At what cost? You're a good board, Yea Forums. Don't do this.
At what cost? You're a good board, Yea Forums. Don't do this
Nathaniel Brown
Leo Adams
I'm becoming more powerful than every boards has ever dream of. And i'm doing this for you. To protect you.
Chase Fisher
Noah Flores
Jordan Gonzalez
Come away with me...we will raise our kino together. Leave everything else behind, pls.
Gabriel Reyes
Liam Wilson
>for you
Tyler Powell
>l-lets run away t-together to raise our kino
Dont you see? We dont have to run away anymore. I've brought peace in the movie industry. I'm more powerful than the Mouse...I can overthrow him...and together, you and I, can rule Hollywood!
Nicholas Ramirez
I don't believe what I'm hearing...moot was right. You've changed.
Adam Richardson
I dont wanna hear anymore about m00t. Progressives turned against me, DONT YOU TURN AGAINST ME