>the actress of one of the most wholesome characters of one of the most wholesome shows is now a white-collar criminal
How are you handling it, Yea Forums?
>the actress of one of the most wholesome characters of one of the most wholesome shows is now a white-collar criminal
How are you handling it, Yea Forums?
All women are whores
>getting sued for $500,000,000,000.00
Absolute wew
Why is Israel allowed to bribe our politicians but our waifus can't bribe the kikes at universities?
Imagine eating her ass
Yes, and the tv father figure of the 80's is a convicted rapist. It's almost as if actors in real life are often different than the characters they play.
Also the best live action Black Canary ever on a screen.
That show was never wholesome. We just didn't get it when we were kids, because the joke was how subtle it was and how clean they made it look.
I dont know but she's still hot at age 54.
Why must you keep reminding me that Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in 1990?
Imagine being a Jew and constantly getting away with this same thing while a cute white woman that stars in Hallmark and Lifetime movies gets thrown under the bus for it
Imagine her eating your ass
lol based, she didn't even do anything wrong
I really don’t give a fuck that she spent a million cheating her children into a school
I thought this shit always happened anyway
Yeah but that spot should’ve went to a nigger
Yes Hick those rich wasps clearly are your friends and they care about you while they fuck jews on a load of your money
imagine dating her dumb daughter and using her to charm a sexually neglected Lori
relax or take your seething to /pol/ please
She isnt getting thrown under the bus. Shes not the only defendant. She's 1 of 50, some of the others being Jewish. She's just one of the most famous, and easily the most attractive, which is why her face is everywhere.
And why isn't he taking that information to the police, that Bad Sagat raped and murdered a girl in 1990?
I remember when the meme was "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990." Memories.
I don't get the outrage
>have money
>use money for your children's education
I thought that's a big reason why people want to have money
>be an actress in the 80s/90s
>have to give a few extra shekels to get your favourite daughter into the school she wants
>be an actress in the current year
>have to get HARVEY'D to find any work whatsoever, then get threatened into silence
oh times they are a changin
They clearly offer up a face to this kind of shit for a reason. There's were loads of other people involved. Unless it's just a coincidence.
It was always a badly kept secret but now it’s in the open so joe pleb is using it as a coping mechanism for why their kid didn’t get into Harvard Law
good goy
At this point Harvard is full of (((legacies))) and affirmative action appointees who major in education and rap their thesis. The days of regular white people from Iowa just getting in are long gone.
>tfw no big brain gf who manages to jew the jews with their owm tactics