>Disney bought all the tickets for Captain Marvel! That's why it's making so much money!!1!
By that logic why doesn't McDonalds just buy every burger they make? This board is fucking retard.
>Disney bought all the tickets for Captain Marvel! That's why it's making so much money!!1!
By that logic why doesn't McDonalds just buy every burger they make? This board is fucking retard.
The logic of the people putting this kind of stuff out there is that either a) they want to keep investors happy by showing good numbers or b) they want to have top spots so that more people will consider seeing it.
The problems with that is if they bought tickets on any reasonable scale, they'd have to have an idea of how much it would make to add the additional tickets.
Also, again at scale how would they write off the millions of dollars in tickets they purchased? At best they could call it marketing.
>spend 100 million
>get 50 million back
>make the movie look like a huge success instead of medicore flick
No one said Disney bought EVERY ticket . Just enough to make it look popular.
I went to a "sold out" show on opening weekend and the theater had entire rows of empty seats, so it makes sense to me that Disney is bulk buying tickets
>ppppprove it
What do I care? I don't own stock in Disney. I'm just telling you what I saw when I went. This isn't a court of law
>I went to a "sold out" show on opening weekend and the theater had entire rows of empty seats, so it makes sense to me that Disney is bulk buying tickets
It's pretty interesting how retards that spammed threads about against the movie apparently also went to see the movie.
They are delusional and think that cinemachains don't care about the lack of pop corn and coca cola sales.
It's more comparable to McDonalds releasing a once in a lifetime "McShitSandwich", realizing they fucked up, then buying a bunch to save face.
They aren't buying the whole menu year round.
Go see a psychiatrist
I'm not the delusional one here.
It's more like if McDonalds came out with a new burger that would be the basis for all future meals and nobody liked it, so then they bought a bunch of these new burgers to show people how popular their burgers really are. Are you hyped for ten more years of capeshit with Brie Larson leading the universe, instead of RDJ? Are you as hyped as you were after "I am Iron Man."?
>Are you hyped for ten more years of capeshit with Brie Larson leading the universe
Yes because she'll tank the franchise enough to dim the genre
go outside bro
All joking aside : go see a psychiatrist
>By that logic why doesn't McDonalds just buy every burger they make?
Because people have to eat, whereas people don't have to watch movies. Faggot.
More like: oh shit this is gonna do Ant Man numbers so let's hype it up and hope to fix it next time.
Literally just put Brie under control so she doesn't act like a bitch and hire a decent director for part 2 and people will forget this one.
>guy just mentions he saw a movie
>"durrr so you saw a movie you din wan see?"
>food analogy
>Disney bought all the tickets for Captain Marvel!
Its pretty standard marketing work, poor innocent, to buy your our products to get "momentum". Welcome to the real world, by the way lol
Damn, I wish I had that panel from that one doujin that explains that companies that rely on customers rather than stocks of products can afford to spend thousands to get just a single customer for life, whereas companies that sell stocks of products just have to focus on selling one product once
the company i work for was giving away tickets on women day. i bet many other did. what did they do with the remaining tickets you think ? return them ? no. they just kept them. I don't think disney bought tickets, but they promoted the idea and therefor faking the numbers cause they knew it was going downhill. movies are made for a political view now unfortunately.
and to get the ticket you had to be a women.
This. OPs hyperbole makes him/her look retarded.
You don’t actually believe those “let’s send girls to the movie!” gofundmes went to real girls, do you?
Amazing how anti sjw types are now fringe lunatics who dont know how accounting works. Horseshoe theory yet again.
Money laundering rarely gets you a 100% return.
this board is literally full of fucking retards
That's a big part of it. Imagine being so dumb you don't understand movies. Because people here unironically don't understand movies. It's literal retardation.
It wouldn’t be laundering, it’s spending money now to make more money later by keeping the hype train going until endgame
Burgers don’t spawn sequels. Burgers don’t have stories built around them. This is a shit comparison to make.
>This board is fucking retard.
>food analogy
the only retard here was you
Now you're going say GOTTEM XD
Fuck you nigger retard
If McDonalds invested in a new product to completely take over the burger and fries, let's say a Taco or something, it would literaly be in their best interest to do everything within their power to promote it since it is a fundamental change to the structure of their product. Marvel obviously got to rottentomatoes and even got youtube to change its algorithm. I don't know about buying tickets or anything though, that does seem extreme and unlikely. I think captain marvel got good results due to endgame hype desu. it has nothing to do with the quality of her performance, this film or disney buying tickets either. it's just pure endgame hype.
Shut the fuck up TrannyEra reddit bitch
they didn't actually make it in profits you dumb fuck, they're just reporting it as profits to alter perception of the movie's success so hype doesn't dry out before endgame. that is not hard to understand
This is how the reactionary conservatism works. You see a problem in society (overly-political movies), but your narrative (get woke go broke) isn't supported by the circumstances (movie makes money hand over fist), so you invent hyperbolic conspiracies (Disney must have bought all the tickets!) to justify your opinions instead.
I think that every movie sold is a lie. There is no reason expect that million people see same thing. It is fucking unbelievable.
Do you understand how many is 1 million people? if you put 1 million people in a row. it goes easily over great wall of china. Even mongols couldn't do it. and there were many of them.
On the other note there would have to be some galaxian consciousness for million people have the same idea to see same thing. It factually is not possible. 1000 i can still believe but 1000000 is too many. it cannot be done.
Have sex.
OP is so low IQ they do not understand momentum going into Endgame. They do not understand that this women is supposed to be a flagship character replacing Captain America.
Idiocracy in full effect. This idiot was so sure of their opinion they actually started a fucking thread on Yea Forums with a relevant picture, insulting people that understand basics