this is the best goddam movie i've ever seen in my life.
I've already seen:
>Taxi Driver
>Cape Fear
>Wolf of Wall Street
>Shutter Island
>The Departed
what should I see next? how would you rank his films?
this is the best goddam movie i've ever seen in my life.
I've already seen:
>Taxi Driver
>Cape Fear
>Wolf of Wall Street
>Shutter Island
>The Departed
what should I see next? how would you rank his films?
Casino, por supuesto. Also Michael Jackson's Bad.
whoops wrong board lmao
yeah whatever. didn't know the bad video was him. thanks friendo
Watch: Casino, Raging Bull, Mean Streets, The Colour of Money
what about silence
anyone else watch this thing hoping for a graphic rape scene?
Silence and then King of Comedy
This thread sucks
If I’m not mistaken there is one, granted I believe it is initially consensual but the woman withdraws her consent. You probably wanted him to rape the daughter, fucking freak
there is a graphic rape scene
1º Goodfellas
2º Wolf of Wall Street
3º Shutter Island
4º The Departed
5º Cape Fear
6º Hugo
7º Gangs of New York
8º Casino
why the casino hate?
1 raging bull
2 casino
3 cape fear
4 goodfellas
5 color of money
6 temptation of christ
7 departed
8 king of comedy
9 taxi driver
10 kundun for deakins cinematography
I dont hate it, it's still a good movie but the others are better imo.
I didnt enjoy it that much when i watched it. Expectations were really high and i feel like it didn't deliver
She was born in 1973 so she was 18 in 1991. Go back to jerking off to traps
in no particular order other than tier
>elite tier
Raging Bull
Taxi Driver
>Top tier
Wolf of Wallstreet
Shutter Island
King of Comedy
Cape Fear
The Color of Money
>Pretty good tier
The Aviator
Gangs of New York
Mean Streets
>Still better than 99% of all directors in history tier
Age of Innocence
Last temptation of Christ
The Departed
His short film for New York Stories is the best thing he's done imo.
Life Lessons
holy shit get these plebs out of here!
ctrl+f no after hours
ok this thread sucks
it's not that great (aside from atmosphere/music) but it was great seeing it for the first time late at night on a fuzzy UHF station when I was 13
HOLY FUCK it's like nobody here has ever seen King of Comedy. So many lists and only 1 mention of Scorsese and De Niro's magnum opus. You're all fools
No fucking way wolf is better than casino. Wolf lost my interest the 2nd time I saw it. Casino gets better
Impossible to find
I love Scorsese, but Cape Fear is one of his weakest movies
you can find a stream easily. That's how I saw it
I guess you haven't seen The Last Jedi.
>Scorsese General
What? Kill yourself faggot
I bought a blu ray of it for cheap back in 2014. They did a re-release for its 30th anniversary. Definitely worth watching, probably his most underrated film next to kundun.
the daughter was fucking retarded
user slapped on this one
actress is even retardeder
jessica lange was so hot in this
If pic related didn't have fucking Liza Minnelli as the co lead and had a hot girl instead, it would get its proper respect among scorsese fans and film fans in general. It's a little too long, but it's enjoyable af. Nowhere near his best, but it deserves better
Prime had it for awhile
Taxi driver is peak scorzezi
yeah raging bull is good, but if you don't recognize taxi driver as his best you're just lying to yourself
it's just ok
the only bad movie he did is gangs of new york, even Boxcar Bertha is watchable. and kundun is boring, but it's not a bad movie.
Haven't seen pic related since I saw it in the theater, been meaning to give it a rewatch. Not his best film, but I really enjoyed the experience
This... watching it is a fucking waste of 3 hours