Episode 11 QRD: >6:30 The effect of ptsd on the transwoman face. >9:49 Jeanette would be "devastated if parents said no to surgery because of what happened to Jazz". >11:11 NOSE >12:35 Oppression discussion with a great big fat person. >17:00 Jazz brainstorms a day camp idea for kids. >27:37 Jazz had "no skin", "looked like a burn victim", says Jeanette during live faceberg discussion. >39:26 Jeanette: Jazz "doesn't tend to take care of herself, she needs a little bit of pushing", needs micromanagement for dilation.
When you cut off your dick because you hate your dick and then grab a whole case full of plastic dicks because you must have dicks, huge dicks, the more dicks the merrier.
>Jazz "doesn't tend to take care of herself, she needs a little bit of pushing", needs micromanagement for dilation. Because he's a lazy teenage boy
Brody Butler
I find this theory entirely convincing. He was bullied in school because he stole Lily's used tampons from the trash and jerked his wand in the bloody tampon while trying to force her to do his homework. He didn't want to fuck her, he wanted to wear her skin.
If your son turns into something like this, get yourself some horse strength anti-psychotics and mix it in his favorite dishes. If it doesn't work, a month long trip to an actual shithole country, volunteering with the entire family, should clear out his sinuses of this fetishits bullshit.
Caleb Hall
Jackson Johnson
Charlie makes Skylar look like a pile of puke
Jack Butler
True, but Charlie is bio-engineered to star in >looks like an elementary school kid >big head >flat chest >twink ass >BUT NO 18 AND IS TOTALLY LEGAL! porn in three years. Not so sure he'll have a better life than Chad Kloegar.
>be muslim >raised to believe conspiracy theories about jewish lizard people >lgbtqipawtfbbq curriculum added to indoctrinate tiny kids in the buttfucking ways of the high percentage STD population >forces kids to respect lizard people >perhaps become lizard people, why not? >this will not stand >force bongland teachers to btfo