How do crew members keep professional around actors?

I'd sperg out and fanboy all over them lol

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Come on how does this movie end? No one knows?

By not being retarded

because if you do that you might get kicked off the set
I mean there are plenty of times where crew members can interact with actors and I'm sure they're okay with it once or twice but most actors spend lunch/free time in their trailers, and if they're not in their trailers they're trying to work, and wont like it if you come over and start sperging out over them, and from there it's a simple matter of getting kicked off set

They know all actors are scummy people

The Avengers save the day but Tony and Cap die in the process.

probably a lot of time between sets to chat. You ask for an autograph tho il bet they kick your ass out

lol me too. It'd probably faint from being around all of them! haha

Cumberbatch talking to a green screen

I'm sure the thrill wears off after a few weeks. It's just a job, they just get paid millions for it.

>t. contractor who regularly meets with hundred-millionares

My brother has an extremely low-level position in the industry and he's met a bunch of actors. Danny DeVito chatted him up instead of the other way around and he snapped a pic of Sly Stallone and Michael B. Jordan from about 5 feet away. Actors are people. Some of them are cool and don't give a fuck, others just don't want to deal with people's bullshit.

You honestly get used to it, and at the end of the day you realize they're just regular people

t. worked on the Universal Backlot

because you're a retard. part of being a professional is not acting like a faggot fanboy even in the face of someone you admire

Because they have job and need to be professional on it

Because they see actors for the totally average dorks that they really are.

What the point of this movie bar making money? What are they even gonna fight? it's the entire point of the narrative that they've already lost and that the guy who made them lose has no interest in further addressing said agenda? So what exactly is this about?

Why? Actors are rarely very interesting people. There are some directors I'd speed out around but I don't think there are any actors I'd find interesting beyond asking them what it's like to work with specific directors.

I'd like to pick Nicholson's brain t b h
there are probably others

>How do crew members keep professional around actors?

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Imagine the smell.

Tfw working on set at a studio in Georgia back in 2015 and heard comments about Olsen's melons from random cast members through out the day.

Come on Evans. Look at the Hulk head on the post, not directly at Mark. You'd think after all these years he'd have gotten it by now.

I think that I've seen a couple different screenshots that have her saying the same thing to two different people. Either way, they were both right and she is wrong.

Because they are adults doing a job

IIRC, some actors have a strict no buddy talking to them on or off the set and might not take too kindly to anyone sperging around them all the goddamn time.

Of course, the studio goes out of their way to specifically hire people that don't give a damn about capeshit or the actors at all in order to keep things professional. So it's probably extremely rare for that to happen anyway.

And finally, like this person said the excitement of all of it wears off and you eventually just start seeing the actors as co-workers like at any other job. It just so happens that they're famous co-workers, so it's whatever.

You have been around stars before and it is not that big of a deal.

The effect wears off once you know the stars are faggot assholes.

Any stories?

There was this one time Christian Bale yelled at me cause I accidentally walked into his scene

Imagine being a grown man sperging out and fanboying over another grown man who you recognize from watching him play pretend.

I would understand if Captain America and Iron Man were real people meeting them might be surreal but freaking out over the people who play them is just embarrassing.

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That sounds like it would be really cool if it didn't get you fired. I'd like to work on sets and have a bunch of "tough guy" actors yell at me. Nicholson. Ed Harris. Keith David. Bruce Willis. Denzel. Gibson! Arnold!! etc. No homo.

That's reasonable of him. You were being a cunt.

>How do crew members keep professional around actors?
>I'd sperg out and fanboy all over them lol

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So were the lights good? You never answered him.

Oh god that remind me when I went to to Extra work with a bunch of people in a big Medival City set
And after few hour scene shots they set up a new stage for another scene so we had free time and 2 old dude started walking around the set to look around
The staff eventually finished setting up the scene and we started filming with fucking Anthony Hopkins and it was a not so repeatable take because He had to cut some Girls hair off with a knife on a poduim
But then in middle of the scene that previous 2 old dude Extra who nobody noticed that they went for a walk around the sets and talk walked into the scene and the camera from behind
God damn the Director was so fucking Furious I can still hear it "CUT, YOU, TWO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THERE"
They were immidietly were put on a bus and drove out of the studio

Captain Marvel killing Thanos with Thor's hammer.

I audibly screamed on the latest Halloween set because I thought he was actually trying to kill the other actors but then I remembered it was just a film

This I worked on the set of chasing amy and Ben affleck was the biggest cunt ever.

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I don't get it, what's wrong with this?

I wouldn't give a shit tbqh, no one is above me

lol. nice

It's a movie for children the crew members literally don't give a fuck.

You know what? Nothing. Now that you mention it, I actually kind of want to watch them fuck. Thanks for the idea, user. I'm going to go watch some interracial porn now. Good night.

The kind of person who moves across the country to work in the film industry is obsessed with fame to the point that they have plans to keep cool the first few times they meet celebrities. They never truly get over it because media people are too stupid to be lawyers and too boring even for politics

Africans outside of Africa, obviously.

a lot of you took the bait

She looks like she's in her 40s.

Only 1/6th of this post is a joke btw

You see pic-related? They don't tend to get hired for those jobs. The one's that do, well, they have to keep a tight lid on it, and just control themselves, or else they're unemployable.

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I'm gonna guess a good chunk of the crew on sets of massive blockbusters like that have been in the industry for ages and are highly experienced/obsessive about their work, therefore don't give enough of a shit to sperg out. Anyone who's there by nepotism or luck and pisses off an actor would just get booted out and lose their career.

That tape is now probably mandatory for every crewmen to listen in their first day of job

Not really related but I used to work parttime at a high end fashion store when I was in college, and we had loads of celebs coming trough. Most of them were pretty normal. Its nothing like you see on tv, where they show up with a whole entourage of bodyguards and screaming fans. You just see some guy wearing a baseball cap browsing around at the shoe department. And afterwards you realize you just helped colin farrell with a pair of boots