Films about depression and people that are generally fed up with life?

Films about depression and people that are generally fed up with life?

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I'm gonna do it, I've had enough, I see these mindless zombies walking around everyday. I'll take as many of those fucks with me.

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nice try CIA

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Just make sure they are urban middle class liberal faggots user
The more you kill the better

Manchester by the sea

These people are actually likely to swing their votes when they get older.
Target non-whites, and only non-whites

>films about me and my problems?
Retard 2: the retardening

I honestly don't give the slightest fuck
It's all about revenge, i want to see the streets painted with middle class traitor blood

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leaving las vegas

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There is no such thing as depression.

Be sure to yell about subbing to pewdiepie while you do it

Trips confirm.

True but the symptoms are real

No they are not. Stop eating sugar and go out for a walk fatty.

"Depression" most of the time is just your brain saying your current situation is shit and that you should improve it.

I'm gonna do it, I've had enough, I see these frogposters posting around everyday. ENOUGH!

Fucking FUUUUUUCK FUUUUUUCK I want it to end I just failed again and I'm a damaged retard and everyone knows it and they look at me funny and I hate them so much because they naively go about their happy lives and I'm in hell

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Have you considered that they look at you funny because you give them a reason to?

you're a big federal agent

You should subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Because of my broken life I am unable to appear as a normalfag. Normies are like bloodhounds when spotting the outsiders.

Not at all. The true symptoms of depression are full on psychotic. Hallucinations and all, crying all the time (I mean, all the time). You can't even even talk or watch anything because it is physically painful. You have tunnel vision and depersonalisation. I'm pretty sure what most people taking SSRIs experience is just sadness and it's giving a bad rep to people who truely are chronically depressive.

>can't even bring myself to do the one thing I'm good at

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That's called being a schizo retard

I'll look for you on CNN

All of you are pathetic.

you should listen to XXXTentacion more, he cured my depression

>born to early to be cannon fodder in a useless war

Oslo, August 31st

Okay seriously though, have sex.

Depression is where your brain becomes unable to process dopamine correctly and part of you continually self-sabotages because of a chemical imbalance, not just being sad.

It's called Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic Features actually.

Retard I'm not talking about being an apathetic fucking healthlet. If you haven't felt the creep of wretchedness and decay of our race and civilization you are a brainless NPC or a political zealot high on your reactionary fantasies.

If you meet wojak on the path, kill him
>grrr I hate society
then fucking move somewhere else faggot. how dumb are you to think your shitty attitude is anyone else's problem but your own to solve.
>grrr darn the middle class to heck
you're middle class fuckwit. you dont live in a mud hut and you have access to accredited job training.

how much do you want to bet that the so called doomers have just never bothered to work hard at anything in their lives and think that the expectation to find their own happiness over the age of 20 is their own problem

You're not intelligent and elite, you are willfully unhappy. First fucking step you should take is to stop drinking or smoking weed, staying up past 11. You want the world to ve coming to end just like every shiftless group throughout history.
>gee user you sound mad
yeah I am fucking mad. you're average user on this site is just that, average. I had to go through horrendous bullshit to get a leg up on the world and it's absurd that you lazy idiots think moping around or bitching in Yea Forums is some effective way to express yourselves. get the fuck off my board and stop thinking your hurt is symbolic of emotional depth, it is utterly and entirely the opposite.

Do you have all 5 fingers on your hands? legs work? eyesight? hearing? Are you 'able'? Then holy fuck, get over yourself and put that ability to use for a change.

>whines about whiny people
Nothing hypocritical about that.

a bloo bloo bloo

Based, depression is basically low T

>if you aren't happy you aren't working hard enough
Hmmm I wonder who is behind this post.

are you by any chance a Hispanic manager of a fast food restaurant?