>it's a "truman swears today he'll be more productive but ends up procrastinating on Yea Forums and 4channel half of the day and not even watching any movies/episodes" episode
This show isn't very realistic. It seems like the writers never have Truman ever learn from his mistakes? How can they ask me to suspend disbelief like this?
It's a "truman swears today he'll be more productive but ends up procrastinating on Yea Forums and 4channel half of the...
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a "truman faps 5 times a day" episode
>it's a truman thinks he will actually kill himself today, but he knows that is just a lie and that he will continue to suffer so that his parents don't have to deal with his death episode
>it's a Truman ejaculates on his neighbor's car door and waits for him to leave for work, both of them knowing what's on that handle
>it's a "Truman seriously considers becoming a serial killer just so people will remember him in the future" episode
Dude's a little coo-coo.
>its a truman does the same thing as everyday episode because doing anything else gives him massive anxiety
>it’s a Truman spends 20 minutes on his phone on the toilet after he’s done shitting but before he’s begun wiping episode
>truman starts a new job, but can't handle the pressure of being seen by all those people in line, so he panics and starts crying and quits and now he's relying on his parents to support him.
>it’s a Truman counts the days and obsessively thinks about previous time wasted but still does nothing in the present to fix it episode
>its a truman finds a thread on 4channel thats a little too relatable episode
>Truman thinks maybe he can make it as a writer or artist or something, if only he could come up with something interesting to have it say someone did. But he can't, so he cries, and he goes to sleep.
sorry :(
>Truman puts off doing laundry again and thinks maybe nobody at the grocery store will notice he's wearing a third day shirt and 6th day pants.
Would love to see a sequel "Truman Aftershow" showing a crazy Truman and his life post the events of the movie
Jim is already crazy in real life so it wouldnt be hard to play the role
If it makes Truman feel any better, he couldn't make it even if he did have something interesting to say.
sounds suspiciously like that racist website I've heard about on the news
>It's a Truman still drinks himself into oblivion each night because he's too ashamed to seek medical advice for his worsening phimosis episode.
>It's a Truman shouts at the other Truman to get that shit checked episode
what if were actually in the truman show
what if everybody sees me about to jack off right now
Me everytime
Wtf same
My skin even tears a little when I masturbate
>it's a truman finally found a job and has a girlfriend and it's learning lots of stuff and wants to continue his artistic projects because he stopped being socially retarded episode
it's a nice episode
this show is really starting to lose relatibility
> It's a Truman has worked in three years but runs a successful porn channel for free episode
okay now this is just stupid
> It's a Truman tells his psych about homicidal thoughts and gets asked if he owns any guns to which he replies "tons" even though he doesn't own any. Police perform a "wellness" check and come to take anons non existent guns.
> christof cuts to commercial
> It's a Truman has a cut on his jerking hand but powers through anyways episode
Don't do it, bro. The feeling actually does pass once you start to make something of yourself. Just take up weightlifting, learn to cook, maybe learn to shut your mouth in public and play the strong/silent type if you can't learn to be social.
My point is, you actually do get over it once you actually start improving yourself...Or your newfound confidence can unlock some genetic predisposition for wanton cruelty, leading you down a path of rape and homicide. 80/20, 80 percent chance it's not. Good odds, 2bh.
Oh I remember that one.
He wakes up realizing all of that was fake and actually pointless, since nothing he'll create will ever have a merit beyond masturbation, and goes back to sleep hoping he'll dream of a bus running him over.
Very strong episode.
> It's a Marlon come over and starts acting like a faggot episode.
>It's a Truman finally gets to the point as an artist where he feels confident in what he's making but feels massive anxiety whenever he thinks about trying to make it in the art world
>It's a Truman spends the day watching David Irving lectures on YouTube with his browser in "incognito" mode episode.
> It’s a Truman is going to bed at 7am and waking up at 4pm episode no matter how hard he tries to correct his sleep pattern
Hit to close to home? By the way goodnight anons
Do you earn money from it?
>for free
My bad
>its a Truman was told by his dentist six months ago to go see a specialist because of a potential infection in his gums episode but Truman never made an appointment so he's planning on canceling his followup dentist appointment today while ignoring the occasional odd feeling in his jaw episode
Truman starts writing a post on a truman thread and deletes all of it once he realises his post will be drowned with the rest of the Trumen that have similar problems
>it's a truman can't stop reading /pol/ all day after the happening and genuinely agree with the shooter
>It's a Truman spends most of his day researching suicide methods knowing full well that he's too chickenshit to actually try any of them episode
>It's a Truman has a panic attack because he's too scared to either improve or end his life and it feels like he's trapped in a sort of purgatory where his only purpose is to suffer episode
It's a Truman has a deep and meaningful conversation with himself when hes driving where he speaks with a hypothetical therapist and anylises what stresses him out and feels slightly better afterward, only to do repeat the same cycle week in week out.
> it’s a Truman lays in bed and creates stories in his head where he is always the most powerful one. Truman has been doing this since he was little and even at 32 he has yet to grow out of it...episode
I’m just doing the lords work
Come join natsoc gang and you want wanna die anymore, I promise.
how do i fix this anons?
>it's a Truman spends hours grinding for some stupid cosmetic item in a video game because he swears it's more dignified than shelling out a buck for it episode
>it's a "Truman has to choose between changing his surname to Option A or Option B, but for some reason both of them belong to certain fictional characters, and he feels that he needs to follow the path of either one, slowly driving himself to a mental breakdown where he tries to deduce which fictional character's avatar he is on Earth, while despising both of them for different reasons" episode
Boy, that Truman sure has lost it! Like, shit Truman, get out and talk with some people! It's been like, 2 years my man!
>it's a "Truman has doubts whether or not God exists, and whether the physics he's studying can explain it all, so he's diving into Occultism hoping to get magic powers" episode
Geez Truman, you're supposed to be a scientist. What the hell are you doing with ghosts and demons?
>you're supposed to be a scientist
Where's truman's degree?
He was supposed to be getting it this year, but Truman's mother stopped him from going to Uni during the first year, then Truman had his books stolen, missed two exams periods, got paralyzed from the waist down during another exam period, and now he's 15 classes behind, all the while having met no professors or made any friends. So Truman is now honestly kinda lost and gasping at straws, trying to make sense of all this. The fact that he hasn't spoken to anyone bar his parents, with which he speaks 8 times per day, in about a year, isn't helping things.
Truman knows how the other truman feels.
He moved on another city for his first semester and a half and basically didn't pass anything on the first year.
On the second year he suffered from severe panic attacks, almost passing out while giving an exam and even though he busted his ass studying, failed everything.
Now he's in his third year and has lost all motivation to study and actively hates his subject and the fact that he chose it and wants to drop out but his parents would throw him out.
At this point, Truman is only hanging on due to spite. He hates himself, he hates the world and he hates the fates for cursing him with this existence. So Truman sucks it up and keeps going, but he's also in his third year, is a friendless KHV, hasn't been to class in 2 years, and next semester he will have to pick a major. But not only does he not know any professors or have any inside people, he also has no fucking clue how the whole thing works. Still, Truman's such a hateful cunt that he keeps going because he'll be damned if he gives them the satisfaction of quitting. This, of course, means that his only comfort is alcohol and cuddling with his blanket at night, pretending it's a gingergf who loves him... Truman has no idea how he's going to get out of this...
>It's a Truman reads this text and feels it hits a bit too close to home for comfort and sits by the keyboard of his computer, staring wistfully past it thinking of what to do at this very moment episode
Truman believes his situation with the other truman is uncannily similar.
He hopes for truman the best
>It's a "Truman finds out for the first time of his life that his belief in Christianity might be slipping away, yet emotionally feels attached to it and desperately wants to identify as one, but simply can't find it in himself to believe anymore and knows that for certain if he one day comes back to it, he will become an Eastern Orthodox Monastic and is frustrated every day by this. Despite also being frustrated with doubt during his whole life as a Christian, he wants to go back to it since he wants it to be true" episode
>It's a "Truman is incredibly scared of sex and all its implications" episode
Truman wishes Truman the best also. At least will always have his waifu in his dreams, right? There is some bittersweet victory in that...
>it's a "Truman's life is so empty that his higlight of the day is taking a shit" episode
That Truman boy ain't right.
>taking a shit
do americans really do this? In my country, we leave ours
What is the other truman' waifu?
22 now... I'll be you in 10 years Truman
>it's a Truman wants to live his life to the fullest but his country's going down the toilet straight into Venezuela's territory
Gonna be a rough year
>it's a Truman gets so fat he begins to develop a second chin episode
>It's a "truman needs an actor replacement during a few weeks because he's being treated about his drug addiction at the MAYO clinic" episode
Who'll they hire in such case?
This thread hurts