Fuck science amirite?

>t's all about addiction and rampant sex.
I never said otherwise, I just pointed out the cause. Nobody gets addicted out of the blue.

You've been filtered, faggot.

>For all you know Chrissy and Brendan are regular people who weren't abused or anything
Pay attention. This is made very clear in the movie. If you didn't spot the parts that explicitate that, you're a pleb.

You have been filtered again. Idiot.

>user who got molested and doesn't want to connect his issues with their causes so he can go living the way he does without having to go to therapy

Stay weak.

And his sister was also a ninfomaniac and suicidal and and had sex with the main character's friend.

And the fact that he only fucked sluts because he couldn't make a good love relationship with a decent woman and that his addiction to sex drove him into having gay sex with a stranger.

Learn to read, I only said I don't like the way Hollywood usually portray trauma. It's always so causal and simplistic, I wish screenwriters could put their fingers out of their butts. Even Hitchcock did a better job than these guys.

>he only fucked sluts because he couldn't make a good love relationship with a decent woman
Oh boohoo all I have are my friends who are better company than any women and an endless parade of sluts
>sister had sex with his friend
So? His sister is free to fuck who he wants and obviously his friend is by definition an alright guy. Who is he, Tony Montana?

I don't know that user's opinion on the film overall but you're arguing with a ghost. He's saying it's lame. Doesn't matter what research you bring up to justify your reading of the movie, it's weak and lame. He's right about that too, fucking McQueen himself kept shit like that out because it does not matter at all. It's unironically better if you read it as Brandon being a Light Yagami tier guy with no copout childhood trauma backstory who's burned out and torn up because he's living in an oversexed and overstimulated environment where you can see a porn film playing out on an unconcealed apartment window during the day.

>The cause
You're projecting onto the character and assuming that yours is the only valid explanation, faggot.

Holy fucking projection

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every fuckin time... why do you goons care so much

Mars Needs Moms

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What that user's saying is the brainlet reading of the film

>whining about incels
You deserved it

You're autistic

He's an incel too since he stopped getting raped.

Is it okay for me to relate to it if I'm a virgin porn addict?

I should probably rewatch this if I ever stop being an incel in order to better understand it.

That's a sub-pleb level reading of the film but sure. If you're an actual incel you might put shit on a pedestal and think it'll fix everything. That's nowhere near as grim as what the main character in the film experiences. He's dead inside BECAUSE of the things that people think can fix life. And it ain't because of some bullshit childhood trauma nonsense.

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Why does everyone always keep focusing on him being attractive?

I was way more jealous of him being able to afford a nice appartement in new york.


NY is a fucking cesspool. Unless you're just talking about how much money he has.

Addiction to sexual pleasure is a real problem, and the only thing worse than not being able to get it is to be able to get it whenever you want. It is destructive to the mind and body, and this film is the first I've ever seen explore this very real problem.

Reminder that the patrician interpretation goes beyond this

>NY is a fucking cesspool


Watch Shame (2011) by Steve McQueen starring Michael Fassbender

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