Is there any movie that deserves a sequel more than pic related?

Attached: MV5BODkyNDQzMzUzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODYyMDEyOA@@._V1_[1].jpg (1382x2048, 879K)

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ok hot shot

Funny how it was written at the same time as the raid redemption and both are pure kino.

whoever created this, I fucking love you

I dunno man. I'd like to see a good sequel to it, but there's always a danger they fuck it up and make it not like the original.

I really hope the TV series gets off the ground.

A Dark Horse / IDW cinematic universe might be cool


District 9

i always wanted more to this

Attached: i am legend.jpg (86x128, 4K)

>drops his gun
That's an automatic fail, rookie


They're planning a TV series. Apparently will start filming at some point this year.

If they made a sequel what would it be about?

>If they made a sequel what would it be about?
Wally Squad.

Olivia Thrilby full frontal

Attached: 1546287323105.webm (648x360, 2.18M)

lionsgate version of the angel gang

Hey bro, I like your style dude

>We'll never get more Judgement Kino
I hate this fucking world

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