What do we think of the After Porn Ends documentary films?

What do we think of the After Porn Ends documentary films?

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I be watchin wrestlin sex vids on pornhub. They tussel then woopsie his cock slip in her mouth and woopsy her pussy grinds on his face and sex happen. And Im like woah
And sometime
I cum


I'll show you who's the boss of this gym

I think it’s hilarious watching stupid people complain that people don’t take them seriously as an employee after their previous job was to swallow semen for money

Isn't she still doing porn? And why are they using a pic from 20 years ago.

She retired and then came back, her tits look awful now

>after porn ends
>recently came back and did interracial gangbang

hilarious shit...

her tit job actually fixed her leaning nip

She has QT pencil eraser nips now instead of pepperonis

I only watched #3, because it had Christy Canyon, who I masturbated to constantly as a child.
It was pretty boring, to be honest.

>be a slutfor money
>be angry when people see you as such

You guys are faggots and the reason women are so shit these days. Stop giving thots attention.

if they were smart they'd change their name move to some remote place and live out their lives. if you are a popular actress you can make a lot of money the problem is when the time comes to settle down and have kids and have a family. most can't do it and just off themselves

>be porn actress
>have hot body
>have a 10 year old carreer in porn
>film all the shit, get paid a lost from stupid people money
>stay off the drugs
>invest in your money wisely
>never have to work again
Why they don't do this?

I respect them.

I've spent so much time jerking off to some of them that I thought it was interesting and generous of me to take a look at who these women actually are.

I actually cried in one scene along with the actress who wondered what her life might have been. I know that feel.

>getting married
In the words of Tupac
>"Can't turn a hoe into a housewife,"

why do women think it is okay to do porn or to be sluts?


Porn actresses don’t get paid that much to actually be in porn
That said if they escort on the side they could do this but most pornstars are genuinely fucking retarded

I saw a blooper of her where her ass fell out. She put it back in. Pretty nasty. Never knew that was a thing before.

Tupac was right, but there are A LOT of thirsty betas out there who will settle for a former whore.

Asia Carrera did

I've seen someone suck a prolapse like a dick. Seeing that kind of shit changes a person.

taylor rain became an LA real estate agent. if im getting a house you know who i'm calling

because porn stars are all drug addicts with daddy issues

irrc Stacey Valentine did this.

she's still hot nowadays

YEAH yeah YEAH yeah YEAH
for the mony
for the mony
for the mony
bow....bow bow

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someone else?

>Porn actresses don’t get paid that much to actually be in porn
Really? I believe they must get paid a lot
Like in one scene they get paid what a wage slave would get paid for 6 months
So if they film just 1 scene a month they would in a year have 6 years the income of a wage slave
If they film 2 scenes a month that's the income of 12 years of a wage slave
So if they are able to do this for just 5 years they have 60 years the income of a wage slave
And if they film more extreme shit like gangbangs and cum swallowing they could easily have 120 years of income in just 5 years
Drugs is the main problem, if they can stay off the drugs they can get a lot of money and never have to work again

Tawnee Stone, the queen of teen amateur sluts at one point, dropped completely off the radar and rumor is she's selling real estate also in Arizona.

It’s not that much money per scene. You’d need a few million to retire comfortably and that would require hundreds of scenes.

lol fag0t

cause theyre dumb

12 years a wage slave

The main sites pay 4 figures for a scene. You can live off that for 3 months.

I don't care what happens after porn
The big question is do they at any point during the scene enjoy it?

They don't it's like 1-2k a scene depending on what it is. Shit like double anal is 4k+
Porn stars unironically get paid more to escort then they do making porn, These days porn is just a way for the to get their name out there.

i remember when they tried to mask her retirement with the car accident/death rumors lol

also her semi hardcore scene is one of the most pathetic things ive ever witnessed. she had a fantastic body but was dumb as fuck

>Pornstars have feelings: The documentary.

Shit garbage,son

yes they do. and most are dosed with some type of drug

>1-2k a scene

Holy kek, I hope you know this isn't even close to the average payout for these whores


Is it more or less?
How much?

>Shit like double anal is 4k+
Isn't this unhealthy??

>porn is less profitable now than camwhoring like a gamer girl on twitch and instagram and saying thaaaank yooouuu sooooo muuuuch to your stupid followers

That was her boyfriend and he couldn't really get it up. Not really her fault.
I got 400 for a solo and 1200 for hardcore, but I'm a dude and that was 15 years ago. Gay porn actors make more, always have.

15 years ago?

Are you a boomer?

>After porn era ends i'm only a useless used roastie with no place in society boo hoo
Plot twist: even during porn age you were.

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So they lie on big payments to make young girls start porn and corrupt them and the people that watch porn?
Fuck, porn is truly evil

Way, way less. Girls aren't earning more than a few hundred per scene, tops. A lot of them are pressured into doing it for free. A lot of abuse happens. Basically this . That's not even to mention all the human trafficking that happens.

Bonnie Kinz (Kylie Page) was the cutest girl in it, prove me wrong

Isn't this a tranny?

Whos the girl in the photo?


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> girl

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Women lie.
Porn whores lie to themselves.

Gonna need to see this for research purposes. I’m training to be a proctologist so it’s legit medical research

My favorite jacking is when I pull up videos while having these women talk about their regrets in the background.

>tfw no Lisa Ann mommy

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Her old freak boobs looked a thousand times better.

I'm 34, so sure. That's the hot meme.
The only actors who make bank are superstars or people doing incredibly niche stuff. At least that's how it was years ago. I imagine market saturation has driven pay rates lower. Also, and this is interesting, what you're seeing is less girls move out to California to be porn stars. They'll fly out for a weekend, maybe more and maybe less, and just film a bunch of scenes and go home. There was a girl like that recently, Mia Collins or something, and she filmed her entire career over a long weekend.

She is desperate for work it seems.

Is all the porn you did homo stuff?

Who cares?
The best porn vids humanity will ever get already exist.
Nothing will top 2000s amateur porn.

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Some no-name pornstar claimed on reddit that blacked pay $11k. I assume it would be even more for big name pornstars.

>Gay porn actors make more, always have
this is actually a lie that they meme on you to get you to shove stuff up your butt

How does porn still make money? I deal with hundreds of cable accounts a week and the only people who actually pay for Brazzers or other adult channels are blacks or Arabs.

I remember a few times the wife will call completely unaware of the $50 charge for Playboy or some shit.

Why do men think it is ok to consume porn or to pay sluts?

Why do men think it is ok to do porn or to be sluts, also?

Some tradwife from plebbit who made modern roasties mad.

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Has anyone else run out of porn? I decided to quit for a while but feel like it will be easy this time because I was already becoming bored and finding it hard to find decent clips.
I'm not into incest, interracial and chicks with dicks which seem to dominate the first few pages of tube sites these days.
If you just like vanilla hetero porn with a bit of anal pickings are getting slimmer and boring.

Yup. I was poor as hell and needed an injection of cash.
>and dick hur hur
What porn makers used to do was travel around the country to all the big state schools. This was in 2003-2004. They'd post fliers and online job postings looking for models, so you'd show up and they tell you to take your shirt off and if you pass muster they plop you in front of a camera and ask you stupid questions before telling you to masturbate. There's a metric shitton of defunct websites out there and content lost to the internet. I have never been able to find any of my scenes on trackers or posted anywhere, but I was on a niche site that charged way above the average for a subscription.

>How does porn still make money?
It doesn't. Ask yourself why they're willing to give away their product for free.

Watching feminists cry about decent women is as satisfying as when neets complain that women only go for chads.

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ffs user

quit porn.

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then where is porn making money? ads? trafficking?

Blacked is a top tier studio, to get to that level you need to do a ton of shit tier scenes to get your name out there.

Whats with the newfag redditors saying every single woman is a tranny?
You do know that trannies are incredibly easy and obvious to spot, right?
Even "traps" are obviously men and rely on photoshop and angles to hide their obvious masculine features.

>Butthurt roastie 2.jpg
Please dump more, these are just too delicious not to share

holy shit


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They probably make money or break even by selling user metadata and have other intentions with their product. The top tube sites are all owned by a handful of companies that also own some legit sites.


Losers tend to get mad at succesful people.
Millennials are all useless people who can only seem like ideal men and women when they post on the internet, and on the internet they either larp as what they want to be, or they get butthurt at it or both.

To be honest, the post has a point over the stepford wives creepiness of the photo. The setup wants to convey natural beauty but it ends up looking really fake, manufactured to the point it's kind of unsettling.

most of the major porn sites are concentrated in the hands of one company, who rent adspace for more niche sites. Porn actors, on the other hand, don't get paid as much as they used to, so instead they use porn as advertisement for their escort/cam services.

>to get to that level you need to do a ton of shit tier scenes to get your name out there.
not sure about that. the same company have other studio like vixen and some of their models litetally only shoot first their first couple scenes for them

>feminism (apparently) is about allowing women to make their own choices with what they want to do with their own lives, and not to be dictated what to do by society / men / religion, be that career, fashion, lifestyle etc
>no not like that
I love how hypocritical that movement is

>newfag redditors
More like discord trannies.

Well, I have no choice now

More like QUINT porn amirite?

Between the fact that porn doesn't make money, and that a top tier studio is all about forcing interracial shit...
Doesn't this make you think?

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I unironically believe free porn is a social engineering and mind and population control project by the globalist elite

ideepthroat was the best.

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It seems like the only threads with reasonable discussion are the porn and gossip ones, why is that?

Thats all i have, user


This takes me back, I couldn't believe that this was even possible

Should I stop consuming porn, Yea Forums?

It seems like people that worked on porn don't like they way they are treated and the argument against them is that they shouldn't have done that in the first place.

So, since both sides agree that porn is bad, should I stop promoting this kind of behaviour?

there's TERF feminism (radical feminism based off the second wave) and there's neoliberal feminism (which could be called choice feminism).

the pepperonis were all she had.
looks like shit now.

Aw man, thanks for the (You) anyhow

I saw one of iDeepthroat's videos recently and actually had a tear in my eye for the nostalgia. I miss those early teenage faps before I got a hot gf in high school.

>tfw you’ll occasionally treat yourself to a nostaliawank with ideepthroat
That or a classic gauge scene, she was a top teir slag

probably honestly yes

if you HAVE to ask then you are a slave to your vice and nothing i or anyone else says will convince you otherwise


There's only two things I jack it to nowadays, horny teenagers masturbating and oiled teenagers.
Jacking it to pornstars is for plebs.

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honestly the only people that porn is good for is kikes. not joking. it's a bad thing for everyone else, whores, customers, kids who end up seeing too young, men, women, everyone.

>Should I stop consuming porn, Yea Forums?
>It seems like people that worked on porn don't like they way they are treated and the argument against them is that they shouldn't have done that in the first place.
Don't do it for the porn girls, do it for you, porn is rotting your mind
>So, since both sides agree that porn is bad, should I stop promoting this kind of behaviour?
Porn is pure evil


t's not the '90s anymore. Back then you could work a few years and then retire without having to work again.
you can still make a lot of money with porn, but you have to be really popular and work a lot, like doing hundreds of scenes every year. More than 90% of pornstars nowadays also escort on the side.

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You can cut the middlemen and go straight to the source.

thanks based user, that's what I needed

> ideepthroat
Damn son. I wish they had a better camera back then. Or that she would do a comeback in glorious HD from different angles.

she technically retired at least twice, she first started in 1994.

That just makes people spend money to jack it.
Ban both porn and prostitution, then maybe people will start having babies again.

You're probably right. Israel broadcasts porn to Palestinians for a reason.

Quit for yourself, not these bitches. I'm 100% sure if they could be 18 again and choose to be a wage slave they'd choose porn and ez money.

that would probably make rapes go up, you'd end up with far more nigglets than you have already.
good job preserving the future user!

quiet you cretin

I thought I was the only one who did this.

Must obey the quints of truth

ayy lmao

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People want sex
If prostitution is a profession that is legal, is getting paid and there are regular medical exams then you have lower rapes and also much less virgins because prostitution, unlike porn, turns weak boys into men

Deport all niggers.

If they were smart they'd be putting away half of their earnings and then buy and rent out property to rent out and never have to work again by age 30. Shit, the dough some of these bitches make they'd be set for life after a few years.

>prostitution, unlike porn, turns weak boys into men
Even an autist can do that because it's just a matter of paying.

that woman is probably just a thot who likes the '50s aesthetics and does this for attention, btw

based and redpilled

What's up with millennials, despite being in their 30s, acting as if they just discovered that all girls are sluts and preach it everywhere?
Everyone knows.

>smearing this much makeup on

Do you think she doesn't do the same shit on her social media?

Because now these impressionable autists watch porn because it's promoted and they don't go to a prostitute because
>prostitution is illegal
>think of the trafficking
>think of the diseases
If they were able to go to a legal, healthy, clean prostitute and not being looked down upon socially (either them or the prostitute) then they would find that sex isn't something special, they would gain confidence and they would soon be able to talk to real girls and start a real family

Because millennials, specifically Yea Forums, is socially stunted and they are walking through the steps everyone else did in their teenage years a decade late.
So they preach what they learn now like a kid who just learned a new word.

The woman has a hobby and is damn good at it. Let her enjoy it instead of being a crab in a basket

I thought that was the point. An idealised image.

Men think it's fine for women to be sluts, they just generally don't respect sluts because being a literal whore shows a tremendous lack of virtue and it's hard to respect someone who has so little about them they swallow cum for money.

>they would find that sex isn't something special, they would gain confidence
Those two don't correlate in any way.
Confidence comes from personal success, not from discovering that sticking your dick into a pussy isn't the end of all things.

Maybe all real porn should be banned but hentai should be permitted.
Think about it, hentai doesn't hurt anyone because there's no performers.
Secondarily it's less likely to fuck with your mind because it's removed from what real people look like.
Making it abstract in this sense means your brain isn't going to be de-sensitized to real people when you're actually about to have sex.
You also won't create a cuck complex from seeing another man fuck a woman in front of you.
It's all just lines, helping to create an imaginary erotic scenario similar to how erotic literature does.

Hentai or cartoon porn has existed for a long time, pornographic comics were very popular during WW2 and that generation literally created the baby boomers because they bred so much.

It seems like the perfect compromise, men are wanking so lowered threats of prostate cancer and rapes but women aren't being abused and are still desired by men.

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That seems like an even worse decision. All the infamy without embracing the lifestyle.

>not from discovering that sticking your dick into a pussy isn't the end of all things
That's exactly what these autists would discover
That sticking your dick in pussy isn't something special and they would stop watching camwhores and porn where they stick dicks in every orifice
Prostitution should be legal and porn punishable by death

Or better, have parents educate their kids properly so they don't rely on prostitutes to discover sex.
What fucking generation needed this before?
Why are millennials such autistic snowflakes that they need special treatment for what everyone else did on their own?

Prostitution is legal where I live but I can't even imagine going to a brothel.
Paying to have sex with someone who doesn't want to have sex with you sounds like the most awkward and unnatural experience on Earth.


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I don't think it's a "lifestyle" anymore, I think it's big business. The party whore days are winding down, I believe. I don't think I've seen a video from a "professional" outfit where the girl is obviously on drugs in quite some time.

>have parents educate their kids properly so they don't rely on prostitutes to discover sex
How can a parent educate their kids on sex and relationships and talking and treating women?
I honestly don't know

>That sticking your dick in pussy isn't something special and they would stop watching camwhores and porn where they stick dicks in every orifice
They are still going to keep jacking it because it's not something you get over with after you fuck once.
And they won't gain any confidence, they'll just learn that sex is just okay.

>Prostitution should be legal and porn punishable by death
Or better, ban both.
Prostitution being legal will just make more girls become whores since it's going to be more accesible for them and safer.
And autists are not a demographic big enough to warrant that.

shutup incel

To me it's the way they film it nowadays, so polished and sterile, and the high resolution highlights all the imperfections and the make-up.
I'd love for some soft candle-lit 90s scenes to make a comeback instead of the gonzo shit.

Have sex

do people actually still watch real porn when sfm, blender and other cgi porn is superior

There's a reason they're in porn

I still cry everytime I think of those great scenes from the early/mid '00s (truly the golden age of porn) that we are forced to watch forever in a shitty low resolution quality

Used to be when fathers taught their kids how to talk to girls, how to get a girlfriend.
Of course, boomers were mostly terrible, uncaring parents, so now we have a generation of feminists, neets and girls with daddy issues who are awkward in real life and spout retarded crap on the internet.

>Prostitution is legal where I live but I can't even imagine going to a brothel.
It's legal here and I've gone to a brothel three times. Two times with a bunch of other guys where we were all drunk and had just gone to a strip club down the road. The other time I went by myself after being at a casino and got ditched by the people I was with because I didn't want to leave the table. Ended up winning a bundle by the time I left and decided to treat myself after.
Nothing about it is really awkward from my experience. Every one there is in there for the same reason and you'd never know the girls don't want to have sex with you. They all act like they do because if you pick them they get paid.

Imagine if we had the phones we have today back then.

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it's not very hard honestly.
My parents talked to me about it, they basically said to treat women well and although you're gonna have sex to stay safe and only do it with someone you have an emotional connection with.
Basically don't fuck whores.

>dad told me all about sex
>never actually gave me advice on how to get it
boomers are a hell of a generation

It's official, Yea Forums is a NoFap board.

>"Hey dad, how do I get sex from a girl?"
>"Son, just walk right up to the girl, shake her hand and say you're looking for sex."
Boomers had it so fucking easy.

>have parents educate their kids properly so they don't rely on prostitutes to discover sex

In the past you'd send your boy off to war and he'd discover whores for himself, consarn it.

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Meh, I got bored of porn.
Nowadays I mostly jack it to the memory I have of when I fucked my sister.

Your parents specifically mentioned "sex"?
How?? They never told me anything, not that I blame them, I don't understand how you talk about sex to your kids, but I was a retard on understanding relationships
I first watch low res porn online when I was 20 and it fucked me even more still a virgin

I asked my dad how to ask a girl in my class out and he said to get abs.
Fucking surfer dads man.

Yeah, nowadays in the army the skinniest dude in the squad starts dressing up like a girl and the rest of squad fucks him.

>I asked my dad how to ask a girl in my class out and he said to get abs.
desu that's decent advice.


Not a bad advice.
Get fit, get kinda buff, that will go a long way in confidence, looks will do the rest.
You need to be terribly autistic to not get laid while being fit.


I was given a book explaining sex in a vague sense (i.e moms and dads cuddle naked and make a baby).
I remember I was even told about homosexuals at around 6 or something.
I was confused how two men could do it so I asked my mom.
She said they used their bums.
The idea of getting poo everywhere immediately grossed me out.

Then at about 10 we had formal sex ed in school where they talked in depth about sperm, contraception, etc.

I'm not sure what (if anything) I was expecting by way of a response but it wasn't this. Now I almost want it to be true.

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And That's a Good Thing!

>You need to be terribly autistic to not get laid while being fit
Fuck, why did you have to say this?
I was extremely fit in my youth, slim, athletic, handsome, but I never knew how to treat women and I ended up a virgin

>DON'T. Just fucking don't. You wanna end like *me*, well do ya?

Thanks Dad. I can't truthfully say it was bad advice.


That confused young man's really convincing though. What I had in mind was quite different.

he's probably not actually in shape.
we have a whole board of virgins who thought getting muscular would fix their psychological problems.
It just doesn't work that way, you might get a placebo effect if you think it will fix you but that's about it.

The dudes who clean up best just have charisma, often from being funny.
I had a friend who fucked the best looking girls in highschool just because he was a comedian, despite being short and fat.

>doing what pays more
it used to be a meme that actresses would do IR scenes at the end of their career, like a bank robber taking one big score so they can retire, but Lisa Ann is a caricature of that more than even Katja Kassin

Are there "quints of truth"?

There's a trick for that.
Get fit, and when you go get a girl, get drunk beforehand.
If you have never gotten drunk, try doing it on your own at home, just buy some drinks like liquor and drink them at night.
Everything will start feeling more funny and you'll start feeling euphoric and not as self-conscious, and you won't feel embarassed of doing dumb shit.

It looks like a beautiful girl, what's going on??

In real life, you'll notice his lack of curves, his really angular shoulders and the jaw.
Not to mention the voice.

Ancient gif

thanks user



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This does not bode well.


Imagine going from hanging out with MJ & MJ to playing second fiddle to Rich Evans.

very nice.

Always chuckle when that part with that black guy comes on. Lmao he went to a what he thought was a Broadway audition only to film a porno.

genuine question, do doctors have freaky fettishes from working their field too much? like deepthroat for dentists, anal for proctologists, gore for surgeons?

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>I cum

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Last night I had a wet dream, but it wasn't me having sex. It was to me jerking off to Brooke Lee Adams videos. I decided to go nofap and now Im on hour .5 and its killing me bros.

You’re probably a millennial, dumbass.

That's a good question. I always imagined them starting enthusiastically but getting to hate their specializations over time.



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I had twin daughters and now I fuck kids so the logic does hold up somewhat.

>I had twin daughters and now I fuck kids

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heather brooke gf when

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your kids? or somebody's else?

Former doctor here, can confirm that most of us are deranged. I had to get out because I no longer had the patients required.


My own, obviously. I love them too much to cheat on them.


Do they address how they are just crack whores who happen to have made it to the top of the crack whore game? The difference between them and the typical street walker is opportunity.

How and when did this start happening?

Also fuck confidence just leave me with my porn and legal whores; not all of want babies some of us just want to nut

how old are they

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>trying to get me to incriminate myself with further details
Right now it's a joke, let's leave it at that.

chek'd also how would your wife hypothetical deal with this situation?

That's a good picture
I don't have most of these bad habits and once I pick up a minimum pay wage slave job I won't have the 12-hours internet and no-social-interaction problem
I would have only the no-exercise problem

everything on this website is a joke.
how old are your "imaginary" kids?

Why do porn stars always end up with the same trashy look everywhere.

Sucking dick doesnt magically turn your lips into rubber, tits into goofy balloons and give you tattoos.

Nope, I've said enough already. I'm out.

Their desperation to remain attractive leads to getting botched with cosmetic surgery.

that's the same slut uniform every thot on social media wears. For some reason that's the idea of sexiness for all those dumb girls. I dunno, thank the jews.

>That one half Asian star from the 90s
>Everyone raves about how smart she is
>She's clearly of average intelligence at best but has a post secondary education so she must be sooooo so smart.

I fucking hate so much that these duck-lipped plastic look has come into vogue. Every chick that gets it looks so fucking disgusting imo.

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Fake tits are awful.

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All she had to do was find a loving bf. I blame her pops and bro.

She looks awful. I've always hated her no-talent guts but could admit she was very hot. Why would you go and completely ruin your looks wen it was the only thing you had going for you? And how much more attractive did she really think she could have gotten even if the totally unnecessary surgery worked out?

The top fem jav actors sometimes get up to 30000 per scene.

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For me, it's
Amber Rayne
Shyla Stylez
Britney Madison
Haley Paige
August Ames
Yurizan Beltran

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Japan and its porn industry is completely different to Jewish run porn industry.
Japs pay for their weird ass porn and it even has two publicly traded porn companies. There's a lot of money made and spent on it.

how much does doing a scene with GDP make? or facialabuse?

RIP sluts.

Shyla still the best of that lot. One of my all time favourites.
Haley Paige awesome too. Went far too quickly and far too brutally.

But it looks worse than if you would just let it go. I mean there certainly isn't any shortage of examples. I'm not exactly six pack thundercock over here dont get me wrong but I have such an aversion to worn out whore look it just depresses me.

>or facialabuse?
I bet they don't even pay half those girls in cash and just give them a little crack instead.

Amber Rayne was truly one of the most depraved sluts to walk this earth.

Aye aye Cap'n

This guy is right. Jerkin it to doujinshi is a lot healthier then porn. You can try it yourself, this depressing feeling of disgust and regret you get after jerking to porn is completly absent after jerking to essentially black and white comics. Also you can find any fetish and body type you want it's not all pedo loli oriented. I can recommend vadass/orutoro for a top notch thiccness Artstyle.

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Mental issues, rampant drug and alcohol abuse, not limiting themselves thus devolving into extremes. Take your pick. These cunts make bank, most of them spend it on stupid shit afterwards which is the real issue. In the age were dumb patreon e-whores don't have to work a day in their life you can't tell me that being a pornstar isn't profitable.

Imagine being this girl's father...

I’ll do it.


Well Alex Ketchum did sue for the right to stay in the Army after the ban but was medically discharged about seven months later because his asshole literally wouldn't stop bleeding

I bet everybody had fun

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My favorite thing from all of these is when sean michaels is talking about how you need intelligence and charisma to be a pornstar and he says "I would have been successful without a big penis. Perhaps even more so". And then in the moment he realizes how stupid what he just said was and his eyes bug out in surprise for a second but he catches himself and just starts nodding like it made sense.

Anyways he does tranny porn now.

>talking about how you need intelligence and charisma to be a pornstar

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When coke bloat sets in after a year or two and you start looking like a crack addict, it's way easier to go in for the same bimbo surgery that everyone else got instead of being a responsible person and taking care of your body in any way, shape or form
I bet whatever agency they're with probably pays for it just to get them locked into a financial obligation for a few years

>Girls aren't earning more than a few hundred per scene, tops.

That's still hundreds of dollars more than any of those girls with no education would earn in the same time while doing a no-skill job,

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This. Women would be better if you retards stopped enabling this behavior.

user is cute cute CUTE


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I’m glad I saw this basedness to start my day off.

It sickens me that they are being normalised, that being a porn whore is called exploring your sexuality, that they are being paid more than an honest worker. Do we really live in society of lonely people, in which people are paying money for artificial stimulation, and glimmer of intimacy (e thots, camsluts). Porn may not be cash cow now, but people in general are paying more for sex that they doesn't have. I hate this "industry" fueled by loneliness. Fuck, and they want to be called sex workers.

>Do we really live in society

>B A S E D
>More like QUINT porn amirite?
This is part of why Yea Forums should be deleted.
Also GR3.

They are selling a product and since they are succseful there is a market for their product. Simple as

Amber Rayne was a goddess
August Ames before plastic surgery was tight too

Almost nobody makes big money on porn anymore. You have to really have a head for business to get rich on it today because you want to produce your own content instead of just acting for other people, etc. And not everyone is business savvy enough to make it work.

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Wait til you have daughters of your own. It's kinky now but once it's a reality the thought of anyone else having them is a type of jealousy you don't know exists.

Why can't folks just let them live their lives and leave them alone?

Ex-Cons don't even get this much Shit trying to reintegrate into society!

They sold most intimate part of their lives for money, so everybody could see.

holy based

becuase you're trying to lie to men you're normal and capable of bonding

the only reason any of this shit is hot to begin with it's because it's wrong

At that price I can get my favorite pron star to shoot a scene doing what I want and I'd have the best homemade sex tape ever

*hits pipe*

for me, it's Amateur Facials.
and original COHF.

It's a reflection of her pastry work, which can be uncanny levels of realistic and too perfect.
Her netflix show is pretty fun if you're looking for an Elvira meets Muppets meets pastry cooking show kind of vibe. In the show she makes herself this dress before a dinner date, would love to see a Reddit roastie's reaction to that.

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Good stuff

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No one grows up wanting to be a porn star.

the porn train never ends. women/men go back to what they're use to (what gives them excitement/feeling of being loved/desired). it's way many girls that started in stripclubs/porn and quit because of 'my family/pregnant/married/etc' end up going back a few months or years later. only rarely do they ever quit (ie. 'found' religion' or find someone 'good' to keep them interested sexually).

Great post, conductive to research and discussion. Please post more banter.

i dare you to post up the entirety of 'giger counter', both issues on here. i fucking dare you.


Pleb: this shit
Patrician: eFukt

Doesn't this just mean whoring? We're not trying to dodge the cops here, why not call it what it is? Why be a rEddit fag

they blow the money on drugs and partying

a man of culture i see.
i would add:
august (k)night/avila
selena castro
larkin love
xev bellringer
to that list.

I didn't like the third part that came up recently, they showed nothing new but that one was great, seeing how they are forced to fuck niggers or enter a shit list and get no work in the industry.

probably read that 'boy scout' retreat that's been post on Yea Forums too literally and wanted to play out that fantasy. wonder how far up the ranks he got up to.

>But it looks worse than if you would just let it go
Yes, but they are desperate.

Quality post

that's how it is on every board. the porn threads are the most civil. "through dick unity"

Very nice

The digits dont lie. I gotta quit

Asia Carrerra?

Yeah...I was on her Facebook. She's not that smart.

sauce on this?

Porn brained retards can only talk about porn. They shit up every other thread.

This is literally everything now, the "economy" is such a shitshow these days

You aren't going to make "big" money but you can make enough money comparable to a expensive high class escort (which is a good chunk of money and more than most people would make) The problem is that "whores" aren't exactly smart people so they will blow all they money on living in an expensive condo, designer clothes, drugs, expensive cars etc. So in the end they will leave the industry broke or get stuck in it making less money doing MILF porn


I thought I heard that GDP pays a couple grand a scene, don't know if it's true though

i only met one girl (stripper) that got out early. she played dumb (like full retard). having a glazed look and would give dances and jerk off guys. the guys didn't even ask her for 'extra', but did it anyway. she worked wed to sat and by the end had a two story house and 2 cars.

though i saw her couple years later. she got a bit chunky and was now on drugs.

I thought doing hardcore, degrading porn was supposed to be "empowering" to women according to expert feminists?

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um what? that's what casting couch gives them


what a cutie
is this before or after?

there was a site that was a collection of old amateur stuff. like gigs/torrents. for the life of me i can't find it.


go read some hentai, anything you can imagine as great or as horrible exists

She’s not trying to convey natural beauty at all. The 50’s housewife aesthetic is very popular among “goth” type girls who use it as a foil. Think misfits sort of

Its only empowering to women who have no future or children, Low class women who do porn only care about the money at the end. If you had a career the last thing you need is video of you in a gangbang bukake out there on the internet

she's being festive
as she is making last preparations of a big ass cake
it makes sense

And she's burning coal like there's no tomorrow (and encouraging other porn whores to do it) to show how WOKE she is. Dropped.

Preferably from a building.

like the only thing you can't do because of porn is be a teacher and who the fuck would want to do that?

You can't be in any customer facing positions in major companies either.

why the fuck would you want to do that?

Won't be taken seriously in the corporate world once word gets out you used to be in porn (yes the boss will jerk off to your videos and the female coworkers will despise you) Any self owned business or contracting will result in people looking you up on the internet. You are pretty much regulated into low level work, stuck in the sex industry or married to a rich cuck that doesn't care in his wife got gangbanged by blacks

Example would be Christine Young (yes I'm an oldfag) who was never a high level porn star by any means yet her past always catches up to her even though she has pretty much resigned to live in exile in middle of nowhere Canada

pretty much all people have made a porn of some kind using their phones

Sales people for big companies get payed a lot and get free travel? It's most women's dream. I'm talking the people who deal with other companies as clients not customer service at Walmart.

then do something else? You're still way better off doing porn than MCDs

Yes but not everyone has it uploaded on pornhub or get their name associated with BLACKED when you google them

Every person shits too, but there aren't videos of most people doing it.