Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

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As entertainment the first couple of seasons is ok, but it turns into soap opera shit real fast. Also, History Channel has taken so many liberties that you should just watch it as entertainment even though they claim to base it on history. It's pure fiction.


Yeah I watched the first episode and cringed a bit. Kattegatt is a good example. It's basically flatland irl.

first few seasons are kino, then the women start taking over and it turns to shit.

Why do they do this, bois?

Yeah, we have no idea where they lived, but his sons was in Lejre when they learned of his death according to the saga which is in the middle of Zealand (it doesn't get much flatter than that). Just the idea that Ragner "discovered" Britain is retarded since the Anglos, Saxons and Jutes migrated there centuries prior to the "viking" age. HC couldn't even be bothered to get the clothes and armour right (they all look like a bunch of stereotypical leather fags).
It's okay entertainment for the first couple of seasons, but that's about it.

Season 1 to 3 is kino. Season 4 is semi kino. From then on out your mileage may very


Yeah that's odd as well.

Fuck off Sven


>Just the idea that Ragner "discovered" Britain is retarded since the Anglos, Saxons and Jutes migrated there centuries prior to the "viking" age

The Jarl in the first portion of the show basically admits that he already knew Ragnar would succeed in his goal of going West. The Jarl intentionally sent his warriors raiding to the impoverished East because it would create a runaway wealth problem that never really gets addressed again by the showmakers. The Jarl wanted to be the biggest fish in a small impoverished pond. Once Ragnar starts dumping shitloads of money into the shithole town it becomes a target of conquest as it has value finally. The Jarl gets supplanted and Ragnar immediately gets involved in a struggle between Kings and underlings. After that the city continously changes hand between Ragnar's second wife, Lagertha, Ivar and Bjorn.

The """""warfare"""" in this series is an absolute joke

And Last Kingdom is shit. Probably even shittier.

It's a pretty stupid plot regardless since relationships and trade had existed between Scandinavia and Britain since Roman times. Hell, Denmark had basically vassalized Frisia for a hundred years by the time of the Paris raid. There was tonnes of wealth and slaves pouring in.
I understand if they wanted to paint a picture of Ragner as some revolutionary explorer for the shows sake, but they did it for the show. Ragner didn't really discover anything. He raided Paris which everyone in scandinavia with a bit of knowledge already knew existed.

Can you feeeel it
In the spaces all around and in between it
Did you meeeeaaan it
When you said I hate you
Cause I fucking belieeeeved it
If you can't see the signs
And I can't reach your miiiiind
I'd be scared of what I miiight fiiiiind
And I'm sorrrrry
I'll take the blame but you came at me kamikazee
A tsunamiii is setting our way
So as your apology

We really should have thought it throouugh
Just what this would do to me and you
So ask yourself is it worth it
Yeah take it from me
Nobody is perfect
Cause all I want to do is fall asleep with you
To drift away and hold onto
Is it worth it
Tell me is it
Worth it?

Is it pointless
To be helpless, optimistic, non-conformist
Am I annoying?
I try as hard as I could but you couldn't ignore it
Cause I'm so sick and tired
Of these late night and getting wired
On our fucked insecurities

We really should have thought it through
Just what this would do to me and you
So ask yourself is it worth it
Yeah take it from me
Nobody is perfect
Cause all I want to do is fall asleep with you
To drift away and hold onto
Is it worth it
Tell me is it
Worth it?

Can you feel it?
In the spaces all around and in between it
Did you mean it?
Cause I fucking believed it

Think it through
And what this could do to me and you
Yeah ask yourself is it worth it
To pour the gasoline if it's already burning
Cause all I want to do is fall asleep with you
To drift away and hold onto
Is it worth it
Tell me is it
Worth it?

Ask yourself is it worth it?
Cause all I want to do is fall asleep with you
Is it worth it?

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>Is it worth it?
only if you have a cuckold fetish, and since you are "nordic", that's a strong possibility

the showrunner has major cuckold fetish.

>bjorn cucks everybody, including the king of england and harald the incel
>and bjorn is now apprently the son of rollo, which means rollo and lagertha cucked ragnar
>ivar marries a girl, and she cucks him immediately
>ubbe is okay with Hvitserk cucking him
>judith cucks her husband with his father, the priest, has a child with him, later this child becomes the king instead of the aethelwulf son, and then both aethelwulf dies, and his son is murdered by the cunt judith
>the whole character of Harbard, literally going from town to town to cuck men
>bjorn cucks his own mother

and the best part is when he has his own daughters doing full frontal nudity. and you think, is this guy swedish? nope, a fucking brit.

wtf is thät länguäge änd why äre there dots on the ä's everywhere?

Don't do that to yourself

you'd have more fun jumping off a tall building