/ldrg/ - Love Death & Robots general

I want to get mindfucked by a giant anus-mouth spider who pretends to be a hot 30-something blonde with rocking tits

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Zima Blue sucked ass. There is said it.

Robot furries will be a thing now

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did you miss the five nights at freddies robo pedo furries phase?

what a waste of quints


Like I mentioned in the other thread, I noticed that of this "adult" content several views of male penises, where as zero female genitalia.
Netflix progressive? Nah, more as if scared of vagina.

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I should kill you for wasting those digits

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In retrospect, I want to use those quints to say, "Joseph Smith was right. All other religions are a lie."

You can see pussy in the Hunting episode.

plebeian detected

you can see pussy in sucker of souls

The episode with everybody on the farm fighting with giant mecs was so fucking awful. The yogurt one was the best I’ve watched so far imo

>The yogurt one was the best I’ve watched so far imo

Fuck Netflix

Best one.

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Sorry I don’t enjoy the cringey dialogue present in like half the episodes :) the one with the three robots walking thru the empty city was good too tho (other than the stupid cat)

Stop baiting.

>Yea Forums now likes netflix shit

how the mighty has fallen

your meme is not catching on, fuck off sperg

Get fucked, shill

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Am I the only one that thought this was Animetrix: The Reddit Edition?
So much of it was so on the nose and obvious where it was going.

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You have garbage taste.

Yogurt taking over the world is the fucking animetrix with yogurt instead of AI.

>Watch first episode

Well, that was short.

No. Because it's closer to Heavy Metal.

try The Secret War before you give up on it

anyone have a high-quality webm of Kharnivore?

I need it for...reasons

Man I really wish I could Netflix and Chill™ with that spider waifu in Beyond the Aquila Rift. Don't you fellow 4channers?
I hope this general stays alive so I can keep discussing all these deep and meaningful shorts with you all until the next Netflix™ Kino arrives. Netflix, more like Nextflix amirite?

Which streaming service do you work for?

Most of the other episodes are tryhard edgy black mirror with awful conversations and needless nudity, kys

>Robots that seemingly have access to all of human knowledge don't understand the purpose of food or what a cat is
>Le ebin exploding catz XD I sure do luv muh asshole pet
>Preachy bullshit looking directly into the camera
>Imply that everyone died in some kind of fallout
>Just kidding it's climate change
Was gonna give it a chance even though the kaiju fighting was predictable in the deception.

>needless nudity

Your mind is like a child, or a stuffy old lady. Nudity is only shamed by those jealous.

A lot of the nudity literally served no purpose though. Think of it in terms of video games. People can't stop going on about the senseless sexualization of fighters like DOA or Mortal Kombat. The overly sexualized characters in those shorts are only allowed because they are preachy enough about the dangers of het men.

I liked the Dracula one a lot for some odd reason.

Mostly because of the pussy joke and the mercs look like 80s operators.

As this show is 18+ people that need trigger warnings to see it shouldn’t be watching.

>episode where future prostitute chick is running half naked thru a city the entire episode, not to mention the needless random stripping sequence in the middle
>fucking Dracula dick being shot with a shotgun
>sex scene that goes on forever in the lost ship/giant mindspider episode, but it just looks like bad 3D porn on pornhub

Zima Blue reminds me of that show MotorCity

same director. also did tron uprising

thats fucking ace.

Can't believe people can't handle how cool and edgy Netflix™ are and are actually complaining about seeing nudity. Grow up kiddos, animation belongs to adults now.

Had to alt f4 during first episode. Don't we have enough feminist content?

It’s more childish to have nudity shoehorned into the 3rd or 4th scene of every fucking episode, especially because it plays to the stereotype of nerds who like anime and video games with big tiddy girls

Of course they make it so a black man can't swim. Or when he tries to, he self destructs. Fucking white writers.

>ot of the nudity literally served no purpose though

Nudity needs purpose? I truly dislike your thinking. We're human beings. You're either free to embrace that or you are in denial.
I embrace nudity just as I do breathing air, it's a just part of being human and doesn't need "purpose" other than it is.
BUT, to you since it's a taboo it's ALWAYS perversion, disgust, low life scum, and PORN. I cannot get people who think like you to understand differently how your way of thinking is more destructive to being human, or how corrosive it is to love, so I cannot expect anything. Locked in your mindset, as always until you see the world differently.

>bad 3D porn

More like great, high production 3D porn.

still got off to it. twice.

Blindspot is really good.

>really good
sort of mehhhhhh? argue w me here

why did they start by cutting off her limbs if they were gonna make her entire body robotic?

Because white people are evil

bump up that MPAA rating and make it edgier

You misunderstand my take. I'm perfectly ok with nudity that serves no purpose other than being eye candy. My point is that the moral undertones if these stories are intersectional in nature. The same people that in any other context would decry the nudity of the work. If it has the right politics though you can swing titties all you like.
There was a developer demo for DOA where the devs were showing off the titty physics and freeze frame of their game. It was shut down by the conference hosts. Spot the difference.

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So that just about anyone had something to fap to in this show

I thought it was extremely male-centric. did you not even see how much ogling was done over the tit physics and lesbian make out session? not to mention the head crushing scene, how much more masculine can you get than that?

Discord trannies really get triggered over people not wanting their degeneracy shoved into everything, even to its detriment.

what??? there's too many white people in Hollywood? gasp!

>head crushing

From a woman in high heels. Very masculine.

If you're so concerned about white-centric writing, then why haven't other races stepped up to the plate? Some races are more creative than others. Chinese or Blacks couldn't achieve this.

>making a general about manchildren cartoon show

Oh, so now that makes it appealing to the female audience. gotcha. you got me there, user.

It symbolizes the white man taking the asian woman away from asian men. The white man turns her into almost souless object, and she comes running back to the asian man (scarred and broken) who saves her.

Basically r/AsianMasculinity: The Animation

Literally what was the point of Fish Night?

Based and nudepilled

From best to worst:

Fish Night
Lucky 13
Zima Blue
Secret War
Sucker of Souls
Beyond the Aquila Rift
Helping Hand
The Witness
Shape Shifters
Three Robots
Blind Spot
Good Hunting
Ice Age
When the Yoghurt Took Over
The Dump
Sonnie's Edge
Alternate Histories

Fite me

>Basically r/AsianMasculinity: The Animation
which explains why there is so much praise for it here.

Alternate Histories was funny as hell. I hope we see more of that if they do more shorts.

I would put "helping hand" a bit more up on the list desu

Yeah, maybe. Animation was pretty damn good, but the story fell just short of good

I see u r from reddit, narwhal bacon amirite

I thought we kicked out all the asians here a long time ago.

gtfo, chinks.



You can see hairy pussy in The Witness

>tfw your waifu only gets ~10 seconds of screentime

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Six episodes in. So far pretty baller. The girl robot from Three Robots is my waifu. Please post lewds.

Fucking newfags.

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I have to fucking gag.

I enjoyed it as well. pretty sure you have to be a 30 yo boomer to appreciate what they're parodying tho

Sonnies edge muh white males r the problem learn to hate western civilization

Three robots. Le LOL 'whadu mean x cultural reference?'

robotic explanation har har portal

what the fuck is this show and does it get good?

The vast majority of these shorts can be expanded into fullon movies or shows. the Russian demon hunters one needs to be a full thing.

Im 25, so Im not so far off I suppose.

No, I did not misunderstand anything, and repeating your excuses will NOT change my opinion of you, or your way of thinking.

You demand meaning, and purpose in story for nudity, while violence, gore, chaos, and hatred is perfectly acceptable to breath in every second. You do not see my point of view therefore you cannot accept the overall destructive nature of demonizing nudity.
Now, if you want to get into the whole:"Oh, but deviants perverts run rampid when nudity is loosely accepted" which is also a complex subject but to sum it up, such deviant perversions only thrive in a society repressed, and restrained. When I refer to nudity acceptance I'm referring to all shapes, and sizes, all sexes, all ages. When a society isn't hiding and more accepting you'd be amazed at how much more peaceful people become.

So? I'm done. I understand what your repetitive excuses are, but I will disagree no matter what because my opinion is that you are wrong as I've stated AGAIN. Is it time to throw insults my way? We shall see.

nice bait

yeah me too, but you're not allowed to laugh at anything here because reddit boogeyman

just watch The Secret War, Beyond the Aquila Rift, and Lucky 13

the rest of them are going to be too triggering for you

gr8 b8 m8

I have no idea what they are prodying, it was just boring

Lucky 13 was very good. Got some good halo vibes from those not-pelican dropships.

You're rambling friend.
Lol at it like this.
>We both have no issue with nudity and sexualization
>Other mediums are smeared for their inclusion of sexualization
>This show is highly sexual
>It won't be smeared because it has the right politics
I don't want this show smeared for it's sexual nature. I want people to stop fucking with my anime game titties. Basically the permit for big tits on a screen is saying how evil men are. It's a silly double standard.

No, he hairy bush shadow is covering it. The pubic area is not actually the vagina which is located a bit lower cleverly hidden in each shot it could have been seen.

pretty much every 80/90s cartoon

I wanted to see more of these dudes from Lucky 13. Who are they? Some corporation fighting for valuable land on a new planet? Crazy eco-terrorists trying to stop terraforming? The chinese?

They have cool uniforms and their rocketslaunchers have skulls on them.

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I know how you feel

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i kept thinking she was Storm form the Xmen movies

Why are you posting some cartoon on Yea Forums

>Basically the permit for big tits on a screen is saying how evil men are. It's a silly double standard.

I would agree with that, and specific body types that usually resemble runway models.
Although that is the results of making nudity swallowed by - it's porn.

Actually the sex, and nudity in Love Death and Robots was still quite safe. Hardly "controversial" by any means. I'm glad we're seeing 3d animated nudity in mainstream because I do believe it is the best way to at least loosen people up about it a small fraction, but not much to brag about. I believe having 3d nudity at least keeps actors, and actresses safe from being the target by SJWs.
That's all I have to say about that. Our society, and America (of which I live) needs much to grow up, and respect about being human, and being honest.

good question, because you could see that the Lucky 13 grunts were claps canuks

who's baiting?

I think the great irony of the short is that it's a >muh veterans story but doesn't do anything to reveal who or why they're fighting.

which episode is the one with the big furry butt from the trailer

only seen the first 4 and episode 6 (because it was short enough to quickly fit it into my schedule)

not really all that great so far. sonnie's edge was fun to watch and had really neat visual design, and the witness was also good visually with a neat ending, but i felt like a lot of the episodes, like "suits" and "three robots" went on for too long, despite already being short.

three robots was just "haha humas are pretty weird right" and then the ending was just "cats lol"

there was nothing wrong with suits, but i just felt like i wasn't invested in the action or the farm and the characters who lived there

the day the yogurt took over was alright actually, because though it wasn't that interesting, it had humor, wasn't needlessly over-the-top and didn't overstay its welcome. it did what it came to do in a timely manner and that was it

does it get any better? i could keep watching later

yeah it gets better. The best episode is the last one

>the best one is the generic videogame cutscene with no skip button

Official Yea Forums approved list

>Three Robots
>Ice Age
>Alternate Histories
>The Dump
>Blind Spot
>The Witness
>Sonnie's Edge
>Good Hunting
>Helping Hand
>Fish Night
>When the Yogurt Took Over
>Beyond the Aquila Rift
>Zima Blue
>Sucker of Souls
>Lucky 13
>The Secret War

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Predictable and mindless as all hell
Likeable characters but reddit tier lol randumb humour
Cool style but the director's horniness is inescapable
Feels more like a trailer for a video game more than anything else
This one was okay
Ceremoniously unfunny narration and concept
Barely any intrigue or mystery, boring
Interesting concept marred by excessive in your face torture porn and laughable robot ass and tits
Ridiculous concept, bland characters, good action
Insipid and Dull
Pretty good execution but also very monotonous
Extremely formulaic and corny
Best art style but cheesy narration ruins it
Kinda fun but very one-note
Terrible dialogue, pretty innocuous
Actually kinda funny desu

Overall not very good. I watched the whole thing in one sitting and it was an absolute slog. The show definitely needs more variety in it's art and ESPECIALLY in it's writing. It honestly wasn't very surprising to find out that 15 of the 18 shorts were all written by the same guy. Think I actually liked the Alternate Histories one more than others because it felt more creatively distinct than any other short, and even then I didn't find it that great. Almost all the shorts had something to do with war, monsters, extreme in your face gore and violence, and also sexy women who are punished and edgy because they got raped or abused or something.

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lucky 13 was boring af

almost all the fucking shorts were boring and predictable af

Did the Animatrix set the bar too high?

>Suits that high up and The Witness that low

never seen it

shit show for sjw trannies and dumb zoomers

dumb zoomers yes but SJWs actually hate this show

The Dump was the most pointless piece of shit I've ever watched

only good ones were helping hand and the witness. shape shifters was fun the rest are mediocre

>Great tier
Fish Night
Good Hunting
Zima Blue
Beyond the Aquila Rift

>Good tier
When the Yoghurt Took Over
Three Robots
The Witness
Ice Age
Sucker of Souls

>Okay tier
Lucky 13
Blind Spot
Secret War

Alternate Histories
Sonnie's Edge
The Dump
Helping Hand

Fuck you. Otto is best boy.

Pure pleb taste.

yeah, we might not be completely able to agree on the best but dump, hitler and helping hand were some of the worst.

Helping hand is fucking Kino. You have shit taste.

She was such a thot

It seriously felt like a demo some 3d art students put together for a project. Very well made from a technical standpoint, but completely pointless. Just felt like it screamed "look, we know how to do this!" with a few added fart and piss jokes added to hide this fact.

Is this a series made for gamers with ADHD

The yoghurt thing was so cliché I don't even know where to start from. Netflix writers are truly creatively bankrupt. Half of the shorts are ripped off of something else, same as black mirror which is constantly ripping off 60's science fiction

i have ADHD and this show was pretentious and quintessentially reddit as it gets

>quintessentially reddit
what does that even mean

I enjoy watching videos that make me laugh and feel good

I also enjoy reading threads where people gather to call each other insulting names because they don't enjoy these videos

>randumb humour
>war is epic!!
>edgelord lazily written characters
>boring dull plots

So just things that are bad then



Elite Tier
>beyond the aquila rift
>zima blue

Top Tier
>the secret war
>good hunting
>lucky 13

Great Tier
>three robots
>ice age

Good Tier
>the witness
>sonnie’s edge
>fish night

Okay Tier
>fish night
>sucker of souls
>the dump

Bad Tier
>helping hand
>when the yogurt took over

Shit Tier
>alternate histories

Attached: beyond aquila rift.jpg (1170x625, 198K)

shitty ass gravity ripoff with characters we don't give a shit about

>ok tier
zoomer blue

>absolute shit tier
the rest

youre welcome

Not a single real stinker, I'm pretty surprised. I guess the worst ones would be Alternate Histories and Blind Spot, but even they weren't that painful.
don't know why people like Secret War so much either since it's just a video game cinematic made by people who played too much Metro and Wolfenstein.

Good Hunting, Zima Blue and Aquila Rift were the best.


Just binged the whole thing. The shortness of every episode helps it. Episodes (usually)don’t really overstay their welcome and end before the novelty wears off. The latter factor is the main hook of the anthology and this is really driven home by the constantly changing art style. However there were a bit too many episodes with the same art style to make the visual dimension to it truly get nailed down. The reliance on the same visual tropes for eyecandy(the way nudity is used) also loses its edge and power to provide novelty as the series goes on. The writing isn’t necessarily of the highest calliber but that can be forgiven if the style and substance are unique and interesting each episode. Without it the weaknesses in the show are laid bare for all to see. But as these are shorts some of these flaws can be forgiven. All in all if you manage your expectations appropriately for an eyecandy anthology such as this it is a decent watch.

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>liking the witness
It was the most predictable twist ever concieved with bland to ugly artstyle. You got some pretty plebian tastes, my friend

In Good Hunting, why did the british dude call him a fucking chink then proceed to immediately back down like a pussy. It was 3v1, was he really that intimidated of a manlet with a wrench?

chink powerfantasy

Apparently some of the guys that did Spiderverse were involved in its production, that explains the artstyle. I liked the big commieblock buildings in that short.

My review:

If these episodes were released separately, I would say "Ah, nice short movie you made there for Vimeo, you silly film students you."
Some rendering aspect were nice.
That's all I have here.

>In Good Hunting, why did the british dude call him a fucking chink then proceed to immediately back down like a pussy. It was 3v1, was he really that intimidated of a manlet with a wrench?
Three senior citizens vs. a pissed off guy with a heavy wrench

t. Ling ling

>Why do people talk shit then back down when things start to get real?
Whoever solves this should get some form of Nobel Prize.

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Never heard of this show before, going to watch it asap

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blue zima blew them all away.


Maybe it's because I haven't played video games in about 10 years but I'm surprised more of you aren't freaking out about the visuals. They fucking blew me away. I literally thought Beyond the Aquila Rift was human acting for the first minute or so...I've never seen anything like that. And a handful of the other ones had my jaw dropped as well. Have I been living in a cave or are these the best photorealistic animated visuals around?

What the fuck happened at the end of Beyond Aquilus rift, I loved it but I want to know more

>Robot furries will be a thing now
We prefer the term, robosexuals

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>degeneracy for the sake of being degenerate
>a good thing
How’s high school?

explain this to me, watche dit last night and dreamt about this episode

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They were accidentally warped to some space spider colony and she makes them hallucinate

Anglo will fall and China will be great again!

God I wish we got a tv anime series about this pair being involved in struggle to re-unite China and thwart Anglo plans.

Epilogue could be their grandchildren on Mars looking upon the sky and zoom on Earth where we see London as third world city(so like in our reality)

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>, why did the british dude call him a fucking chink then proceed to immediately back down like a pussy. It was 3v1, was he really that intimidated of a manlet with a wrench?

Probably.Instead of fighting he probably was already plotting to put Chinamans family into debt and sell his future daughters into prostitution.

Thom finally slammed that spider puss

>watch first episode because of the shilling

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Who fucking cares. Be a man and take a few jabs without having to complain to your internet friends with cartoon reaction pics

>anons misunderstanding Sonnie's Edge this hard on a short that literally has such a lewd portrayal of lesbian sex for the pleasure of msle viewers
That's the fucking point, Sonnie is not the girl, it's the creature, the rspe bit is to through everyone off balance, her crew knows it, that's why she has all the scars, they keep rebuilding the puppet.

>all these gigafags praising Good Hunting

I hated that one. Predictable chinky engrish accents and mankind=evil, nature = good story.


Literally all the working class guys won't hesitate to start shit if you get cavalier with the insults. "just take it" is the philosophy of the impotent.

I'm not even an Anglo and I thought it was way to hamfisted, who ever wrote that clearly had an axe to grind.

wtf, how does a monsters consciousness end up in the body of a girl, how the fuck would you even go about doing that or wanting to?

>white uneducated member of the lower class
>advocates men's rights and hates on women
sounds about right

It made me said he turned his fox waifu into a robo fox instead of impregnating her years earlier.

They accidentally warped to some space spider space station and one of the spiders had a massive fetish for humans so she tried to acclimate them to it instead of eating them.

I have a tertiary understanding but I think it basically goes like this.

>Thom's ship fucks up jump (humans are using alien tech that they don't fully understand)
>ends up in the "beyond", basically where no human ship has ever been before
>Thom's ship is saved by space spider and put into a simulation to prepare him for the reality of his situation (he's hundreds of light years from home, everyone he knows and loves has likely died of old age in the interim, and his only companions are hideous space spiders)
>"Greta" tries to ease him into reality by testing how he would handle the death of his wife, while also planting seeds of doubt about the "idealized reality" he's currently in. Here's my interpretation: In the short story the navigator died during the jump, the navigator they wake up is a simulation crafted by Greta to to get Thom to start questioning the "reality" he's currently in. "THAT'S NOT THE REAL GRETA"
>works a little too well and Thom demands to be let out a little too soon
>cue spider scene and Thom's mind about to snap, so spiderfu puts him back into the simulation to save him from that and try again "for however long it takes"

Oops also meant for

Pretty good though the twist ending was telegraphed.

Blindspot is the worst so far, by far.

>basically where no human ship has ever been before

Also a bit of clarification. Human ships, and possibly those of other alien races, HAVE been there before as "Greta" claims to have taken care of other "lost souls" that end up there. It's uncharted and unreachable as far as the rest of humanity is concerned.

in the original short story, it's confirmed Thom's ship, the Blue Goose, is the first human ship that's crashed into the hive. The other lost souls she's referring to are other alien races that have crashed into the hive.

Thanks for clearing that up. Wasn't too sure.

That spider sounds pretty wholesome.

>Have I been living in a cave
A little.

The yogurt one was funny

yeah it isn't pure evil.

what the fuck was with this one? don't get it


If ANYONE here even REMOTELY liked the Alternate Histories, you need to get the fuck off this board and commit suicide immediately.

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>3 robots over Secret War

I'm just starting this, is the main thrust of every episode men are rapist?

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le time loop

That's about it. She'll chase after him to try and explain the situation, get shot during the ensuing struggle, which in turn will lead to the start of the short where she witnesses the "murder".


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>what if we just took every arbitrary cliche pleb dickheads love and put it on netflix
>wow epic show

>people think they're hot shit for hating Suits
nah mate right back at ya

nah just sonnie's edge.

Thom looks pretty emaciated in the real world though. This spider lady isn't taking very good care of him clearly.

Damn good short though. Whoever did the animation and designs for it should be proud.

So if the girl witnessed the murder and her day job is being a sex club dancer, then does the man have the same job as her and when she chases after him she gets pleasured by the same latex chicks or are they dudes?

Fuck me, that episode got more confusing, no wonder some anons hated it.

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its not the monster, sonnie is in a hard drive but constantly synced with the monster. thats why the camera focuses in on the wall

they obviously use the wayward humans for sustenance. Not-Greta just likes them to enjoy it

Cool cause that episode almost turned me off the whole thing. Its like I know the show has women but they can still tell a story about something besides raaaaaapppppeeeee

its made funnier when you realize that 50mil died in mainland china because of communists that also tore down chinese culture and Honk Kong was left untouched by this

Probably very little if anything edible on the hive for humans. Plus sitting in the simulator for who knows how long likely lead to atrophy. Not really clear how many times Greta has tried to get Thom to face reality but he's probably pretty stubborn.

>indoctrinated middle class
>effeminate self hating eunuchs
sounds about right

9 episodes in, when does it get good. I'm about to drop it.

Waaaah weak englishmen stronk chinks!
Fuck this fucking propoganda anyone still supporting this SJW garbage should be shot

__ ___ _ ____ _____

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>Sonnie's Edge
Well executed sex+violence short with cool visuals
>Three Robots
le reddit bots. Some interactions where kind of funny though.
>The Witness
Interesting and approaching a deeper theme/take. Still lacks execution
Unwatchable, predictable, mundane and it's been done a billion times.
>Sucker of Souls
I have no idea what they were trying to do with this...but yeah something chasing you in a crypt, i guess that's horror?
>When the Yogurt Took Over
Consistent and light hearted atmosphere throughout, fun animation. Asks an interesting question which I haven't seen explored before in depth. One of the best also a true pleb filter.
>Beyond the Aquila Rift
>Good Hunting
Interesting and original but ultimately does nothing with itself. Also steampunk is fucking gay
>The Dump
Boring, not sure what I'm meant to get out of this. Kind of liked that we're meant to empathise with a fucking cunt.
Teenage power fantasy, written by one.
>Helping Hand
Good gravity rip-off
>Fish Night
No Idea what people see in this other than nice visuals and a dreamy tone. Still one of the best though.
> Lucky 13
Predictable action flick
>Zima Blue
GOAT. Explores deep theme about art, what a meaningful existence is and takes it in an interesting direction at the end.
>Blind Spot
Trash, unwatchable
>Ice Age
Boring, predictable
>Alternate Histories
Could have been really good, failed to do it right.
>The Secret War
Like the first episode minus the sex but with likable characters and just as interesting of a setting.

>>The Witness
>Interesting and approaching a deeper theme/take. Still lacks execution
Opinion discarded. That was a raunchy uncomfortable fucking mess.

It was neat though I didn't appreciate the constant anti male and anti western narratives. I watched all of it at once so I guess they got me.

>watch episode
>hear Blur Studios is involved
>assume this is the episode they did
>it's not and the eps blur did don't look nearly as good

what the fuck

>the short points out that people hyper focus on her being a rape victim and think that is where she draws her strength from and try to manipulate her around that
>Yea Forums also wont shut the fuck up about how she's a rape victim

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Wrong. In the short story there are others who have already "faced reality" and are just chilling in the hive with the spiders. Thom, whether by being human or because of his own personality, simply can't accept his current situation despite Greta's attempts to help him, so she gives him the "happy ending" he was looking for by changing the simulation so he's back home with his wife.
In Greta's mind it'd be a better way for him to go instead of turning into a broken, babbling husk.

>Blind Spot
Trash, unwatchable
>Ice Age
Boring, predictable


Nationalities of each short:

>Sonnie's Edge, Suits, Shapeshifters = Blur Studios (UK)
>Three Robots, When the Yogurt Took Over = Blow Studios (Spain)
>The Witness = Pinkman TV (Hong Kong)
>Sucker of Souls = Studio La Cachette (France)
>Beyond the Aquila Rift = Unit Image (France)
>Good Hunting = Red Dog Culture House (S. Korea)
>The Dump = Able & Baker (USA)
>Helping Hand = Axis Studio (Scotland)
>Fish Night = Platige Image Studio (Italy)
>Zima Blue = Passion Pictures (UK)
>Blindspot = Elenka Volk (Israel)
>Ice Age = Atomic Fiction (Canada)
>Alternate Histories = Sun Creature Studios (Denmark)
>Secret War = Digic Pictures (Russia)

What a surprise everything Gooks did was complete trash,

>The Dump = Able & Baker (USA)
>It's the worst one

oy vey

>Israel makes a soulless boring action short
What a surprise

>He could only get hard from machines
This line made me laugh

>tv doesn't like The Dump
Why? Every one of these shorts is nothing special when it comes to story. Aquila Rift is so predictable you have to be braindead not to figure it almost immediately.

At least the dump has a creative unique art style. Same with the Witness which had by far the best animation out of all of them

when the yogurt took over is highly underrated

>best animation
>100% rotoscoped

From what I've seen on social media some artists from Blur jumped between studios during LDR's development. So Aquila/Unit Image might have had some Blur members onboard to assist.

It's not rotoscoped though
>NO Mocap, NO rotoscope, why would we do that?. Dave Pate , Adrian Millington and their animators team did all KEY animation. Is the style / technique we like and love to preserve. They are the finest animation artist out there. Nothing compares.
And yes MAYA.


>comparing this garbage with heavy metal
Fuck off, beyond the rift was the only.good episode

once again the bad guys look cooler than the good guys.

WHO THE FUCK is designing villains and why do they look constantly better than everything else?

The first episode of this was like a fucking mortal kombat cutscene. are they all that bad?

Meant to link

Aquila Rift is a mediocre idea executed perfectly.


Anglo didn't have his banter license and forgot to open the doors for refugees back home.

That's straight from the director's IG himself. He also worked some on Spiderman Into the spiderverse.

t. Nigel

Shorts like the witness take full advantage of the medium and use visuals to tell a story. Aquila rift is so bog standard, you could literally replace it with live actors and sets and not lose a thing.

Most of them are actually worse

Zima Blue
The Witness
Aquila Rift
Helping Hand
didn't like the rest

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>Blindspot = Elenka Volk (Israel)
>Secret War = Digic Pictures (Russia)

Blindspot were made by russian team. Vitaliy Shusko and Elena Volk are from Saint Petersburg (ex Leningrad).

Secret War was made by Digic Pictures that happens to be hungarian animation studio, Budapest.

I alt+f4 the vampires cartoon, is it worth it to keep going?

I think Blind Spot would have been better if they weren't all okay at the end. I liked the idea of it looking kind of like a kid show and getting real dark all of a sudden.

Yeah it was one of my favorites. Proves that Americans can actually make legit 3d anime while Japan still cannot.

Zima Blue is the unanimous favorite. Watch that and if you like that then pick the ones you think seem interesting.

Looks like Janelle Monae

>werewolves are real
>they are intelligent, sapient and have self control just like humans
>they fight for human nations in human armies, saving human lives
What the fuck? Why would you be racist against beings that are a net positive in your life? It's not like they are snatching babies in the night.
The idea of that episode was great, but what a stupid execution.

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was definitely a high point to end on.

>The chinese?
Their plane looks like descendant of Chengdu J-20 (with tailfin of J-10) and their rifles looks like bulkier QBZ-03 (and their rocket launcher is upgraded PF-98). So pretty much chinese to me.

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Its actually about faggots in the army (dont ask dont tell).

makes sense, aids is deadly

I thought he was scared of his chink magic.

What connection does "don't ask don't tell" has with the werewolf soldiers?
It's not like the werewolves are hidden in the military, they have werewolf specific roles.

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"Don't ask don't tell" about how fags go off alone at night to score some taliban boipussy when their boyfriends leave them.

>"Don't ask, don't tell" (DADT)
>The policy prohibited military personnel from discriminating against or harassing closeted homosexual or bisexual service members or applicants, while barring openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual persons from military service.

Closeted - human form. Openly gay - wolf form.

>samwise was gay for frodo
goddammit women posters gtfo

>sonnie's edge that high
apart from the twist ending it wasn't that good, the only redeemable thing was the fight scene and the slight surprise ending. animation quality wasn't even that good compared to secret war or Aquila rift.

>even that good compared to secret war or Aquila rift.
Is Yea Forums full of brainlets? Secret war and aquila rift look like fucking video game cutscenes or trailers. They look terrible.

wow that was fast
they looked all around the same and going off memory it'd probably go Aquila rift > Sonnie's > Secret war but when animation is the only good thing you have to offer then who really cares? Aquila rift is Sonnie's edge with a sex scene instead of a fight scene and a slightly more entertaining twist ending. And secret war is interesting because it's not just
>sci fi androids LMAO
>robots LMAO
>Cyberpun LMAO

This shit in conjunction with reading zoomer power rankings made me realized how doomed Sci Fi is. Most of the shorts were so derivative I could literally name the children's movie or video game they were borderline plagiarizing each time. Meanwhile any time I see someone actually try to attempt actual futurism that is original or classic in other media it gets panned by ADHD fucks calling it too boring. I wish fincher vetted these shorts better. How fucking hard is it to come up with your own material?

>largely sci fi anthology of animated shorts
>why are they all sci fi related
Really user?
And Shape Shifters is also in the same vein as those 3 as well and has better animation than Secret war at least. Although it is a terrible short

it can be sci fi without focusing on the obvious sci fi bits and acting like they are foreign. I mean we get it, it's sci fi, cool future guns and robots. They play it as if it's some sort of new thing that nobody has seen before whereas most human beings are used to visualizing the future.

Would you?

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In case you missed it...

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lol blue screen! I understand that reference!

At that point I am so royally fucked anyway that I might as well try it.

dude it's not a comparison it's literally a reimagining of heavy metal

I liked it because it was a pulpy monster flick. I think most people can;t handle dicks

only in its simulated reality human form.

why do these inconsequential shorts trigger so many people? they are just meant to convince boomer producers that animators deserve monies too

>S-SJW pandering!!
sure if you ignore how gratuitously sexual almost every short is. animators are all lonely and horny posters, its the same with traditional illustrators (cartoons/manga/etc)

I might seek emotional comfort from it/her, since it expressed a desire to calm me

Helping hand bothered the fuck out of me. I seriously can't buy that they don't do space walks without a fucking tether.

i'm a leg man so yes

Holy shit Zima Blue was so dumb, am I the only one who saw the blatant plot failure?
The episode starts off explaining him as a human and then they go in depth into his lore to become a fully cybernetic human.
Then oh shit plot twist he's a fucking pool cleaner bot.
And his final goal is to kill himself in the pool he was born in.
It literally broke its own lore mid episode for no reason and so many of you retards ate it up
It was literally one of the worst episodes. And it had an ugly as sin art style. The worst art style in the whole series.

Lucky 13 sucks shit, it's literally

>the ship was supposed to be bad but it is not bad actually it was quite good and then it blows up!

Wow what a fucking story Mark.

This, especially after realizing the champagne he drinks is nothing more than what oozes out of that spider.

Do kikes really think it's edgy and funny to symbolically murder Hitler over and over again? Good job, you totally owned him in a cartoon....he actually killed six gorillion of you in real life but whatever.

And the other ones are shit to. It’s a show with great animation but made by people to too many dull axes and childhood traumatization

>And it had an ugly as sin art style. The worst art style in the whole series.
agreed, but he did say he hadn't talked to a reporter for 300 years so its clearly ancient, not surprising that the mythos around a secluded artist would forget that he wasn't human.

cleaner bot gets upgrades, cleaner bot becomes sentient, cleaner bot tries art, cleaner bot becomes famous, cleaner bot chases its first memory, cleaner bot returns to his roots. with enough time it and everyone else forgot it was never human. nothing amazing but its clearly trying to be something more that "lol look we have werewolves and aliens and rape revenge and reddit humor"


welcome to Trumps america, where taunting long dead people is seen as brave and standing for something


>h-hey, dont be mean to my dead genocidal sempai
nazi snowflakes these days


Tfw you will never crash into an alien bros nest, and he will never take care of you by pretending to be that one girl you really like and pretend to have sex with you as that one girl you really like.
Fuck bros...

I'd prefer to allow it to give me a bit more time to accept what has happened so I can gather as much knowledge as possible before passing.

Thanks for all the alien sex a human can ask for as his dying breath. And thanks for the champagne that was just that weird shit oozing out of you.

Totally cool.

This thread:

You: Oh me? I'm actually 37% Norwegian, yeah my great great uncle married a Norwegian woman and...


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so episode 12 ends with the old man being brought up on murder charges for being the last one to see dude alive right

>People are seriously Waifuing the eldritch space spider abomination

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>not wanting to procreate with the woman of your dreams

Why are you gay?

Surprised people don't like Sucker of Souls. It actually has pretty great drawn animation. Better than the generic video game cg of Aquila rift and Secret War

not at all, go ahead, just dont pretend its some kind of statement or activism or moral act. at this point its just trite

The animation style kind of reminded me of Castlevania

nice little cartoon, 'gary' was shit kikeflix cringe and it would have been nice if Dracula looked different to the rest of the horde. very enjoyable considering most animation these days is cgi

Sonnie's Edge was directed by tumblr

>>Yea Forums also wont shut the fuck up about how she's a rape victim because they changed the clever twist that she wasn't a rape victim and in fact it was all a part of the act.

Shit, wished I kept that comparison the guy did of the short, but all your dumb ass needs to know is they removed an important part of the story to play the rape card straight and thus missed the entire point of why the rape story was so important. It's even worse in the adaptation because the rape IS an important part of why she is what she is in the short, so that whole 'that's not why I have an edge' is wholly wrong, it's egfuckingzactly the reason she did, but for different reasons than expected!

Or, in other words, dumb writers with an agenda fucked up a good story yet again, who'da thunk

Sonnie's Edge choosing to make the rape real and not part of the story both robs her of the clever acting she does to convince everyone else that she's just a girl out for revenge, removes her choice in the matter because after the car crash she could have gone back into her real body but chose instead to put her life on the line because they needed to win, and even fucked up the entire premise that the rape isn't what gives her that edge, but her own choice to risk it all in battle instead of needing to be put there because those mean old MEN broke her. So it's exactly what Feminsim is today, pretending to be strong by changing the narrative until it makes you look the best, until reality reveals that underneath you're just following the same old shit that was too old hat for a smart person two decades ago. Sonnie's got an edge but she doesn't have a brain.

It would probably be the first thing I ask of it

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That spider is more sincere and caring than any of the real women I've fucked

who cares

I'm high as fuck so please ignore the shit quality

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its literally my moms metal gear

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I know it's a drawing of the spider but it looks like a cool symbol

Agreed. Its bullshit. Not saying it can't be done, but it certainly can't be done in time and under budget.
Someone else mentioned in the comments, it's like asking an athlete if they use PEDs. Of course they do, but of course they will deny it.

>Aqulia Rift

Yes, having standards for good storytelling and writing is absolutely evidence of a fragile mind.

What is it about him that's so unlikeable?

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>get to ice age
>Eric forman
>imagine red saying dumbass

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How come the only jumbo tah tahs we see were in the Alternate History episode

The Dump had plenty humongous fun bags

He never changed. Only plays that one character who’s witty sarcastic and a dumbass
All his lines honestly seems Feels like it should have laugh track after them

oh shit your right, forgot bout them yabos

Just a weird fantastical ghost story.

>white males r the problem
Literally a bait and switch. She's edgy and good at fighting because she's been raped and abused but no she's actually good at fighting because she's a madlass inside the monster risking her own life

we wuz water n shiet

Also according to one user on this thread, she wasn't actually raped and she just made up that story to deceive everyone around her.

Yes she is numbskull. She says she fights well because she is afraid. Fear is her edge.

She wouldn't be afraid if she were just a computer remote piloting the monster.

I can believe this. Its easily why she kept beta orbiter and sexually frustrated friend zoned "string female" friend around to perpetuate the story

It was too lowbrow to even pretend to be pretentious. It's just a bunch of scifi stories made into animations. and it's universal law that 99% of scifi is shit


Yea Forums is fucking toxic

>literally ALL WHITES are dumb rednecks, braindead soldiers or evil rapists

Have sex.

>tech bad nature good
None of the sort. Literally about growing pains of the industrial revolution and implying further tech advancement brings the magic back

Said the pot to the kettle.

>Sucker of Souls
>Beyond The Aquila Rift
>Lucky 13
>Ice Age
>Secret War
>Zima Blue
>Ice Age
>Helping Hand
>Fish Night
>The Witness
>Good Hunting
>Sonnie's Edge
>Three Robots
>When The Yogurt Took Over
>Alternate Histories
>The Dump

Kinda weird when you put it that way, so a father and son who are gay Taliban, kill an entire camp, killing the one gay guy first. Then the main charter also gay kills two gay Taliban who attacked the base. Afterwards the main charter deserts from the military to be gay in the Afghanistan wilderness.

Did I miss anything?

Son you might be retarded. I'm not saying you are, I'm saying you might be. OK? How we doing over there chief?

i want to fuck a robot furry

Based opinion every other opinion is wrong

3 hit piece nothing articles within 6 hours of eachother one of which references the other two.

Christ on a cracker, npc's are like clockwork

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He's not retarded you dumbass, it's just a too far fetched metaphor.
I wanna fuck just a robot, period.
>tfw no robot gf
life is unfair bros

robot 3 from three robots made my peepee hard cause she was a cunt

If she'll meet me halfway then sure

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Yeah? She cares tenderly for any being that gets stuck there. Despite looking like a hell-pit-beast she spends her time soothing them in psychic simulated realities wanting nothing in return . She's literally the best girl of the series.