>would have capeshit job security since 2010 >get to be in 2 of the biggest movies of all time among a couple other billion dollar hits >show up on set for a week, do a few lines, cgi takes care of the rest >still be on posters, get to do press, and interviews with tons of stars >still get paid millions without having to do any heavy lifting of the others >...nah, couldn't swallow his pride in Ironman 2 for a little pay cut
don deserves it. he's a pretty chill actor and pretty talented. also i love his captain planet. anthony macky also lucked out.
Nolan Hughes
what a complete fucking retard.
Chase Campbell
This only makes sense to African niggers with no concept of self evident things like time.
The concept of multiplication requires that one of the numbers you use implies repeated addition. You can't multiply 1 apple by one apple.
Andrew Clark
>muh god jew numbers/science
Kill yourself. Math isnt real
Juan Scott
I really want to fuck the raccoon
John Green
You used a certain combination of 0s and 1s to spread your idiocy and ultimately prove your dumb ass wrong.
Carson Nelson
>In fairness, nobody in
Yeah hind sight is 20/20. Like I was sure Titanic would be a huge flop. I mean come on, we know the boat sinks. No one will pay to see a film with a known ending that isn't happy! Floooooooop!!! As for Terrance Howard, the guy has done fine career wise. I tend to think the biggest JUST are the tv actors who want to be seen as next level film actors, but can't pull it off. That's where the bitterness kicks in being every project you pass but is a huge hits and your projects flops, was it you or the project? Ya never know, it has to eat at a person long term... Cuba Gooding Jr career post Oscar is pretty big JUST too. Poster child for winning Oscar, fallow up with mostly shit.
Cooper Green
Nice meme
Benjamin Adams
lmfao this is hysterical
Jose Powell
He didn't sell his soul to Disney. So he dodged a bullet there.
Josiah Jackson
What the FUCK All these years I thought it was Cuba Gooding Jr who was in Iron Man 1. I even participated in the "Next time, baby" memes
Caleb Cox
> Cuba Gooding Jr career post Oscar is pretty big JUST too. Poster child for winning Oscar, fallow up with mostly shit. Holy crap. Up until today I thought that he played Rhodey in Iron Man 1. Only now did I find out that he and Terrance Howard are two different people.
yea I'm the guy one post above yours and my mind is blown too
Daniel Lopez
What sort of a cuck takes a pay cut. Another man saying you are worth less than you were worth yesterday. I'M IN MY PRIME!!! I AM!!!!
Lincoln Long
Will Smith and Sean Connery are the biggest retards I've ever seen get to pick projects >Pass up Django Unchained, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Jurrasic Park >say yes to fucking Wild Wild West and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Grayson Bailey
With the exception of Django Unchained, all of those movies were better without Will Smith or Sean Connery.
Jacob Fisher
So where the fuck are they? Is it a rematch on Titan?
Angel Gomez
He said he was supposed to get 8m for iron man 2 but then they changed it to 1m and that wasnt enoug for him so he quit like wtf 1m isnt enough for a supporting role that gets you fame????
Dominic Nguyen
Luke Diaz
>Lord of the Rings Wait, Will Smith was gonna be in LotR? Who the fuck was he gonna play?
Benjamin Clark
Yeah he's an idiot. He was not even a big name actor at all. His decision made more sense when I thought he was Cuba Gooding Jr
Benjamin Stewart
He doesn't care man. The nigger is completely crazy. I don't think he even knows how much money he has.
Jeremiah Baker
Put their choices together but Matrix would have been Will Smith as Neo and Sean as Morpheous or the Architect but Will Smith gave up the part of Django which I think he'd have been better than Jamie Foxx and obviously Sean Connery was almost Gandalf. Their reasons for not taking some of these parts borders on autism
Caleb Thomas
You really should read his rolling stone interview. His life isn't one where he cares about missing a check.
>He first took an interest in sex in grade school. “In the ghetto, things happen a lot quicker,” he says. But by the time he was 16, he’d sworn it off, and when he fell in love with this one girl, he refused to give her what she wanted. “And then she ended up having a gangbang and called me laughing with her friends on speakerphone, and I was crying because of what had happened to my girl, not knowing that this was something she wanted.
Christian Scott
Howard says that they had a contract beforehand and the money was already set for each movie. Apparently the producers changed it from 8 to 1 million. Sounds like extreme bullshit to me. Has he ever heard of lawyers? If they had a contract for these sums he should have been able to get something real out of it. Anyway, I think the story is bullshit.
Lincoln Cruz
After high school, he attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, studying chemical engineering, until he got into an argument with a professor about what one times one equals. “How can it equal one?” he said. “If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what’s the square root of two? Should be one, but we’re told it’s two, and that cannot be.” This did not go over well, he says, and he soon left school. “I mean, you can’t conform when you know innately that something is wrong.”
>Sounds like extreme bullshit to me
You have never dealt with jews.
Jackson Lopez
>Their reasons for not taking some of these parts borders on autism Tell me
Jason Martin
The reason he doesn't fuck is because he has a medically diagnosed micro penis, this came out when his bitch wife dragged his in public
Joseph Thomas
>How upset is Terrance Howard right now He'd do it again though. I 100% believe that.
>he was the first hire and highest-paid actor on Iron Man, $3.5 million, with an additional $5 million waiting if a sequel got made. At this point, he’d heard the producers weren’t interested in Robert Downey Jr., because of his past drug problems. But Howard says he told them he’d take a $1 million pay cut if they auditioned Downey and hired him. (Marvel Studios disputes Howard’s version of Downey’s hiring and the alleged salary cut, saying Howard played no part in getting Downey the job.) “Robert was so thankful and dadadadada,” says Howard. Come time to make Iron Man 2, however, the producers went to Howard’s agent, told him they were cutting Howard’s part down and wanted a salary reduction. As Howard recalls it, his agent said “fuck you” and slammed down the phone. By the next day, Don Cheadle had been hired as his replacement.
>“And so,” he says, “I called Robby and was like, ‘Look, man...’ Leaving messages with his assistants, called him at least 17 times that day and 21 the next and finally left a message saying, ‘Look, man, I need the help that I gave you.’ Never heard from him. And guess who got the millions I was supposed to get? He got the whole franchise, so I’ve actually given him $100 million, which ends up being a $100 million loss for me from me trying to look after somebody, but, you know, to this day I would do the same thing. It’s just my nature.”
Elijah Johnson
Understandably they both didn't understand the script for the Matrix, I think Sean Connery thought the LotR movies were going to be duds but he tried getting in on that gravy train after they made history, Will Smith turned down Django because since he wasn't the one killing Leo he considered the part beneath him since he didn't think of it as a main character role (despite being the title fucking character but he seems to realize that's a dumb reason since he now says scheduling prevented him from doing it). Google Sean Connery rejected roles and you could see all the shit he's turned down
Thomas Morgan
Well played
Nathaniel Gonzalez
I always thought Jaime Foxx would've been a good Rhodes. I mean him and RDJ are friends in real life anyways. Their on screen chemistry would've been great.
Luke Ramirez
He's on a hit fox tv show >bbbut tv If it hits syndication he's set for life. Plus being in CapeShit is moderately embarrassing
Andrew Richardson
>if (a) x (b) = (c) then (c) must be some product of (a) and (b). That's literally what a*b=c means. The product is the result of multiplication. This is a tautology.
>Yet, in order for 1x1 =1 the value of either (a) or (b) has to be missing from the final product of (c). He's confusing "product" in the mathematical sense with "product" as in "the result of a process". He's saying that 1 can't be on the right side because there's 1's on the left. So 3 * 12 = 36 can't be true because there's already a 3 on the left side? Fucking lunacy.
>adds 1 to both sides, but doesn't do the order of operations correctly >doesn't understand associativity or commutativity >somehow missed the definition of multiplicative identity when reading about properties of multiplication
Juan Gonzalez
Don is a better actor overal but he's an awful replacement .
James Cooper
He was literally and unironically in the only good Marvel movie
Angel Lee
Nice meme
Adam Adams
I wish there was a video compilation of RDJ looking at every phone call from Terrance Howard and not picking up.
Levi Reyes
Plus if you're a respected actor leading a good life, and youre gonna settle for a capeshit role, who the fuck wouldnt want to be War Machine who just shows up every once and a while and unloads a small military's arsenal
Logan Robinson
1x1 is equal to adding 1 item once
Mason Myers
then that's two
Gavin Morris
Don Cheadle just looks really fucking weird to me, like his skin is stretched on too tight or something.
James Hernandez
You pick one apple out of a bucket and set it on an empty table exactly one time, how many apples are on the table?
i used to hate that scene where terrance howard's replacement (we'll refer to him as Black #2) got his wings and had, like, five minutes of the movie dedicated to him using his powers, flying around, whooping and saying typical things like "hell yeah!" or "das it, baby!" I hated it, but now I think they made a point to show how much fun he was having just to rub it in terrance howard's face that it could be him up there on the silver screen.
Hunter Rodriguez
absolutely incredible
Adam Barnes
Weird, right? Cheadle can be such a great comedic actor, but they just never used him right. Only at small portions does he actually do something. I know it's 100% not happening, but it would be cool if they made him Captain Marvel's love interest in the movies like he is (or was, don't know) in the comics. That way he could show up in her movies and inject some personality into them.
Zachary Price
I never even realized they switched actors because all negros look the same and I tune out whenever they're in focus
Nathan Richardson
No you are right he looks reptillian and I've long suspected he's one of the reptile men.
He just doesn't care and turns up on set looking like he's waiting for somebody to pay him. He didn't even care that he was crippled for life there was zero change in his attitude about the whole situation
Austin Johnson
They underutilize him so much. He was having fun in Iron Man 2 and 3. I want more Fun Machine but it ain't his time just yet. At least they got him crippled so they're on their way to doing something.
Gavin Flores
>they're on their way to doing something.
They've done something and that was crippling him. There'll be no more development.
Jonathan Mitchell
if you think Terrance Howard looks like Don Cheadle, it's not a matter of being racist, you're just straight up blind AND retarded.
Wasn't he really really hard to work with? Would he have lasted this long is he made it to Iron Man 2?
Joshua Collins
He's supposed to become more machine so he can be an efficient killing machine that even Ares the God of War comes down and gives his respect to. Then the pair go and blow shit up in the middle east. I want that. War Machine just destroying shit. I don't need his family or anything. Just one man on a mission of war while struggling to keep his diminishing grasp of humanity.
Unfortunately they won't utilize Don Cheadle in any way so his charisma and natural acting ability can't lend themselves to his performance so he may as well be an action setpiece.
Luke Rogers
see he cucked himself from the very beginning, he has no one to blame but himself >to this day I would do the same thing. It’s just my nature This is proof that he is just a mega retard
Joseph Campbell
Holy shit there are people more retarded than Terrance Howard in existence.
Jason Harris
based and small dicked
Cooper Cook
So not the 1x1 = 2 stuff. It's the trusting of jews that makes him mega retarded.
I'll allow it.
Brandon Peterson
I literally thought that was Cuba Gooding Jr. for years until I saw this thread. I’m not even memeing.
Tyler Perry
Cheedle is absolute fucking garbage. Losing Howard was the worst thing Marvels ever done
Mason Roberts
Looks to me like they want starring roles and not supporting cast roles.
Jonathan Ortiz
I just posted this without looking through the thread. I’ve never heard of Terrence Howard before today. Is this the Mandela Effect? I’m kind of freaking out.
Lucas Ward
Funny because, while Leo was the "main" baddie, the final big bad ended up being Samuel Jackson who Django kills for essentially exploiting their own kind.
Owen Williams
>tfw you get fired for taking capeshit too seriously.
>it would be cool if they made him Captain Marvel's love interest Yea Forums would seeth so fucking much it would be glorious
Levi Clark
>Terrance Howard >black
Mason Thomas
You know Terrance Howard probably makes more on that TV show of his than Cheadle in capeshit, because everybody involved knows Cheadle can be recast just as easily as Howard was
Luis Long
Apparently he also has a small cock :(
Justin Turner
>he is (or was, don't know) in the comics That was garbage and so forced tho
Christian Edwards
works WAY less and gets WAY more exposure
Joseph Kelly
how does he know to ask for a larger sum of money when he doesnt understand how nunbers work?