Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread: Luna edition
alita is gay
They did a good job on that.
Reposting from last thread- I hope request-kun sees this. The second one is sad and for him.
What’s your favourite image /alita/
Post it
Oh no!
Just realized too that Vector must've not cared is Chiren found out about the bluff at that point anymore. Vector is having the time of his life watching the tryout and he considers Alita to be dead meat. Which means Nova will take Chiren anyway and there's no point in keeping her with false hopes anymore. Saying "I'm sending him to Zalem of course" might've both been a friendly joke and an insult towards Chiren.
we're all gay for her
You're just attached to it, that's all. It's a silly idea but before I die I wanna make a time capsule full of things that I like. My Alita stuff will here there for sure.
And to the guy who keeps calling this creepy:
I'll show you something much creepier...
too many to choose from
Fuck, it's hard to pick one, but this one sticks out the most to me. So full of love.
It's my current phone background.
>user, we're all out of lube
This is mine too. Classic comfy blanket Alita.
Good news fellow alitafags
The main cinema in Sydney are going to show it for another week, through to next Wednesday
But no 3D or 4DX screenings unfortunately ;(
Oh well
post zapan memes
>= Worldwide: $394,045,377
We did something like 8 mill this weekend, just need another 6mill to break 400k.
Aww stop it!
Am I the only one here who doesn't want a sequel? Sure, it would be nice to have more Alita, but it comes with a risk. I'd rather have a great standalone than a good movie and a shitty sequel a la Pacific Rim. I know James Cameron is king at sequels but I don't want the perfect image I have of this movie to be tainted by a bad followup.
Yeah, it's really too bad with both of their characters, Chiren and Hugo. When they both finally realize and accept they've been had and they've gotten consumed by this dream, it's too late to back out and they both pay with their lives, Chiren stays "alive" with her brain intact, but Hugo just being a street rat, is sent back down to the dirt, because Nova has no use for him.
Another detail I like that elevates that, right when Hugo takes his first step down towards Alita, you know, he's accepted and will go back down, it's too late and literally the second he takes his first step, the defense ring comes barrelling through the cloud.
It's simple but I love it so much
The sequel has already been written, and you're talking about James Cameron here. He wouldn't let his ultimate waifu be ruined.
>post zapan
Like postmodern?
I think I'm with you on this one
Although heartbroken and demoralized Alita on the tube after Hugo died was really powerful.
anyone has like a zip file of alita reaction images?
wish i could post images but my ip range is blocked due to abuse
Thread theme
She's from Mars, fucking retard.
Deep down, Vector did care about them. He wanted to convice Hugo to NOT pursue Zalem and be part of his hustle, and Chiren's genius was his meal ticket on top of her being the one who warmed up his bed. I guess he wasn't pure evil now that I realize.
Anywho, goodnight, anons. I have a 16 hour school/work day tomorrow. I love you all. Stay comfy.
so we're gonna remake every meme when the digital release drops, right?
The webms maybe, but many others don't need a remake
Goodnight user
Guess what film is getting a sequel?
Protip: It's not Alita
Guess what sequel is gonna flop hard and lose a bunch of money?
Protip: It's not Alita's
>implying a marvel movie can flop and lose money
That's literally and physically impossible, my dude
Catch ya around fren.
I thought it was interesting to see Vector comment to Hugo about how it was better to be a king in hell, than a servant in heaven.
>muh too big to fail
Disney's cumulative failures will lead to their downfall if they don't fix their shit
Their latest movie is on track to get 1b. Why would they need to fix anything that's not broken?
I'm remaking every OC I ever made. Plus new ones on top.
Am I the only one that dislikes how the movie dealt with Hugo in act 3?
It was just weird from a story perspective. First Zapan "kills" him, then he gets revived by Chiren and Ido, gets a new cyborg body... and the movie kills him off once again. All of it feels a bit disjointed and unnecessary. You could've killed him for good the first time and nothing in story would've changed.
I wonder if we're going to find out that Vector was also ex Zalem. Would be an interesting twist.
>21 films
>0 failures
>1 film
>1 failure
Who needs to fix what again?
When did Alita fail?
You're going to have to try harder than this at this point, this isn't the second Alita general thread
She was implied to be Japanese in LO after her real name was released, then pretty much confirmed in MC, although that revelation still has too many question marks.
Someone making tons of money, someone making tons of audience's love.
Can't make sequels on audience love alone.
Someone making tons of love to Alita (in their own head)
When it fizzled domestically, this was supposed to be a franchise starter, but this is yet another "The Mummy" and dark universe situation.
Can't buy love either
There was never any fanbase mobilization for The Mummy like what Alita has created.
It's an insult to even compare the movies, frankly.
Well that really puts things into perspective.
The Mummy was considered a giant failure which killed the upcoming franchise.
What are you even talking about? Normies love marvel movies just as much as you love Alita and there are millions of them.
>What are you even talking about? Normies love marvel movies just as much as you love Alita and there are millions of them.
So where is the 200th Captain Marvel thread with tons of OC?
Does Vector know that Nova promised to take Chiren to Zalem though? I saw it as Vector not knowing that he was using the same promise to Hugo as Nova had to Chiren. Guess Vector didn't know Chiren as well as he thought.
You are ignoring the giant wildcard in this situation - James Cameron's personal passion for and investment in Alita. He's loaded like fuck, and could self-fund the movie if he really wanted to.
The sequel green light will come down to JC, everything else is just speculation.
At least half of that is pure fraud.
Are you unironically measuring success based on OC?
There is lots of my little pony OC around because of the giant fucked up fanbase but it doesn't mean shit.
Indeed, if that becomes a pattern for them the investors are going to take notice and it's gonna be hard times for the mouse.
Alita has no fanbase, literally doesn't even exist by any significant measure outside China, but you can't make money on China alone the returns are way too low that's why you need Domestic success. If they made an Alita 2 it'd have to do better than Alita 1 but it can't because no one saw Alita 1. 1000 generals on Yea Forums Yea Forums does not make a movie successful, memes do not translate to box office performance.
>You are ignoring the giant wildcard in this situation - James Cameron's personal passion for and investment in Alita. He's loaded like fuck, and could self-fund the movie if he really wanted to.
You are ignoring the fact that he needed more than 20 years to release the movie. You are also ignoring the fact that he is very slow on sequels - see avatar which was released 10 years ago.
>Are you unironically measuring success
How did love suddenly become success?
ITT a last army of elves and men does battle with the negative nancies to stop the mouse
Nobody gives a shit about your love and your shitty OCs posted on a cancerous imageboard.
They can only hide it until the next reporting period. As a publicly traded company, they're answerable to their stockholders. Buying tickets to their own movies can perhaps be justified as a "marketing" expense, but no amount of Hollywood accounting is going to hide that from investors - unless they go full securities fraud on their asses. Or if they can just hide it all under a single rubric of "Marvel properties" - and let the income from Avengers: Endgame offset the huge marketing/RT/shill campaign for Captain Marvel.
and yet here you are.
So why are you even talkin to me?
If James Cameron wants to blow 30% of his entire net worth on a sequel to a bomb that's absolutely guaranteed to fail worse than the first one did he wouldn't be the kind of person that has 700m to his name.
I'm just another shitposter, I'm not James Cameron or some bigshot movie company boss. You know, those people who really matter and who measure success by dollars, not by OCs.
>guaranteed to fail worse than the first one
Yeah now you are pretty much speaking out your ass. The first movie had skeletal marketing at best and no established brand or fan base. It's purpose was to create those things, and it did, and is.
The next movie won't have the huge uphill battle this one did.
I'm not OC user, that's someone else.
Halfie. Half Japanese, half French.
Looks like the Rattigans hate OC with a passion. Happy to oblige.
the who now?
It's gonna really suck having to go through all the archives threads to make a huge compilation of doomposters once we get a sequel announcement.
Heh, yeah. What I'd like to see is all the generals completely screencapped and then compiled into one giant hi-rez image file.
It'll be like the Crysis of jpgs
The king of all mice
>It's purpose was to create those things, and it did, and is.
Outside China, no it fucking didn't. It has fans in China, they banded together got the movie back in theaters they have meetups and group viewings, that's an actual fanbase that matters. Posting memes on social media and Yea Forums does not help the movie, Making "OC" does not help the movie. You're not a fanbase by any real measure. This needed to spread to your average joe, not just the obsessive weebs on Yea Forums. If they made a sequel you and your band would go and see it and general audiences would again ignore it just like they did this time, well except for those people who went to see it on a whim and realized it wasn't for them, they'd be staying home making a sequel a bigger flop than the first one.
>Last army
I dunno, seems pretty comfy to me. Just a bunch of rat goblins shitting on themselves outside the walls.
We got gigabytes here.
>herp if something doesn't meet my personal definition of a fanbase it isn't a fanbase, derp
As always my biggest question to people like you is understanding what you're trying to achieve by being here. We're more than 200 generals deep. Do you think it's likely that anyone will agree with you? Are you just doing it for the (you)s? Help me understand user.
Yeah it's funny, these doomposters are shitting on us for supporting a good movie, even though they are going to the trouble of coming to *our* general to bitch and whine. This isn't your typical normie-tier blind followership of the mouse. This is something altogether different and more diabolical.
Generally when we're talking about fanbase that matters, what it means to have a fanbase that matters, is a group of people of sufficient size to make the investment of making another thing make financial sense. For Alita that only exists in China, if the rest of the world liked Alita as much as China did a sequel would make sense. That sort of Fanbase does not exist anywhere else in the world.
You can love a move while staying realistic and not getting delusional, you know.
Fact is that the movie wasn't as successful as we all wanted it to be and a sequel is not guaranteed. Literally lying to yourself and making up excuses won't help.
It's always good to wake people out of their echochamers and have them face reality, otherwise you people compound delusion upon delusion ignore every bit of reality you don't like until you all go nuts. I can tell you haven't had enough reality checks in these generals so I thought I'd stop by and remind you all.
The domestic fanbase is a slow boil sort of situation - it's taking time but we are constantly bringing new people into the fold. Even when the movie leaves theaters home video sales are going to propped up by the same kind of people that went to see the movie a dozen times in theaters. Those copies are going to go into circulation as gifts and such. Word of mouth will spread. This isn't a "buy out every theater in the world and open them all on the same day to make everything look awesome" kind of operation. It's the tortoise and the hair.
Webm is the dumbest part of the movie
>Enemy are a troop of ninja cyborg assassin
Quick lads, try to hit her with the butt of your rifles
>Should we not keep distance and shoot, Sir?
No lads, melee all the way, rule of cool
If it's cooler then that justifies everything.
Look at the kind of movie this is. Rule of cool is pretty much Rob Rod's SOP.
But user we don't come to threads like this for realism. We don't watch movies like Alita for their retelling of real stories. We watch them because they make us believe in something. For every person who's being 'realistic' in this general, there's another one who was inspired to do something better, to hope for something better. Those are the people we need to support. Being realistic might be safe. If you have no expectations you can never be disappointed. But it's not enough to give meaning in the world, at least not for me.
I can't wait till normal daylight hours when all these negative nancy dildos fuck off so we can have our comfy threads again
Why do you insist believing things as being fixed in to the path you call 'reality' rather than seeing them for what they have the potential to be.
This is the first movie I've seen in my life that inspired me to see it more than once in theaters and actually throw my money behind it to try to support it.
What did that? It's the amount of heart and soul in the movie, period. Nobody else in Hollywood is putting this much love into films lately, and it shows.
We'll always be here through the negativity because belief is stronger than apathy.
I really need to repost back in US hours though I always forget to.
>The domestic fanbase is a slow boil sort of situation - it's taking time but we are constantly bringing new people into the fold.
Well It seems I'm making progress then if you're accepting that you've still got a ways to go before you can really say this movie has cultivated a fanbase.
>Even when the movie leaves theaters home video sales are going to propped up by the same kind of people that went to see the movie a dozen times in theaters. Those copies are going to go into circulation as gifts and such. Word of mouth will spread.
That's the kind of thing that might work, buy the movie a dozen times and send a copy to all of your friends and relatives until they've all seen it. If you had a serious campaign to proselytize the movie to everyone you know maybe you just might build a fanbase. I haven't seen the movie myself but it still seems like a major uphill battle especially when it's got such a mediocre IMDB, Metacritc, and RT score. I imagine this would be a hard sell for your Uncle John and your Aunt Patty in a way that convincing them to sit through Marvel's latest wouldn't be.
What country are you in?
>going this hard to tear down a movie
>hasn't even seen it
Go and see the movie, and then come back, and if you still feel like this, we can have a better conversation.
>I haven't seen the movie myself.
Go watch the movie user. It will teach you something about yourself.
Land of the shitposters and digeridoos.
I'm the kwisatz haderach.
But seriously I'm only reminding you what the current facts are and the most likely outcomes. If you want to sit there read all the facts and then imagine the most unlikely outcomes and them expect those outcomes to come true just because those are the outcomes you desire you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. You have to be a realist sometimes.
I saw a girl who looked exactly like this in the bus yesterday, I was too pussy to say anything to her.
I haven't seen a movie in theaters in over twelve years and I'm not planning on changing that, I'll wait until there is a HD rip.
Hopefully your pic isn't you, because then I could understand why.
Well I guess it's a positive that at least you didn't fork money over to the mouse for their feminist garbage.
In the meantime though if you don't plan to fork over a whole $10 to gain a real understanding of what it is we're doing here, I would suggest leaving this general until such time that you can actually get a good quality copy of the movie.
Props for the Dune reference I wasn't expecting that.
Look, you're not spamming 'flopped sequel never' so I don't think you're trying to fuck with the thread, but I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding the question of hope and disappointment here. Everyone knows what realistic outcomes look like. Every second of our life we're reminded of how society is. We know what the 'real world' is. The strength of hope isn't about rejecting the world around you. It's about choosing to believe in the possibility of change. Fundamentally, our lives will go on, sequel or not. But there is an inherent value in believing in something. For people who have lost that, it's vital that they pick it up. If this film sparks belief, then it should be celebrated. That spark can grown in to belief in any number of things. That's what it's about. I can think of no worse way to life my life than to refuse my ideals because the world 'just is that way man you have to accept it.' I will acknowledge that reality is a certain way but I will never carte blanche accept it. There is more to it than that.
It's a conscious effort to divide the population along divisions of race, gender and other surface characteristics, and expecting them to buy the products and vote for the political candidates that share their surface level characteristics, rather than gravitating towards the narratives that speak to their human spirit.
It's just CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME and when their market research and simplistic models of how populations should act break down, their cognitive dissonance goes off the charts and they go through the classic stages of grief. They're throwing energy after bad money here, and they're blowing their load early because the shit they're hitting Alita with is what they were going to use to attack Jumanji 2 and protect Star Wars Episode IX.
This meta-narrative is part of the reason why people like Alita, I think. As well as it being a classic sci-fi story.
This is just sad ;_;
Alita really did fail financially, no sugarcoating it
Hey, don't give up. We're here and we'll always care about the film. And again, don't forget about the counterexamples of Pacific Rim and the Edge of Tomorrow. Our friend here has an example, but it does not a trend make.
Plus we won't be hearing anything for six months minimum so keep your chin up.
You know if your goal is to generate a fanbase the whole general thing probably wasn't the best Idea. I didn't watch Aquaman because he had a general I watched it because every time I came to Yea Forums there were a half dozen Aquaman threads. Likewise I didn't get into GOT until much much later on specifically because it had a general and I just ignored it. I think you guys might be better served just making more specific threads and integrating back into the general pop of Yea Forums. Generals are isolating, you people turn into a clique and people who aren't interested end up just ignoring you. While you might think that's better because then you have a space all of your own it also means you're cutting yourself from the rest of the board and will be see as an other which seems counteractive to your goals of getting more people to see your waifu. Just something to consider.
Hi Zapan
what do you want Zapan
Well said man, well said.
I for one liked the movie because Alita's warrior spirit resonated with me. We need more people like her in the real world, people with principles who are willing to make a stand. Everything good and right is under attack here in the west, and some days it's enough to make a good person lose all hope.
Alita is a light in the dark, a little thing to impart hope in dark times, and therein is its value. It is more than the sum total of its fancy whizzbangs, budget and writing.
Write-user, question from last thread
>rewrite novelization
>get patreon
>release each chapter for free
How possible is this?
Just remember to be kind and love people user.
>I do not stand by in the presence of evil.
I'd get sued out the ass if I had a patreon but most importantly I'd never do it for money. I'm fortunate enough to be pretty financially stable and I'm not looking for any kind of reward. I just want people's lives to be a little brighter.
As one user pointed out not much earlier, for this film to succeed its appeal has to spread far beyond Yea Forums.
What we do here with regard to the movie really makes very little difference one way or the other, we are already a niche group just by being here.
I will say you people are seeming more self aware and rational than the typical general population. Trying to change something you don't like is fine, if you don't like the way things are headed no matter how inevitable it seems it's only human to try to resist an change it in anyway they can, just make sure you never fall victim to your own optimism. I've seen this kind of shit go very badly before it's always ugly.
I will love people until they decide that their rights supersede mine.
And then I will stack bodies.
>rewrite novelization
>don't take money
>release for free
You're totally correct but it makes a difference to the 100 or so people here and that does matter.
based writefag
Fucking burgers and their shit tastes. Can’t wait for the chinks and ruskies to do their magic and cuck them in the next election
Thanks reality-kun. I've seen plenty of bad shit but it's made me want to choose hope over resigned apathy because I believe that it's stronger.
Rip and tear.
At least burgers aren't afraid to let civilians be armed, unlike people in most other countries.
We're a superpower BECAUSE we are based. It's not a coincidence.
Come the start of next year I might legit have enough time to dedicate do at least a chapter and see how it looks. If there's enough interest I'll drop my email for it and you guys can tag in.
Almost perfect. Wrong monster energy, though.
750 domestic to break even
I want to feed and seed Alita
in my shithole we got only OC monster feelsbadman
No lewds.
Wait, who is that fighting in webm? Zalem doesn't have an army.
The red, white and blue sugar free monsters are unironically the best kinds. I'm not sure if it was designed that way, or just a coincidence.
I am needing some variety though after some pretty considerable white monster burnout, and the tea version is good and quite low-sugar.
>muh 6 gorillian to break even, 11 suptillion for sequel
Still surprisingly full, and on a Monday night at 9pm
Did you not see the movie, user? It's a flashback.
>I saw a girl who looked exactly like this in the bus yesterday
Then you woke up.
>I-Ido, help me. Lewd-user is posting again
Jesus that theater needs to re-do their seating grid, it looks like some kind of primitive windows 95 game
I'm so glad people are still enjoying my film
You're a woman now, Alita. Choose wisely and someday you will make some guy very happy.
That's true, but what I'm saying is by turning it into a endlessly recurring general you've taken that niche group and created a secondary niche inside it and cut off your primary means by which you would expand that niche. If the front page had 3 concurrent alita threads that catches the eye in a way one 150+ post general doesn't, that just soaks everything up and hides it away from those who don't care, don't know they care yet, or don't want to care.
Yea Forums can be influential, if you made converts of all of Yea Forums rather than keeping it to a general only a couple dozen people visit regularly that might have turned some redditors and they might have turned some of their friends on facebook/twitter and more general platforms, and from there it spreads onward and outward. Would it have been enough to save the movie's domestic performance almost certainly not, but the general still strikes me as counter-intuitive. I mean I get it, It's comfortable, you don't have to reload the front page, you can leave it open like a slow chat box, you can avoid having to go out of your way to explain the same few things over and over like "why are her eye weird lol" but breaking out of the comfort zone and interacting with those people is how you spread the word.
Alita is only for CUTE.
I'm genuinely amazed no one has asked for a lewd piece yet you guys are far too pure.
Rosa certainly doesn't have the body of Lara Croft but she certainly has the attitude
Oh cool we have footage of the Mad Max stuff already
Good lord, that scope and rifle combo. I'm from /ARG/ and I really hope Rosa didn't personally pick that AR because it screams shit taste.
DW friend the next step is us giving Blu Rays as presents for our friends for the next year.
I honestly think that's the best idea you've had, will if you have the money for it that is, otherwise it seems reckless and silly. If the "100 or so people here" who frequent these threads all did that with all their relatives you might actually make some sort of a difference.
All I want is a picture of Alita taking a poop but that's far too weird and niche so I doubt anyone will ever draw this.
This isn't an idea unique to this general or Yea Forums. I've been seeding it all over youtube among other places.
Hello there, first time posting in this general. I finally saw Alita saturday. Good but imperfect movie, however Alita is clearly one of the best protagonist to ever grace the silver screen in the last years. She puts to shame everyone else.
Now for a bit of discussion (spoiler warning but I guess everyone here has seen the movie already), I want to know who felt the same way as me about something : do you think that the shot of Chiren's brain, hands and eyes in that case near the end of the movie is one of the most traumatizing cinematographic image in recent memory ? I've seen a lot of movies and these particular shots legit made me unnerved. If Chiren's brain is still alive, like it is suggested, then it implies so many horrific things. In terms of aesthetics, it evokes an horror movie, but psychologically speaking imagine the terror Chiren must feel. You can almost see it in her eyes.
Just after the movie I watched the 1993 OAV and the way it shows Chiren's organs being harvested left no doubt that she was really dead. In the movie however, well... it's a more terrifying fate. Haven't read the manga yet so I don't know how it plays out.
>Good but imperfect movie
Stopped reading there. Get out.
All you need to do is take the step in to belief user. That's all there is to it. You can do it.
Alita's grace and forgiveness will be upon that user
I fucking loved the Chiren reveal it gave the film some much needed oomph when it came to showing that while Iron City isn't entirely dystopic, if people try to break the order they will be dealt with swiftly and severely. You should read Lovecraft's The Whisperer in Darkness it explores the idea in depth.
The longer you hang out here the more you'll fall in love with Alita.
>Good but imperfect movie, however Alita is clearly one of the best protagonist to ever
I agree 100%, I think Hugo specifically was the weakest link although I'm not entirely sure just how you fix him.
>You can almost see it in her eyes.
Her eyes move slightly and refocus when he opens the box so yes in the movie version she is very much still alive.
>Haven't read the manga yet so I don't know how it plays out.
Chiren was an OVA original character not from the original Manga.
This desu
>entirely sure just how you fix him
Was already fixed by not being in the sequel.
lmao beat me to it
That scene fucking wrecked me, I was crying like a little girl
My alita folder is getting out of control, I need to organise it somehow I think I have several duplicate images
Hmm, only 164 in mine, but I haven't added my mobile downloads to it yet
I mean if you're going to do Hugo you have to do him well or else all that time we spent with him feels like a waste. I don't think any version of Hugo has been particularly well done they all have their flaws and I didn't get broken up about any of his deaths. I think the surest method to improve Hugo in the movie though and build more empathy with the audience would be to give him his backstory with his older brother that's probably the most endearing bit to his story.
I think if Hugo is to work you need to feel that same loss Alita is feeling but most people who watch this movie couldn't give a shit about him. I certainly didn't. I don't think he's particularly well done in either the OVA or the Manga so I don't blame Rob or Jim on this one either. Then again if I knew how to make audiences care about Hugo I probably would be writing movies.
well it worked on , but let me ask you was it primarily because you liked Hugo as a character and didn't want him to go or was it because you liked Alita so much and you felt for her?
>I'm not entirely sure just how you fix him
I guess the issue comes from the actor. But one of my friend, who read the manga, told me that Hugo characterization was a bit diffrent, especially after he gets the cyborg body. Like, he hated cyborgs or something like that and the fact that he was put in a cyborg body nearly drove him mad and his ascencion on the pipe towards Zalem was actually more of a suicide attempt rather than trying to fullfil his dream.
I didn't much care about Hugo's character but seeing the sheer agony Alita felt and how well acted it was really hit home.
I think that you go a little closer to manga Hugo and give him a stronger reason to get to Zalem beyond just 'it's my dream.' We need to understand why people have the dreams they do. That would help a lot I think, outside of having a different actor and slightly less awkward dialogue.
As I expected, I really think Hugo was the weakest link in the movie. If this movie was firing on all cylinders it would have been a bit like Jack and Rose from Titanic where you'd have people legitimately broken up because they liked the guy. The fact the I didn't care and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who did care about him is in my mind the one thing wrong with the movie. Everything else I've read is secondary and nitpicky but that scene not working is the one problem with the movie I can agree with. If that scene works, if hugo worked it'd be a perfect film for me.
>Alita has no fanbase
Mouse your fat.
I feel like the scene still worked but only because Rosa/Alita carried it.
In one of my viewing there was a teenage kid with a 7 year old or so brother, and that little guy got scared by the movie and left in the middle of a movie. Can't blame him, really, the movie was surprisingly gory.
Wednesday is the last day the movie will be in theatres here
I guess I might as well go and watch for the last time on the big screen
Its not even the actor but limited screentime/budget. There was supposed to be a scene of him freaking out when he wakes up in cyborg body.
I think Hugo suffered the most from cut scenes in general. As result his character and relationship with Alita got much less screentime and felt a bit rushed. Like one scene they meet, and 2 scene laters Alita is totally in love for some reason.
There is a chance these scenes would not work or would be boring so there is no guarantee Hugo would be more likeable if they were included anyway.
Good on you user.
Do it, there may never be another Alita on the big screen
Yes they did
>Continuing from yesterday.
I dont think a figurine is too deep. Like a shrine or a body pillow are forever alone talismans
I am not a fan of MundaneMatt but he has a point
>Buy two Blu-rays
>Give one to a second person
>Make the second person share their digital copy with a third person
I wonder if rosa can pull it off
What does it mean if I cuddled with my ice tea Alita can???
She is the clone of Nolin Sonnen. Apparently Sonnen is a Bavarian surname, so she is an Alpine abomination.
Ironically, all you do is "echo" the same shit over and over.
I'm probably gonna get an early evening tonight but I hope you all take care of each other. Once the US people wake up again I'll repost. Sleep well friends and remember to always keep your hope alive no matter what.
Wait, what? You wrote another while I was asleep?!
If Hugo would have died immediately She wouldn't have the reconciliation with Chiron, the justified fight with Zapan or the goodbye on the tube to zalem with Hugo
(Check the top of this thread friend.)
Why was Ido relieved that Gerhad gave Alita panties? What did he mean by this? Also what kind of panties does Alita wear?
Goodnight fren
Sleep well
In the manga he comes along to vectors office and sees the organ jars, then gets mindbroken out of lost hope and runs up the tubes. Don't know why they left him in the clinic in the movie.
>“Come stay in bed- I’ll be lonely without you…”
Pretty sure that those were random organs since there is no Chiren in the manga.
How do you know the goal isn't to get you to cling to your designated market niche, Alita?
fucking hell writefag that second story hurt me
Success of a movie isn't purely measured by money. That's reality.
Writefag is merciless. Our hearts are just a plaything.
>Success of a movie isn't purely measured by money.
Well if our goal is successful enough for a sequel that usually is measured in money.
This point has been covered multiple times, even by Cameron. You're not longer being realistic but rather contrarian for the sake of concern trolling.
Never said otherwise.
>because you liked Alita so much and you felt for her
It couldn't ever be this. The movie ain't "Hugo a Modern Icarus" afterall
Did it surpass 400mil?
no, 394m
Most foreign markets are still sitting at 3/10 for date for some reason.
If the Blueray is released, i guess many people will watch it, because its easy. Shelling out money and go to a cinema is an active thing that takes some energy. Downloading a rip and watching it is more or less passive, so we just need to wait until Alita reaches that indifferent passive audience and the movie will make some more waves and convert more people.
>tfw bought a lottery ticket because of jokes in previous threads about investing in the sequel
>get two numbers
Thank you for these writechad
These inspired me to write some of my own
I wondered what happened to the can chain...
Japanese-Germanic Martian
She could easily grab him with her legs. Well still glad he's dead.
I called in and today’s the last day Alita is playing at my local cinema. It’s already off online but there’s one more showing tonight
I’m going to say goodbye to her and wait for the physical copy to release, hopefully soon.
It’s going to be a hard few weeks without her
I think the American rating system is shit in regards to that.
Here in Germany we have free for all, 6,12,16,18 rating and its binding more or less. You can take your kid into an cinema if it is slightly under the rating age, but not much. If you are not the parent, it won't work. The cinema has the last word, if you go with your 9 year old into a 12 rated movie they might not let you in. And the 18 rating is absolute. My dad tried to take me into an 18 rated movie when i was 16, they didn't let us in.
Yeah man, it's going to suck.
Oni is such a great game.
Goodnight bros
Sad hours
>the furfag pill
Damn, it follows the manga real hard, doesnt it?
The "movie sucks because it doesnt completely copy the manga" user must be proud.
Good night.
Yeah I imagine that by the 26th century modern ethnicity themselves would be a bit of a outdated when none of those groups would exist anymore and everyone has a little bit of everything in them and new ethnic groups would form as a result.
Like Mars and Earth would probably be way more significant than Hispanic vs Japanese. It'd be like the genetic breakdowns in Cyber City Oedo.
user, I...
The "movie sucks because it doesnt completely copy the manga" user didn't even read the manga (or read it long ago), it's pretty obvious based on what he says is missing.
Sleep well.
I was reading the book Anime Impact the other day and Oedo 808 was brought up in it, this must be a sign I need to see it.
This actually predates Oni by quite a bit
It's actually a blessing since that's how I know where to go most of the time. The game is entirely in moonrunes and when it deviates from the manga is where I generally get stuck and have to resort to running around aimlessly talking to everyone and going to every area until I hit whatever event triggers the next story progress.
Watch it both subbed and dubbbed for the full experience. The dub is a treasure.
>everyone has a little bit of everything in them
Only europeans and americans are being aggressively mixed with other races though. None of the asian and african countries have a significant amount of interracial marriages and children. They are going to stay as as the same distinct races (and even nationalities) genetically and phenotypally for the foreseeable future.
So abridged series dialogue existed even back in the olden days
That user earlier might be right, almost all Alita discussion seems to be condensed here, with maybe a couple posts in some Marvel threads. Baneposting, this is not.
I'd like to see more Alita on Yea Forums, but how to best do that without acting like bronies?
How much money has this movie made?
tfw it actually is
Stop being blackpilled
>foreseeable future
2563 is well passed the foreseeable future user.
By the 26th century the smart phone would be an older invention to them than the printing press is to us today.
>swan dives from the roof
Jap/Nordic/German. She is from Mars, Mars canonically has a strong German influence. So this makes sense.
You don't have a winning attitude
Jimbo again
Finally saw Alita yesterday. Fun movie. I really liked the special effects. Alita reminded me a little bit of my waifu.
alita battle sneed
If you change specific words, it sounds like something Brie would say
My doomer robot friend is going to watch Alita tonight. He is hoping he will be /healed/
Isn't she German?
Yes, we should /Alita Pill/ pol
Eh sure. 26th century is so far in the future that you can imagine and justify any scenario you want.
Both the "everyone are mutts now" and the "modern nations with modern cultures and ethnicities, but IN SPACE" scenarios can have some sort of justification.
That was a mediocre song, it would’ve been god tier if it sampled the Motorball score as the obligatory pop EDM drop
It hasn't even made enough to pay for the catering on the set. Its a total failure. I think the current numbers are something like production cost plus marketing was $700 billion and the movie has taken in around $200 million at the box office. Absolute flop unfortunately.
One is just way more likely than the other.
It's just because it's a small cinema
I think you got your numbers wrong user, these are projected costs, the true costs for marketing are probably much higher.
I'm back to being stuck with no idea where to go again. I think I'm going to call it for today and come back to it tomorrow.
There are some pretty good reaction images which resulted from /abag/ and /alita/ - use them if it feels natural. Forced memes are dead memes, though - so if in doubt, leave it be, I'd say.
The Dark Knight Rises is a memefest, but I have no desire to re-watch it. Except for this:
I like this.
/pol/ here, don't even try it. You are free to live on your own board but do not invade our board and enforce your culture upon us.
TKDR is unironically fun movie.
Agreed. Some of you people talked a big talk about showing up to the #AlitaChallenge, but it turned out to be a non-event as most of us expected. Enjoy it as one of the last big movies you'll see in a while without a political message for you.
I see a few Alita references and reaction images in other boards and other websites sometimes
Both questions make as much sense as if someone from 14'th century asked if Plantagenets or Valois would rule over the Duchy of Normandy in the year 2000.
With the accelerating rate of technological changes, we have absolutely no idea how population dynamics will change beyond next 100 years. And even for these 100 years a whole bunch of assumptions has to be made that no major changes in global trends occur; assumptions that are very flimsy to begin with.
Sure, you can fantasize whatever you want, and come up with any justifications you want so you have easier time suspending your disbelief. But ultimately they are still fantasies, because realistically 500 years into the future is far, far beyond the scope of our imagination. Just as our modern world is beyond what people imagined 200 years ago.
This panel is so great.
Uplifting but very individualist, one might say. Guess that's why the collectivists hate Alita so much.
>/pol/ goes to every board and infects it with its toxic culture
>/pol/ cries about other boards doing the same to /pol/
Get back in your safe space hug box echo chamber and enjoy it while you still can you sniveling /pol/tard.
Kudos, ditto and Amen my fren.
I do appreciate individualistic happiness, then encouragement for others. Living by your own rules
Alita is so based
>I have a dream!
>That one day, every person in this nation will control their own destiny! A land of the truly free, dammit! A nation of action, not words -- ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around! Where power and justice are back where they belong, in the hands of the people! Where every man is free- to think, to act- for himself!
/pol/ is just the other side of the SJW coin
>/pol/ here
and I'm the hacker Yea Forums
She looks so precious.
Hey, it’s an idea let Alita heal /rekt/
/pol/ dindu nuffin, anons acting "/pol/" are merely doing so in a response to our ever increasingly politicized environment.
> but it turned out to be a non-event as most of us expected
As usual /pol/ was all talk, it was disappointing but not unexpected and If anything #AlitaChallenge being seen as the alt-right's way of sticking it to Captain Marvel probably hurt it way more than it helped.
>The scene where Ido explains her new body to Alita
Damn i really wish i had a camrip to make that caption
Exactly. Both are annoying worthless outrage culture scum who's days are coming to an end as society gets sick of the bullshit flowing from both sides of the tinfoil shekel they represent.
Go fuck yourself
You can't know if it helped or not, you're just using it for your own agenda now
Only the Syrian civil war general on /pol/ is good. Other than that, the cataloge is bad 90% of the time.
Oh hey /pol/, Why didn't you guys actually see the movie? You said you were going to see it but then you bailed.
and the whole identity politics coin is a cancer.
>that flourish alita does with the damascus blade after nova-controlled vector sits on the desk
For much of /pol/ the challenge was to just not see Captain Marvel. They don't care about Alita.
>yfw the 3rd reich is still alive and kicking ass in mars
and that's a good thing.
>not watching a movie is a challenge
Oh how the west has fallen.
And they up and saw Captain Marvel anyway, the rats. Completely capricious and treacherous the whole lot of them.
When will you fags realise the world is bigger than /pol/?
When they start backing up their words with action. Fucking worthless drama queens.
He has no choice now, you get healed by Alita whether you like it or not.
The whole wallet activism is stupid anyway. If /pol/ really hate muslims so much they should just grab a rifle and go shoot up a mosque or something.
this is why "certain group of people" didn't like alita
basically pedophilia for mediocre men
Heh, that'll be the day.
But Alita grows the fuck up over the course of the movie
During the first half she is daughter-bot: Absolutely cute and must protect. Second half she is a 10/10 qt 3.14 waifu
wakey wakey, Alitans
Because she has amnesia it means she's a child and that you're a pedophile. You should castrate yourself, like all men.
>like all men
Are you a tranny?
Amnesia is a deficit in memory caused by brain damage, disease, or psychological trauma.
Amnesic patients retain substantial intellectual, linguistic, and social skill despite profound impairments in the ability to recall specific information encountered in prior learning episodes.
>hurr durr people with amnesia are children
No but I'm guessing whoever came up with the phrase "born sexy yesterday" is.
Alita doesn't fit that thrope. She is young overall. What I mean is yes, she was lying in the scrap yard for 300 years but she was not conscious. She did not live for long before her distruction. Ido even says that she has a teenager brain, which would mean that she was alive for 15-16 years then unconscious for 300. She is also badass straight away, challenging a huge military robot like 5 minutes after being rebuilt. She has an amnesia, which is pretty much gone by the end of the movie. She also independent pretty much straight away, doing what she wants and complaining about Ido being overprotective.
But we don't know how old she was when becoming an Berserker. She could have been 30 year old.
Honestly I don't think it hurt any either, since it wasn't an official campaign from the makers of the movie to shit on leftists. You either supported it (by seeing Alita or staying home) or thought it was a bunch of BS. It would have been different if the film makers had gone out to tell leftists not to watch their movie - they did no such thing. In fact I think most of the makers are leftists themselves, but they suppress their powerlevel.
She's got no identity, she's a literal baby and anyone who is attracted to her is a literal child rapist.
So you are a female and an angry feminist. I was going to prove that Alita isn’t born sexy yesterday but since you are what you are, I don’t even care about your opinion.
Highly trained warrior from mars - literal baby.
You are fucked in the brain.
The post you (You)'d was so try-hard and obviously stupid that I think it would be disavowed by real feminists.
I don't frequent tumblr though, so what do I know.
what a pile of crap video
No, because
>teenager brain
>So you are a female and an angry feminist.
user I'm opposed to the phrase, not defending it.
Did Ido said that?
I don't remember, but i also saw only a dubbed version.
what this "certain group of people" do is, give name to something they dont like, so they can attack it, so dont fall for it, we like alita for different reasons and there is no need to justify it.
Yes, he thought she had a teenager's brain, and he might be correct but she was older than he thought.
Guessing a person's age is really hard by the way, even by taking x-rays and medical tests experts frequently guess incorrectly.
I would say her education and training takes some time, i would guess she is at least 18-20.
The nurse said a bit older than you thought. Ido probably thought she was 13-14 whereas she is probably around 16-17. This is also supported by her character, which is cocky, rebelious, overconfident, stubborn.
Hahahah go to hell /pol/nigger
20 year olds can be as cocky, rebellious, overconfident and stubborn as teenagers are, but yeah no reason to argue about that anymore. She is still pretty young mentally.