ITT: Times Yea Forums actually recommended a good show
ITT: Times Yea Forums actually recommended a good show
we didn't recommend anything retard, we were just talking about how fucking smol the woman is
Every episode is pretty much the same. THROW OUT YOUR OLD SHIT. blah blah blah THANKS MARIE
Not shows, but I wouldve died having never watched Alita or Master and Commander if it wasnt for this board, so I have you fags to thank for it
actually met a chick about her height once
felt really nervous because i thought i was gonna knock her over by accident
>tfw such a small umbrella can cover them both.
also, id really like to bone her translator...
Man i wish I could breed qt Asians and still have blonde babies, that would be great.
The Young Kino
The Sokinos
Have any of you applied any of the principles from her show?
Nah, just going to buy a Japanese girl and have her deal with all that shit.
I don't live like a fucking pig so I never had any need to. If something is broken, doesn't fit or generally never gets used I throw it away. Sometimes I don't make the bed up when I wake for the day but that is an oddity and only when I feel like absolute shit or didn't sleep well.
the young pope, absolute kino that nobody IRL (even letteroxd nerds) have seen
the white woman looks like she fucks black men
the japanese women look like they fuck japanese men
the white man looks like he's gonna get a divorce real soon and that he will have a midlife crisis, traveling to asian countries to get some of that sweet asian tight pussy.
I love how the kids always gravitate towards her
They can sense her sweet motherly nature and want to get away from their troll of a mother
its likely the kids think she is another kid
What sucks is that the white woman was actually pretty on their wedding but now she's covered in tats, has thot hair and her tits are dead
I’m not a woman so no
She was pretty on her wedding cause she was all done up
Her personality was likely still ugly then, and her voice was nails on a chalkboard
vaguely. definitely motivates me to chuck out old shit since it'd totally get out of hand pretty easily
I'd fuck her senseless boys
Season 2 when
I would too. I get the sense that she's a very encouraging lover. And she's smol enough to fit in the crook of my arm.
id fuck Lida senselessly tho
B-but she's married, you know.