Why was Infinity War forgotten so quickly?

Why was Infinity War forgotten so quickly?

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Are you kidding me, theres been a ton of shitty thanos memes since it came out.

>daily threads about it


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Holy fuck, this shirt triggers me so much.

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I see more people talking about Man of Steel than Infinity War.

A month after Endgame comes out people will forget these movies existed like all MCU flicks.

>that subtle blacked poster

Only a cuck like you would notice that.

So many people only watched Captain marvel literally only because Infinity War part II is right after. It's not forgotten at all.

It is the last movie with the OG avengers.

I watched it last night and it held up. All of Thor's scenes are kino, even with Dinklage's shitty performance.
They really should have made a Scarlett-centric movie instead of Captain Marvel. She actually has some charisma. Spy adventures and uncovering secret Skrulls with Natasha, Clint, and Nick Fury would have been good.

Not him, but what if you just noticed the nigger foot in the corner and then got the meme?

It makes me sad but I know that if my brother could afford it, he’d be exactly one of these beta soi bois. He’s 34 for Christ’s sake and he gets more immature every single day. He twitch streams and just gets annhilated and embarrasses himself for the world to see. Then he will brag once every 3 months that someone gave him 10 dollars. Why does he do this? How do I save him?

Because it was a mediocre movie, at best

because captain marvel and black panther is better

>most-viewed trailers in the first 24 hours
yeah Avengers are totally forgotten

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Try to find out a way to cancel his continuously incoming supply of Söylent, before his bedroom gets stacked with boxes of them.

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Beat the shit out of him or fuck him to establish dominance

Only him can help himself.
Just be there if he wakes up. Be his coach.
Regular sport activity should be the first step.

You're jocking... right?

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Get him a show on TLC where Yea Forums and normies can laugh at him.

>fuck him to establish dominance
yep, the right answer is to have sex

Its the same with all capeshit flicks. Which is normal because its nothing but mass produced entertainment meant for people to turn off their brains for an hour or two. Its the faggots on this board who act as if capeshit is something more than its meant to be.

Unironically this poster has got the right idea. He'll be resistant if you just force him to do activities but if you're there to do them with him then he might help snap himself out of it.