I don’t understand the point of Ginsberg at all. Was it just to say there were crazy people in the 60’s?

I don’t understand the point of Ginsberg at all. Was it just to say there were crazy people in the 60’s?

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Jewish producers wanted more Jewish representation in their show.
This is also why Rachel was season 1 love interest.
I like to think we got a jew who seemingly posed a threat to Don but turned out to be a mental case because he couldn't fuck the shiksa to be mildly entertaining.

Always seemed to me like a character they didn't know how to handle/what to do with as time went on. Originally began as massive creative competition to Don then the character fell flat. His ending was quite interesting however.

Agreed. It was an interesting ending but also a "what the fuck do we do with this character"

he was the literal mad man

He was there to show that mental illness was overlooked in the work place and in general. He showed many red flags that were treated as jokes.

>talks to the radio alone
>imagine himself to be an alien
>overreaction to music going so far as to curse at the music
>no relationships
>no communication skills

this is the satisfying answer I was looking for. Also Megan’s mom was the best girl.


How was Megan so horribly fucking godawful, when her mother is inches from perfection?

needed a zoomer character

the leitmotif of Mad Men is obviously the Jewish usurpation of cultural, economic and political power in the US during this period
This was just a little too obvious so they threw in an ill conceived jewish eccentric to make sure they were still portrayed as victims

this. there were constant signs throughout his run on the series that there was something wrong, starting from the very first episodes he was in

>tfw you buy into the "Mad Men is a superficially redpilled show, that's actually subversive, but it's all according to keikaku because it's actually a redpill" theory more and more each day

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I thought I remember reading that the actor wanted to leave the show, so the ending of him being crazy was quickly written just to get him out. Not sure if that's actually the case.

mad men is a soap opera
mad men is a show for women

you're late, retard

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

To take over the tortured artist role that sal left behind?

>so the ending of him being crazy was quickly written just to get him out.

there's signs all through the show that that boy ain't right, so I doubt it.

He highlighted the attitude towards mental illness in the sixties. So long as he continued to profit the company he was allowed to be 'eccentric' but when he went off the rails he's instantly 'crazy' and everybody does their best to forget he ever existed. Mental illness is still a taboo today (unless you want to chop your dick off) but back then it was the same as being a leper.

Didn't he want to get written out so he could start working on that Wallmart sitcom?

I liked the quirkiness of Ginsberg, but I wish they had not made that character an absolute loon towards the end of his role in the show. I think he had an interesting subplot involving his father (Adopted or physical?) that could have been elaborated on. I think it was also implied that Ginsburg was wacky despite a lack of drugs, not because of them. His clothing styles were also unusual, compared to the others, but I like them.

good post

What should someone do if they're exactly like that? Hypothetically speaking I mean.

That's a good question. If there is a decent answer to that around here, I'm sure it could be quite valuable to someone like Ginsberg in real life.

He stole every single scene he was in

Go to a shrink and ideally start collecting schizobux.

>>no relationships
>>no communication skills

>mental illness

h-heh y-yeah

It's a show set in an New York ad firm. If that's not a setting that would have Jews, I don't know what is.

Jewish people have a tendency to go insane more than the average person