What was Feige smoking?

>replace Iron Man with Catpain Marble as the new face of the Avengers
>RDJ, while being an uppity manlet, is irreplaceable and charismatic and appeals to boomer women
>Brie is an uppity ugly cunt who acts wooden as fuck in her role as Carol Denvers and basically lol if they expect her to carry the show
>inb4 incel, have sex, seething, DCtard

Attached: Tony-Stark-Iron-Man-Marvel-movies-Robert-Downey-Jr.jpg (500x880, 66K)

Incel, have sex, seething, DCtard

Carol Danvers has ruined literally EVERYTHING she's touched

for the love of god, HAVE SEX.

More like Disney desu
they pozzed Star Wars, now it's Marvel's turn.
either that or the people in charge are just plain inept in their pursuit to push agendas.

OP have sex with me. It will be good for both of us and this silly, petty ongoing contention will be put to rest, once and for all.

T'Challa should be the new leader of the Avengers

Unironically based
he's got the resources, he's a kang, and he's not an insufferable presence on the screen.
his sis should go

are you a bonobo?

>>replace Iron Man with Catpain Marble as the new face of the Avengers
Why do retarded incels take everything seriously? there's no "face of the avengers", it was something that was said to shill a shitty movie, to trick imbeciles into going to her shitty movie. She already burn 2 of her 7 movies contract, Feige and Disney will try to HYPE a character on the eyes of the audience, but taking it seriously, and actually thinking they want Brie as the face of the new movies is RETARDED. Stop talking about capeshit and shilling Brie's latest movie. Capeshit doesn't matter and Captain Marvel

Hitting his midlife crisis and as he’s old he believes the retards on Twitter represent normal people.

He has the charisma and acting ability of a turd, also a huge Mary Sue, so no.

Come on, she's the leader now. The one who calls the shots. The uniting force behind the Avengers. Tony will go, Thor will go, Cap will go. Who the fuck will do the leading?

This but unironically

I want to have gay sex, what now trannies?

He was thinking.
>"Damn I wish I had the X-men IP"
So they went with Captain Plan B. I think after End Game bullshit wraps up they are shifting gears to the X-men franchise. Plenty of Pzzed storytelling to be done with a literal Aids/faggot persecution theme at its core.

I don't really get why they keep trying to force the character. They keep trying and failing over and over again but it's never worked.

RDJ has been in the role for 11 years and probably wants to move on

Can't blame him, he is pretty prolific. Imagine being a good actor and all people remember you for is some gay capeshit? He probably wants to make some real movies again and go out like Daniel Day Lewis or another real actor.

>good actor

i've never considered him the face of anything
there are so many marvel capeshits nobody can hold your attention for too long

Have fuck and suck

>Carol Danvers has ruined literally EVERYTHING she's touched
Not everything

Attached: a40b147a31abd620ad67348a8c762143.jpg (346x421, 27K)

RDJ is based
>bounced back after cocaine addiction
>took the risk playing iron man
>became the face of the MCU
>leads a billion dollar franchise
>started to get worn out but decided to stick with it till avengers end game
>brie larson films 1 movie
>disney will make her the star of the show in end game
>robert gets cucked by feminazi larson
>will spiral back into cocaine

he didn't deserve this ending.

Attached: iron pepe.jpg (479x414, 30K)

>RDJ is irreplaceable and charismatic
>paper-thin quippy drama queen
The mind of a fucking manchild everyone.

Oh no, poor Downey syndrome, taking 60+ millions for a role and not being taken seriously. I mean is there anyone more oppressed than Hollywood actors?

>will spiral back into cocaine
No chance. Now that he has more money than God he can sit back and play in real movies again, while taking as many breaks as he wants. While pretty much everyone ends up in those Blond Items one way or another, I’ve never come across one about him. Dude knows what he’s doing. Once you survive prison and drugs, and do it successfully for a decade and more, you won’t make the same mistakes.

He doesn't write the script, faggot. He works with what he is given and does a great job at it.

Sorry, I don't have sex with people that give it up so easily.

>Restate premise that you disagree with without making any kind of argument
The mind of (you)

Chad Cyclops comes in to save the MCU.

>also a huge Mary Sue
And Tony isn't?

>At an early age, Stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. When he was four years old, he made his first circuit board. When he was almost seven, he built a V8 motorbike engine. At sixteen, he won the 4th Annual M.I.T. Robot Design Award. When Tony was seventeen, he graduated summa cum laude from M.I.T. While he was in high school, Stark hacked into the Pentagon on a dare by some friends.

Tony isn't a Mary Sue because he has exactly one area of expertise: engineering. It's clearly defined as his niche, with a good reason given as to why he's so good at it, outside that he's a deeply flawed character; arrogant, abrasive, poor with relationships, quick to anger and the other characters around him notice these flaws and often dislike him for it. A Mary Sue on the other hand is a perfect person who can do anything they put their mind to and is loved by everyone.

Pretty sure no one has a problem with Mary Sues as long as they are likable


RDJ is already overexposed af and old news. He's also not reliable so banking on him for your entire survival is dumb. Captain Marvel isn't ideal for me but it was the right call.

just because you replaced the word space alien powers with engineering doesn't make him less of a mary sue

Are you really this fucking stupid? Mary sue isn’t about how good you are at something it’s about how few flaws you have. Tony stark took 6 films to even understand his flaws and he’s still a prick to a degree. Rey was just fabulous from the get go with no character flaws to overcome, haven’t seen captain marvel but i’m guessing she has zero character flaws. It makes the characters unidentifiable in the long term and therefor the stories they are in transient garbage.

Black Panther and Captain Marvel made more money than any other non-Iron man solo MCU movie so I guess it makes sense to make them the new faces of the MCU since we know that Iron Man and Captain America aren't going to survive Endgame and that it is meant to be a last hurrah for the original avengers.

Spider-man would have been a better option but they'll never allow it as long as Sony owns the rights for him.

Luke skywalker is probably the biggest one

>you won’t make the same mistakes.

people relapse all the time. even at 10, 20, 30 years between the bottle

She gets the horny numale audience, that's what they want.

I don't know what you're talking about, but feel free to look up the definition of Mary Sue

Luke Skywalker succeeded at only two things in the entire OT. Blowing up the death star (and he still needed Han to save him at the last minute) and beating the crap out of Vader in a rematch.

Based rhyme post

That's actually not bad

Tony isn't a Mary Sue. If you think otherwise you're just a retard that doesn't understand the term.

So, is T'Challa a Mary Sue or not? If you can't make a case for it or against it, then you probably shouldn't be using the term either way. If your only response is to bring up Stark then you are just really fucking dumb which I guess is to be expected in capeshit threads.

Captain Panther is the new face of the avengers

Luke fails to beat Vader after being trained by the best Jedi in the galaxy.

What about when he fixed the super healing equation, in one night, when he was drunk?

Even "likable" Sues are a problem for a substantial storyline. It can be OK in a throwaway plot so long as there's enough humor or other shit to carry it for awhile. But that only lasts for a little while. Eventually you have develop the character for real or they become a black hole that sucks the life from the plot and all the other characters in the story.
Luke is not a Mary Sue Christ how stupid can you be?

he's an overpowered brain in a fucking superhero setting. That's the story you dumb fuck. Stark has flaws that lead to conflict and his superpowers aren't always enough to overcome the obstacles in the story. He's a real character with real development in spite of his over the top talents.

>Pretty sure no one has a problem with Mary Sues as long as they are a big muscular male

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