I wanna know what you guys thought of glass. I thought it was pretty good but most people in the audience hated it...

I wanna know what you guys thought of glass. I thought it was pretty good but most people in the audience hated it. Am I retarded or are they uncultured.

Attached: glass-trailer-new-1.jpg (948x435, 402K)

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It was good until the ancient secret society shit.

More like Ass amirite

I thought it was shit but I think all his films are shit. I'm still going to watch them though.

yeah i agree but thats just a shamalamalam twist really

They wanted a big bang with lots of flashy superheroey fights. The ancient secret society was just the personification of the grey mass of mediocrity that chokes creative people under its weight.

Bill Cosby's fine acting saved this steaming pile of dogshart, a truly great actor.

It was okay until the secret society shit. Then it just became a cringefest.

It was decent but I expected more.


Dogshit movie ruined Unbreakable.
Can't watch Unbreakable anymore without knowing that Bruce dies in a puddle, how fucking stupid.

More like personification of the (((media elite)))

It completely deflated the buildup from Split. On its own the premise is pretty good but it's weighed down by expectations from the first two movies. If it had no connection to Unbreakable or Split it could have been much better but without a link to two well know movies no one would have watched it.

Yes you are retarded, but the movie was pretty decent.

When I found out about the ending I lost any interest in seeing it.

Versus with Unbreakable and Split where I only saw them because I heard about the endings which made me curious of the journeys to those ends.

i think unbreakable was probably the best out of the three

it was good until the end


This. There was no foreshadowing and it made no sense.

No shit, it was an actual story with effort put into it instead of a desperate cash grab by a hack in the twilight of his career

when was the last time you saw it?

its kind of shit


Nigga I just watched it before Glass and its legit a masterpiece fite me faggot

>Am I retarded or are they uncultured

test unsuccessful
please try again

It’s not bad. It’s just a disappointing payoff to what came before. It’s a little intellectually dishonest as well, especially in regards to how it deals with Dunn’s vulnerability to water.

I never understood how they knew david’s Weakness

The great:
The start with David tracking down the beast and fighting him

The good:
The end battle

The neutral:
Doctor chick trying to manipulate the hero’s into not believing they don’t have special powers

The bad:
The secret society stuff
Killing based David for no reason


I’d have been so much more on board if they’d made Dr. Staple a superhuman as well. It’s practically the only way her “convincing” Dunn he’s not really superhuman makes any sense.

I unironically think it would've been better if they went with a more conventional route as it was teased in the trailers.

Trying to go with the """smart""", self-referential angle just blew in their faces. They had nothing to say, there was nothing clever about it, they just made an unpredictable but equally terrible, unsatisfying and overall unnecessary piece of shit movie.

Killing off based David for no reason was just adding insult to injury.

Wasn't as good as the rest but still pretty good

Staple was literally that. She had her own color code, and her ability to confound and manipulate people was such that she had free reign to try her own methods before recurring to lethal force. The movie's whole thing is that superheroes are just people with great abilities that get embellished over time in fiction.

No, she clearly wasn’t that, and no, they’re not *that* embellished if people are knocking steel doors off their hinges and flipping cars over. If she were actually like Dunn and Kevin, she wouldn’t be taking orders from some bullshit Secret Society.

The film was pure kino and it's going to become some peoples favorite from trilogy easily. Also the soundtrack was lit.

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