Imagine being this obsessed over always trying to be better than your own brother and still being portrayed as the good guy.
Imagine being this obsessed over always trying to be better than your own brother and still being portrayed as the good...
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>t. wise atheist
>based oriental mysticism tho
Unfortunately the writers can't stop using her as a self-insert, so it's impossible for them to reckon with her being a really annoying, smug, self-righteous turd like they used to
>it's a Western lifestyle buddhist episode
i was so glad when they replaced her with an actress that wasn't an ugly lib bitch in the simpsons variety show
bart is gonna be a manlet lmao
There is a Simpsons variety show?
Formerly shorter than Bart
Biologically speaking this is very unlikely. But hey, it's a cartoon show.
>simpsons early/golden-age lisa - bookish student smarter than bart but still willing to participate in some of his shenanigans
>simpsons early downfall lisa - self-righteous smug cunt but it's played up for humor to highlight her hypocrisy
>simpsons late downfall lisa (present day) - elf-righteous smug cunt but it's played dead-straight and she's always right
in that episode where you see the store that says "sneed's feed & seed formerly chuck's" i didn't and still do not get the joke
the football episode (season 9) is overall bad, but the bit where Lisa wants to join the team until she realizes that girls are welcome to join is really good. Perfect example of the second stage Lisa
The flanderization strikes again. Older episodes had even a small hint of irony but nowadays it is just 100% bullshit spouting.
holy shit look at those digits. Look at the content. Literal simultaneous brainmeld
>when Lisa wanted Homer to stop profiting from tomacco because muh drugs are bad
What a cunt
Also, what was she doing to this poor rat? It'd require a show-defining scene to wipe the taste of this moment out of my mouth.
based anti-Lisa hivemind strikes again
Remember that episode where Bart picked up drumming and Lisa couldn't stand how he became popular among musicians?
Well that's not even the worst part.
homer become buddha
Dudeee The White Stripes LMAOOO what an epic episode!
Also profit is bad and capidiualism bad. Like every left leaning retard she willingly disempowers herself and her family, doing all that she can to impede the building of a generational power base and empowers the monolithic entities that she supposedly disagrees with
Homer hit the jackpot when it comes to genetic lotto . He had brown hair, blue eyes and was tall.
Imagine being so dumb that you write retarded jokes like:
>"Chuck's feed and seed"
What's that even supposed to mean? Shit joke, don't get it why everyone thinks its funny. Could someone please tell me?
>when she refused millions of dollars from mr burns because hurr durr hes evil
Real guestion is that what is the joke here?
I never got this gag and Im 11'5'' so thats saying something
I know "elf-righteous" is a typo but it honestly fits her vegetarian, sjw, holier than though, sniffing her own farts character
Formerly TV clown. (Birhday parties, weddings, christenings and funerals done with a seperate contract)
Formerly tolerable character
based tall guy
nice grooves dude. rock on
>Bart gets permanent nerve damage due to Lisa's bullshit and is crippled for life
I think the humour derives mostly from the fact that Sneed is a much more fitting name, as it rhymes with seed and feed, the main punch of the joke is that if you were to say Chuck's seed and feed aloud it just wouldn't sound as good, a different name like Bob or Mungo would work just as well
hehhe chuck's fuck and suck
OH I GET IT NOW. SNEED SELLS feed and seed, but Chuck, whoo chuck chuck chuck fuck suck, CHUK SELLS FUCK AND SUCK FUCK AND SUCK. HAHAA So funny, golly gee willigers, how did the simpsons get away with this one? Fuck and suck as in having sex and FELLATIO. oh my god
oh no no, it's Chuck's seed and feed, that's why it's funny, it's such and ill fitting name, but now, it sounds better under new management
Dreams: Visit Chuck's Fuck and Suck
I'm 7 to 8 inches max (when flaccid) and I don't get it
>when Homer didn't watch the best boxing fight ever to please Lisa because muh free cable tv is bad
No, it has always sold seed and feed, the shop first appears in s02e13 simply as 'seed and feed' and has been shown numerous times throughout the show as such, even in episodes that flashback to Jebediah Springfield it is shown as one of the early shops of the new settled town
Dare I say, landscape kino
>blue eyes
Everyone has black dots for eyes, how do you know his are blue?
>it's a Homer and Lisa are drifting apart episode
Please stop pretending to be me
>it's a Sneed and Chuck are drifting apart (formerly drawing together) episode
>I was always proud that you weren't a short man
Wtf grandpa how did they get away with this?
She also gave him nerve damage in his other arm by poking him so much with the pole in the one where she gets a restraining order
Saw his drivers license, also all the kids have blue eyes and blond hair, while Marge has hazel eyes.
He had strong seed
But Lisa is a good A grade girl. Just like reverend Lovejoy's daughter Jessica.
>Tries to show everyone how cringe a joke he doesn't like is, and how cool and exasperated he is.
>Represents himself with one of the most miserable and one of the most follish characters in the show.
Really makes me think(formerly moe)
>didn't (You) me
It wasn't even that subtle you dumb moeposter
He is not the real moeposter! He is an imposter! Merely a barneyposter at best
Chocolate Sneed
What is the worst golden age episode in your opinion? For me it is A Star Is Burns. Despite having an okayish plot and pretty funny Burns' biographical movie sideplot it still fails to deliver because you are constantly thinking that it is just a crossover to promote Al Jean's The Critic.
forgot pic
That art of the monastery is actually quite detailed. Too bad its wasted on current simpsons
Art/architecture in Simpsons is still pretty good but those objects don't move. Current Flash animation style movement feels so empty and soulless compared to old hand drawn frames. I understand that they want to save money to have bigger profits but going for cheap animation also lowers quality and also affects revue in first world countries where people tend to notice these kind of things.
Nice OC user :)
Baron bun?
This thread is blessed by Saint Burns, patron of nuclear energy and The Simpsons related discussion
it was S08E24 dumb zoomer
based and good quality
Yeah I know that episode, I am not an idiot. I was wondering if Fox actually created a variety show because they were so keen on to cash with The Simpsons name.
I never thought about the Critic crossover, even though that was the point. It's got football in the groin
We never got the Critic over here so we'd no clue it was a cross over and Jay Sherman is still an OC Simpsons character in my head canon. That is a good cross over, you don't need to even know the Critic to enjoy it. The worst early Simpsons is the Sherry Bobbins one
>Sherry Bobbins
Oh fuck I forgot that shitshow entirely. I retract my opinion of Jay Sherman episode being the worst. I had just stopped thinking about that awful episode all these years and never watched it again. What were they thinking in the studio back then..
The episode feels really padded out with all the songs and non sequitors. It should of been a Halloween segment
Yep, just like the Futurama crossover episode that is also canon and not a Halloween episode. I like Futurama but mixing it with Simpsons so blatantly was just bad.
I agree, it didn't need to happen
Imagine a Simpsons-Disenchanted crossover in season 32
>Disenchantment will get over 3 seasons
Can they even do that? Disenchantment is Netflix. Futurama and Simpsons are both Fox
I am sure Groening can wriggle rights back to himself from Netflix and use them in his very own show, The Simpsons which he has paid alot of attention during the last two decades
fucking knife-ear bitch
God damn I am not letting this thread die! I am keeping this alive just to spite you sneed posters! Yeah come here you pansies and post like a man!
They're seriously so lazy that they couldn't be bothered to redraw that temple smaller for the photograph? They just had to take an image they already made for it and downscale it?
Uh... sneed?
Do you think drawing quality would improve if they moved their drawing division from Korea to Japan? Or maybe they could hire students from CalArts do draw Simpsons. Btw do Nips even have experience drawing western style cartoons?
Uh.. thank you for coming and fuck you sneed posters! You will never defeat the Moe army!
But how can one defeat what is already fucking and sucking?
The X Files was the good crossover they ever did. The Springfield Files is a classic
In my opinion it is a good crossover because the plot didn't revolve around them, but instead it was based on Homer and mr Burns. So many other cameos and celebrity guest have came to the show and give nothing worthwhile plot wise. For example the Lady Gaga episode is based around her visit to Springfield and her quest to help Lisa instead of the plot being based around original Simpsons characters.
Exactly. They didn’t revolve the show around some stupid celeb but made the celeb/crosssover fit into the episode organically
Too bad that kind of writing takes time and time is money so it is more profitable in some studio executive's mind to just write episodes with some quips and a bunch of celebs.
It shows how the depletion of our natural resources has pitted small farmers against each other
By over here I’m hoping it’s not the UK because the critic was either on paramount or sky 1
Ireland but nearly everyone had English satalite . I'm sure it was on around the time the time it aired in the States. Or maybe at like 2am or something like Duckman. I've meet anyone who watched it when it was airing, everyone has heard about it through the internet