What wast the entire gist of Lost? I’ve seen the ending but don’t know what it means

What wast the entire gist of Lost? I’ve seen the ending but don’t know what it means.

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The island is where Hope Van Dyne goes after she gets dusted by Thanos.

They were dead the whole time and the island is purgatory. It's the last tv show I watched to the end.

its all about the journey not the end..and Dharma brand dog food making Vincent fatter and fatter each passing season

stock characters live on an island

God wants to quit and needs a replacement. The problem, of course, is his brother, the Devil, wants to leave his eternal prison and run free through the world. The only way to do that is to kill God. But, because of a pre-set law by the earlier God (their mother) they cannot kill each other. So the Devil spends 2000 years looking for a cosmic loophole and God spends 2000 years trying to find a suitable replacement so he can A: quit and B: kill the Devil.

The seven or eight seasons of the show are the culmination of this scenario.

The loophole was time-travel.

Sawyer fucks bitches left and right and wins the show.

What was the best episode of the series, and why was it Through the Looking Glass?

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To waste your time and sell commercial slots

Except that wasn't what happened. Have you really spent all these years thinking that??

Do not engage. It is trolling.

To be honest user, I've never even seen the show and probably never will.
I heard about the finale and teasings and it sounds like bait to me.

The Island is a site of great importance, acting as a source of 'light' (water and electromagnetism maybe) but also a cork for 'darkness', preventing it from spreading over the world. The Island needs a Protector, who gains god-like powers, albeit limited by rules.

A 2000 year old man named Jacob is the current Protector of the island. He has been locked in a duel of wits with his brother, the Man in Black, who due to an earlier fight between the two, was thrown into the Heart of the Island and was transformed into a giant smoke monster who can shapeshift into the dead. His brother wants to leave the Island, but this would spread the darkness the Island is meant to bottle up. There are rules in place that the two cannot hurt each other.

So, the Man in Black spends his time looking for a loophole to kill Jacob and escape the Island, while Jacob wants to find a replacement for his role as Protector. Jacob eventually gathers followers who live on the island and follow his teachings, they are called 'The Others'.

Eventually Jacob makes a list of candidates to replace him, and ensures they end up on Oceanic Flight 815. Through a chain of events, it crashes on the Island, at which point they get picked off by adventures in the series.

Eventually, the Man in Black influences the most faith-filled candidate, Locke, to kill himself, so that he can then impersonate him and trick The Others' leader into killing Jacob, finding his loophole. However, the remaining candidates uncork the Heart of the Island and briefly make the Man in Black mortal, and quickly kill him. The most skeptical candidate, Jack, gives his life to do this, while the fattest candidate, Hurley, becomes the new Protector. The rest of the survivors escape on a plane.

In the afterlife, the survivors meet up in a world where they never crashed. They slowly remember their lives, make peace and meet each other again, before moving on together in a church.

Sounds retarded, glad I never watched this or gave it any time.
It's perhaps one step above the transformers or bionicle lore. Unironically.


Among all this, the island has picked up a lot of weird shit from all the visitors to it over the years. Hence the various weird mysteries in the show.

Egyptians visited and built a giant statue to Tawaret, which was later destroyed by a Spanish galleon which now rests in the middle of the jungle. Other visitors built a donkey wheel tapped into one source of the Island's light that could control time and space (shifting people off the island, moving the island itself and unhinging it from time). A group of weird scientists in the 70's called the DHARMA initiative visited and set up various bases to study the island's effects, as well as other weird science and psychological projects. The motivations of The Others, as well as a group of former Others who live off the Island, also play a big role.

It basically strings you along with all these great mysteries and then fucks it up with the "water and light lol" explanation for everything.

not that great, but still million times better than The Leftovers (which is basically, "the leftovers" fro m LOST)

I thought you were joking, but then this post Glad I dropped this show hard after S1.

fucking plebs in this thread

Don't try to look for deep meaning in LOST. They were just making shit up as they went. It's a lot of fun though and has great characters and events

Funny how when S1 premiered it was clear that Jack/Kate/Charlie were supposed to be the main 3 characters but then they just changed Charlie for Sawyer

the light is time and the darkness is the past

This. Final scene was moving on from Purgatory.

It was indeed, but Purgatory was only the weird 'Flash Sideways' scenes they had in the last season. It was a dumb storyline that confused both fans and newcomers. Fans because 'why are the survivors able to make a fucking alternate reality afterlife' and newcomers because they just assumed the whole show was purgatory.

Quads of truth?

same, watched the ending with a bbunch of people who acted hella retarded over it. thought it was abbsolute dog shit.

fucking idiots couldn't even compete on lynch tier shit

it was fun to watch as it was airing because you wanted to know what happened next and what was happening was always compelling, if you missed the boat and plan on binging it while playing shitty vidya, you're out of luck, lost won't have meaning to you

Everyone is lost on an island, and maybe it was all so they could get to know each other.

That’s sweet

Basically it's theme is that the white race and white nations have to be protected from invaders.