>4 seasons talking about how dangerous it is that the wildlings have the Horn of Winter and how it could destroy the wall
I'm completely serious here, are D&D retarded?
4 seasons talking about how dangerous it is that the wildlings have the Horn of Winter and how it could destroy the wall
I remember thinking that was weird too but then forgot about it shortly after. You're right though.
>horn of winter
You what? The horn is mentioned like twice in the show. Last time I can remember is when Jon meets with Mance.
Its hardly the same mcguffin like it is in the books.
seasons talking about how dangerous it is that the wildlings have the Horn of Winter and how it could destroy the wall
By seasons do you mean books? Because I don't recall any mention of it in the show
>7 seasons of CIA and his master plan
almost as if GoT is fucking shite for plebs
can we just admit that Game of Thrones has been shit from the start
>4 seasons talking about how dangerous it is that the wildlings have the Horn of Winter
first 4 seasons were decent
Fair enough I just found them somewhat disappointing
Maario Naharis
Dude the outcast hero is going to save the world and is secretly first in line for the throne
cringe and bluepilled reddit meme pusher
Wasn't it also a meme in the books? Like "yeah no that was just a cool horn".
This is one of the most advanced memes on Yea Forums right now
Hardly. Daenerys is 1st. Viserys was crowned King after the death of the Mad King, and Daenerys was named his heir. She's also the prince that was promised. By all rights, Jon was passed up.
Jon comes before Viseys though
>the male son has less right than the female sister
That's not how it works. She was crowned because his existence as the rightful heir is unknown to almost everyone.
They literally say at the end of the last episode that Jon is first in line
>hes never been a bastard, hes the heir to the iron throne
Y'all are forgetting that Stannis is the one true king
Daenerys and Jon's dumbass bloodline was overthrown decades ago. Cersei is actually the rightful queen after a series of Lannister bastards as she is the last remaining relative to Bobby B, who took the throne by conquest.
>t. daenerys
we never forgetti
No he doesn't. Viserys was young, but he was still older than Jon. Still the direct son of the Mad King. Royal brothers and their children don't come before the actual son of the king.
He's Rhaegar's male heir, not Aerys'. Aerys died, Rhaegar died, Viserys was crowned. Jon doesn't have a direct claim. He could dispute things if it was known/he wanted to. But he barely wants to be King in the North and he's deep in Daenerys' pussy by now.
It's actually Jaime
i can't just can't enjoy GoT. how can i form my opinion of daenerys without knowing her tax policy? is the night's king evil, or does he actually have a progressive migration policy?
That's not how it works
The first son of the first son comes before the second son
male > female
>4 seasons talking about how dangerous it is that the wildlings have the Horn of Winter and how it could destroy the wall
They showed the horn how many times? And was it ever mentioned that it could destroy the wall in the show?
Stop making shit up.
If you want a real life comparison then here's how it goes.
Queen Elisabeth is Mad King's dad.
Charles is Mad King
William is Rhaegar
George is Jon
Harry is Dany
Order of inheritance should Elisabeth die: Charles > William > George > George's siblings > Harry > Charles' siblings
In GoT everyone up to George is dead so he is next in line.
>Still the direct son of the Mad King. Royal brothers and their children don't come before the actual son of the king.
Are you genuinely retarded, or something? Because this is some serious case of self-refutation. Primogeniture inheritance where royal brothers don't come before actual son of the king means exactly that crown passes to the oldest living child of the eldest son, bypassing any of his uncles, or as is the case here, aunts.
If conquest was all that mattered, Tywin would have been king.
Appointed heirs trump primogeniture. And Viserys was literally crowned king by the only remaining authority at the time.
Only the first 2 are decent
The queen consort/mother has zero claim to the throne, with all Robert's "kids" and brothers dead the rightful monarch would have been one of his cousins who haven't been named.
This. D&D went quickly their own direction and it went complete shit
Which is Jaime apparently
What a shitty edgy opinion. You should kill yourself
What's the relationship? None of the family trees I've seen go far back enough to establish a connection between Baratheon and Lannister
nope, it'd be some Bartheon cousin. even Dany has more claim to the throne because Robert was croened because of targ ancestory
>caring about anything after Season 4
Jaimes great great great grandad married a Baratheon or some shit
>Viserys was crowned King
Not in the 7 kingdoms. And even if he had been, the last son of the crown prince (Rhaegar) preceeds any siblings of the crown prince
>older than Jon
Which means jack shit. The Freys are a great example of this. It was specifically stated that Walder Sr.'s younger children had no chance of ever getting Lordship because the entire line of the first son would have to perish first
Not to mention that Westeros doesn't even care for daughters. IF noone else is left they can claim ownership and even then they have to be married in order to
Appointed heirs trump primogeniture
Dragonstone is part of the Seven Kingdoms.
No, it's a horn to bind the dead to a master, probably will be used on dead starks. But the magic was broken by brandon the breaker.
>Viserys was crowned King
He wasn't>. IF noone else is left they can claim ownership and even then they have to be married in order to
And their husband has to change his surname, that's how the Lannisters became an andal house.
2 is shit. 1 and 3 are the only objectively good seasons
4 seasons of talking about how an AROOOOOOOOOOO AROOOOOOOOOOOOO AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO could destroy a wall was fucking retarded.
Viserys literally was. And in order to assert his legitimacy, Jon would have to challenge Daenerys claim which he has no interest in
Sure he doesn't now. That might change when he finds out he's full Targ and not just some bastid
retarded bookfag
Jaime stabbed Aerys in the throne room while his father was sacking the city. They definitely did not get the High Septon to crown Viserys afterwards, he wasn't even in the city anyway.
Why didn't they use it then?
No, Robert actually had a claim because he is 1/4 Targ and would have been the rightful King had all of Mad King's descendants been actually dead. Right of rule is still the oldest legitimized male heir.
> Primogeniture inheritance means
Not all royals use primogeniture. Even England doesn't now, since the law was passed letting females inherit in their turn before younger male siblings.
>what is a macguffin
And GRMM just used Primogeniture because he's a lazy fat fuck and didn't want to make the effort to learn about alternative systems and map them out.
If someone could post the text regarding Sybil Keliki and the boat scene that would be great.
They do in GoT, otherwise Myrcella would have been Queen after Joffrey died
They do in GoT because Lardass just wanted to crib from a book on The War of the Roses.
Imagine caring about this shit after they ran out of GRRM material.
shh please just be quiet
>S4 ends
>most of the remaining material comes from AFFC and ADWD, which focus heavily on introducing a shitload of new plot threads that are borderline-unfilmable and will likely have limited impact on the outcome of the series anyways
>D&D, desperate to avoid being out of book material since GRRM gave them zero details about how the plot progresses in TWOW, try to adapt them anyways by cutting out 90% of each story
>realize they've failed and only have three seasons left, two of which will be a limited number of episodes, so they backtrack by literally killing off these arcs to avoid having to rush the series to a conclusion
>makes all the time spent on this shit during S5-S6 look even worse in hindsight
The horn is just another thing that the fat man borrowed from wheel of time. I don't think it will appear at all in the final season.
>the fat man
it's called calorically challenged, you fat-shaming piece of shit
no. 2 and 4. its objectiv