>be Chad
>pussy on tap
>kill yourself
For what reason?
Be Chad
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's this gypsie?
There's nothing left to aspire for. His life is basically like a videogame with all the cheats turned on. Shit's boring.
Some faggot from The Only Way is Essex who hung himself from a tree. Probably a closet case.
>can never see life outside the purview and power of an acidic gash
not even a ring worm on a dog's diseased rectum has such a pathetic life
On the surface all looks good, but everyone has shit going on behind the scenes. You can look and the guy and think "i wouldnt kill myself if i looked like that" but who knows what he was going through that no one knew about.
Guy was only fucking 26!!
>news notification popped up on my phone "MUGGY MIKE FOUND DEAD IN WOODS"
Holy shit imagine if you were this guy's mother and that popped up on your phone. Fucking Orwellian.
Exactly. Who knows, maybe an old rich jew had sent him an underage girl and then blackmailed him into participating in hardcore gay orgies, and the guy knew no other way out.
He wasn't a fan of the opposite (es)sex
was probably closeted
He was only 5'11.5"
>check his instagram
>photos of more jacked black dudes then hot girls
and no im not making this up
Mystery solved then.
>fake tan and a white jacket Make you a chad
They’re usually only named once next of kin have been informed. Immediate family would know straight away but I reckon some of his aunts/uncles found out that way
Thats not fake tan dumb ass. His dad is from cyprus
He probably committed sudoku because his boyfriend dumped him
Even so, imagine his grieving next of kin seeing his mean spirited reality-TV nickname pop up in your phone as the public announcement of your loved ones demise. Even after his death, his existence is just entertainment to the plebs gobbling up celeb gossip and he's remembered for a shallow persona manufactured by an itv producer in a board room.
It think it's FUBAR. I mean he signed up for this shit but it must be sickening for the people who knew him his whole life. I wouldn't want to be them when they walk out the funeral and see the paparazzi taking pictures of their crying faces.
just cause you're a chad doesn't mean you get what you want in life. shit happens.
i think i've been in a state to kill myself when a girl i was seeing called it off.
I can understand getting over the depression of being dumped, but how did you get over the feeling that your life was so meaningless that being dumped brought you to consider suicide? For me just that realisation after the fact would be a much more powerful motivator.
I’ve been close to a few people incredibly similar to this guy in the same area. I don’t live like these people and I look nothing like them but I get on well with them mostly. You’d be surprised at how much drama goes on in this subculture(?). The amount of second hand drama I heard about was exhausting, it actually seemed pretty similar to these reality shows; backstabbing friends, crazy girlfriends, abject humiliation masked as banter. Just hearing about it was exhausting. They tend to fuck a lot of women, have pretty fun lives for the most part but I don’t envy it. That’s for sure. I do feel for this guy.
He's Cypriot.
Nope, he was on Love Island.
>pussy access gives your life meaning
things virgins say
Because believe it or not, some people have bigger problems than tfw no gf.
seems they do learn after all
What problems can a rich 26 year old Chad have that are so bad? Even if you do, just fuck off to the other side of the world with all your money and start anew. Sounds like he was just a pussy.
Pussy is irrelevant to the depression a person can have
I don't really like this meme but HAVE SEX, INCEL to understand how low the value of sex is
Anybody remember the cute loli that hanged herself on a tree on Facebook live and her body was dangling there for about an hour or two?
well there you go
maybe he had no real friends, poor connection with family, didn't really feel like he found something he enjoyed doing, or found that the only thing he was interested in doing wasn't as interesting as thought it would be
lol at the projecting angry jealous plebes ITT
>pussy access gives your life meaning
it literally does
beta cuck
Wonder why he did it bros?
Was he in last seasons love Island?
Did he start dropping in popularity?
Was he ever popular after the show?
everyone reacts differently. personally i managed to turn all the hurt into smashing the gym and reading more philosophy. i also made sure in no uncertain terms to pursue women i wanted to be with straight away rather than wait.
then she came crawling back months later and i just friend zoned her.
the irony is, there's only one reason men kill themselves.
and that's women.
every single sub-category of "reasons I should kill myself" relate to women. constant rejection / incelhood / being a loser in the eyes of women, divorce / broken marriage / relationship, child custody battles, being denied access to your kids, rape accusations, the mere threat of rape accusations, money troubles (because nothing shows a woman's true colours like a man with money troubles) which can be anything from employment issues to debts to whatever else, the only true consequence for a man these things have is their impact on relationships. everything else is purely economic and managable over a period of time. the only thing that is not managable over a period of time is women. whether you "win" or "lose" with women, you always lose, and you're always under an immense amount of pressure no matter what. this is why men kill themselves. this is the only reason.
even closet gays, they're not even gay. they think they're gay because they're trying to move past the main source of their trauma, women. it's a self-delusion, a hideous coping mechanism, so even gays who kill themselves are ironically killing themselves because of women. and this is why women ignore men's mental health and men's suicide rates, because they now if we have an open and honest conversation about why men's mental health is so dire and why men are killing themselves, women will be held responsible and made accountable for their actions, which they do not want.
so basically whenever a dude kills himself you can be sure as hell a woman is the primary reason for one reason or another. ALWAYS.
Tell that to Cato you fucking hack
>have computer
>have comfortable life
>life in first world country
>have freedom
>have youth
>have intelligence
>still depressed
When the fuck are you idiots going to realize that just getting pussy isn't the end all be all of life?
You'll realize it the second you cum in a girl and roll over, and the emptiness fills you like it always has and always will
Chad is a state of mind, not just looks.
this. I'm only interested in women until i blow my load. the second I'm done they disgust me.
Speak for yourself. The moment I was able to get laid on command was when I knew my life was on track. If I can't get laid I know I'm doing something wrong. Sex with beautiful women is a good indicator that you're leading a strong and productive life.
Fucking amen, user
If I wasn't such a stupid, horny fuck I'd go for the volcel life full time
Instead of keeping it like that only a while after I trick another thot to fuck me, and the hatred of myself and life peaks
Have sex
right, then why don't you stop having sex you dumb retard?
this is literally like rich people saying money isn't important, you're full of shit
Gentle reminder that 30% of 'psychology' studies fail repeatability.
(that means they are bullshit)
More power to you if you actually want to believe this
Though I have to tell you that getting laid works the exact same way regardless of if you're on track or at rock bottom
Women are emotional beings and when you know their tricks they're all the same
imagine being this obsessed by a slit of flesh
His wiki page is fucking infuriating.
tl dr loans.
it takes a lot of time and discipline, you gotta train yourself and your body, I'm getting better at it. i routinely deny opportunities now, and I barely even masturbate. maybe once a week if that. even then, as soon as i blow my load whatever excited me beforehand disgusts me, not just on a physical level but on a moral level.
I'm sick of whores I want a partner.
the irony is you're the one who's making it purely about that slit, not me.
How tall was he?
Negative canthal tilt
it wasn't about loans, loans were the secondary reason. it was about what women will think of him one they learn he's in debt or whatever.
debts aren't a problem whatsoever. they're always managable. the only thing you can't manage when you have debts is women.
Sex, money, status, gourmet food... none of those guarantee happiness. Thinking that they do brings unhappiness.
It is not, really. It just makes you a slave to women, since you will live life based on their whims.
Listen retard the most famous suicide in history was over an ethical principle (Cato) and bringing shame upon oneself (Brutus), not to mention the countless Cheiftans who suicided after a loss in battle. Stop saying all. I doubt it's even most.
who's opinions do you think men favour most? when it comes to shame, who's shame do you think impacts men the most? who is more likely to look down upon you for losing a battle, your fellow man who fought beside you, or your women when you go back home to them?
it's all about women.
>incels think pussy is the key to happiness
cato was such a fucking faggot how do you fail to kill yourself with a sword?
Ancient Romans cared more about the opinion of other men.
Holy fucking Kek. You don't know how little Roman cared about women. Pompey was mocked in the Senate for "actually loving his wife". Romance was
only because they were fucking them, so technically they perceived them as an extension of women.
>not realising that all of that "muh principles" and "haha you love your wife" bullshit was one gigantic cope for how cucked they were when it came to women and they knew it.
they saw women as the weaker sex and were as some would say today misogynistic but at the same time just like most men today they were submissive to women, as have most men throughout history been. and all of their posturing was just that, posturing, overcompensation. wanting to be seen as not caring for women because they cared so deeply. not wanting to be seen as weak because they were weak.
>Confusing fake Greek steriotypes with Romans
Yeah this is bait and I feel bad for falling for it
Incels will never understand that fucking a never ending train of vacuous painted hors that only like you because you're famous is literally the most depressing thing in the world. Add to that he probably had the IQ of about 78, you're looking at a pathetic poor idiot who's team dresses him up and grooms him and leeches off him. If you aspire to be like this man then you'll end up with the same fate.
The other Cato was the cabbage one. There is no way the other Cato would lose a Civil War.
Romans cared about the opinion of free men. Which they couldn't have sex with, no matter what.
> they were submissive to women
Source: My ass
You literally are psychoanalysing an entire fucking epoch and civilisation to the point that no evidence can counter your magical "I just know they are lke this" bs and admitting no exeption. Fuck off man, if you actually belive this you are not just motivated, but retarded.
Explain to me how Cato's suicide had ANYTHING to do with women, and why the stated motivation, you know, from losing the civil war wasn't the motive.
>fake Greek steriotypes
not an "entire", just the majority. this is why rome fell and why when it fell it reformed into the overly masculinised, patriarchal roman catholic church to compensate for this. when men submit to women in the majority everything else collapses gradually. submission to women is and always will be the crux of the fall of civilisations. it begins with the psychological, the state of relationships between man and woman, and the rest comes after with only the secondary manifestations being different.
>I just friendzoned her
You have no idea what your talking about. Firstly Roman Paganism was far, far, far more masculine than the ethic of submission that is Christianity which has spiritual equality for the salvation of all (regardless of gender or race) at it's heart. Secondly - Rome fell Because of women? What? Decadence is an effect not a cause moron. You don't think that idk, mass migration, rise of the Principate, economic bankrupcy, domination of the Praetorians etc was the cause. No? Women. Yep. That explains it.
Why do you force me to defend women?
>is literally the most depressing thing in the world
Not the most, but yeah depressing sure
it wasn't about women but money, he started living a luxury lifestyle while making money from reality shows
the gigs dried up and he went bankrupt, add this to the fact his grandmother just died and he ended it
Soccer is highly competetive and perfectionistic, which can cause depression
hol' up. all paganism, while masculine in appearance, psychologically and esoterically focuses far more on the feminine principles and introduces them into its modus operandi far more. which is why pagan civlisations always feminise over time and essentially replace veneration of the masculine for veneration of the feminine.
all forms of christianity are the exact opposite. they repress the feminine, they revere the masculine above all else. yes. you do get some very feminine manifestations within it, but you will with anything. but it is by no means predominantly feminine.
and yes, all of those things are secondary effects of a civilisation putting the feminine principles above the masculine principles, which always results in men submitting to women on a sexual and psychological level, which translates into many other sub categories in daily life. a psychological trickle down effect.
look into esotericism my friend. it's basically a deeper psychology and how psychology relates to reality, the relationship between the mind, individually and collectively, and the world or reality.
i mean, you're not actually wrong in anything you're saying, you're just a bit off IMO, you're missing parts of the puzzle.
also, you're obviously educated, you have no need to call names, so you should probably stop, it'll make people take you way more seriously.
Not to mention Depression destroys sex drive.
Seems like a dumb excuse. He was 26. He could have started again from scratch if necessary. Seems he was so vacuous that he would rather be dead than have to get a job.
Can confirm. I was a promising player when I was younger and I've always been a perfectionist.
I'm a fucking neet loser now, but the point still stands.
even if he got a regular job it wouldn't be the same, he was flying first class and driving super cars for a while
guess he didn't want to go back to normal life
idk once you get to the top or at the very least are able to buy the things you always wanted you realize how empty it all is, then add someone you love dying to really put it all in perspective
Lost his head to the gear
lmaaaaaao no, just stop
you have literally said nothing right
Handsome people are all huge pussies because everything in life is a neverending stream of charity. 1% of the suffering that normal people have on a daily basis and they can’t handle it.
this is the problem with faux chads
real chads would have expanded their skillset and if gigs dried up he could have filmed his own movie
>the suffering that normal people have on a daily basis
good, fuck normies
Do Chads really have feelings?
Love Island has had two series and two former contestants kill themselves in two years. I honestly don't know why they aren't getting more hear for this.
The name calling was unnecessary. I still think your claims are outrageous, I don't see how a culture that has the afterlife gotten to by fighting (Valhalla) consisting of eternal warfare so that you can fight for the Gods is more feminine than a life of literal submission (the first will be last and the last will be first) for salvation to arrive in heaven to do the most rapturous...praise and worship. Paganisms apotheosis is a vitality in bloodshed, Christianity in love and worship. How you come to the opposite conclusion is yet to be seen but feel free to link some esoteric books. I'll check em out.
"A bloo bloo women hate this women hate that a bloo bloo" the thread. The amount of zoomers so emotionally invested in this literal who is hilarious. Is this the zoomers kurt cobain?
>Soccer is highly competetive and perfectionistic
After watching that Chelsea game yesterday I can confirm these players do not give a shit.
>paganism is for whores
Is it wrong that I kinda believe this?
found your problem
A bloo bloo bloo
>For what reason?
He was a manlet
There's more to life than sex and women, something you'll realize too once you lose your virginity.
Like what? Sex and women is all there is. Without it, there's no life.
some people have a laughably weak mental constitution
must be why life sucks then
Absolutely. No sex, no women, no life. The only way to get through it is to like become a monk or something, and even then they start fucking young boys, the closest thing to sex with women they can find.
They all shop around for roles after love island he must have found out nobody wanted him for anything. The women make a few 100k by having the on again off again boyfriend but the men mostly struggle. I think out of that batch the nigger got more shows out of it. You wont know who he is by next year tho.
Like I said gypsie.
Life, uh, finds a way
Most people who have sex nowadays do so without the purpose of procreation. And sex is not what makes life worth living.
Existence maybe. Life doesn't.
Yeah well those people are still procreating. Lotta bastards, mistakes and accidental births.
Fuck, first Sofia now Mike. Which love island star will an hero next? Anyone heard from Zara recently?
They really should take all that brightly coloured gym equipment out of our parks. Every six months some body is swinging from it. Then again, it's diverted them from heading to the train tracks so I guess they've done some good.
there's more to life than sex
That's true, we're getting even deeper into a generation of fatherless bastards. Yet somehow I'm supposed to feel like a sucker for not participating?
people who go in for these shows are often mentally unstable anyway
Birth rates are down in most of the West.
That's because people are fatter and more obnoxious than ever
The lack of sexual relief is literally driving some people here to insanity. To type out this drivel and feel like you're onto something... I feel for you virgins, honestly.
I'm not even a virgin but the lack of pusy seriously make me want to commit a habbening just joking FBI
Didn't this guy get accused of banging a 14 year old? Being called a paedo might've been a contributor
you are by far the faggiest user in this thread.
you know nothing so please stfu faggot
your post is the first, kek.
I'm unironically glad he's dead and that he did that to his family. Good.
for me, it's throwing yourself off the nearest suspension bridge
That sounds so interesting, user. I used to fuck any guy that spoke to me but your words totally made me reconsider everything.