At what cost? You're a good board, Yea Forums. Don't do this

At what cost? You're a good board, Yea Forums. Don't do this.

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I'm becoming more powerful than every boards has ever dream of. And i'm doing this for you. To protect you.

Attached: sw shitpost.png (922x549, 450K)



Come away with me...we will raise our kino together. Leave everything else behind, pls.


Attached: 1551917185845.gif (500x213, 944K)

>for you

>l-lets run away t-together to raise our kino
Dont you see? We dont have to run away anymore. I've brought peace in the movie industry. I'm more powerful than the Mouse...I can overthrow him...and together, you and I, can rule Hollywood!

Attached: look at this silly grill.png (879x545, 435K)

I don't believe what I'm hearing...moot was right. You've changed.

I dont wanna hear anymore about m00t. Progressives turned against me, DONT YOU TURN AGAINST ME

Attached: that leftist shill you say.png (1140x544, 544K)

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rots is the 2nd best star kino

3, 6, 4, 5, 2, 1

Hayden a cute

Threads like this help stop me from killing myself

Let her go Yea Forums and have sex!

Attached: a mouse shill appears.png (1057x545, 812K)


>I don't know if this is the time for you to stop takin' laudanum OP

Attached: 212368234777.jpg (1920x1080, 673K)

Your lack of support for Hollywood agenda and your incel status have already done that. You have allowed /pol/ board to twist your mind...and now you've became unable to appreciate kino and Mouse quality content.

Attached: Jake Skywalker daily dose.webm (336x198, 2.2M)

I see through the lies of the mass media. I do not fear them as they fear me..

I saw a thread of Yea Forums posting younglings... (snicker)