
>Holocaust: 2
>Holocaust 3D
>Holocaust V

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>it's time for a remake of "holocaust"
/pol/ has been saying this for years

Well if they insist, bit I want no bitching like last time.

Hopefully they'll get it right this time.

Holocauster Tycoon game is needed.

But this time it will be real

People know what the holocaust is, they just don’t believe in it anymore.

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If they insist

>It's time for a remake of the Holocaust
There was not a worse way they could've worded this

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it can't be that hard to make, relatively speaking. if you could get it on steam i think it would sell well. could just make it "death camp tycoon".

As long as this time they don’t inflate the numbers

>Holocaust V
Not HolocaVst, you had one task.


no one gives a shit anymore, the world has moved on and jews should move on as well

tfw failing holocaust class again

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>Hollow Cost Returns


>Holocaust 2: Back 2 The Hood

AND redpilled.

>moving on
They still talk about the Amalekites. In the wake of the NZ shooting that fat kikess that went on Rogan tweeted about how the Jews must destroy the Amalekites because of a battle that happened 3000+ years ago.

You need a Holocaust Cinematic Universe.
Cinematic universes are where its at.
All black cast.

>Okay user, this is the third time you’re retaking this class, so let me make this as simple as possible for you. How many people died in the Holocaust and how?
>Oh! I know! 200,000 died of typhus after the allies bombed axis supply lines, right?

Freudian slip

Which fat jewess?

Most American Youths aren't aware about the countries they colonized or invaded then slaughtered the natives en masse, such as the Philippines and the Vietnam. They don't care about The War On Terror in the Middle East, which costs trillions and countless lives on both sides. Why the hell would they care about the Holocaust, especially when they're not responsible for it? That's like expecting a typical Singaporean youth to know, let alone care, about the Rwandan genocide.

>how the Jews must destroy the Amalekites because of a battle that happened 3000+ years ago.
I wasn't aware Amalekites even existed still.

based millennials

no polish deathcamps this time please, we're tired of it

just wait for the zoomers. i hope i live to see what sort of terrible genocide or civil war or nuclear holocaust they end up causing.

more like: palmtrees and sun

>it's time for more jewish propaganda


>nuclear holocaust
Rolling for this, all day every day.

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Did they ever exist?

Generation Zyklon

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>They don't care about The War On Terror in the Middle East, which costs trillions and countless lives on both sides.
You’re wrong on that account, user. Everyone wants out of the Middle East, even the apathetic youth. It’s the jews that make us stay, that make us destabilize and destroy the enemies of Israel.


Presumably, but I don't know user.

Holocaust Reloaded

why are mutt zoomers so obsessed with scifi?

I hear Peter Jackson has already started filming in New Zealand.

>After all these years... Zyklon C...
Was that line really necessary, Raimi?

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Make a Holodomor movie instead. They'll get the same point, but about a different ethnic group for once.

I'm not following, how would this benefit Israel user?

reminds me of when i was in highschool and me and the lads would just call this one guy jewish all class because he bragged about being circumcised and he was maaaaad haha you shouldve seen the look on his face! we beat him within an inch of his life after class

My cousins both 27 and 24 have no idea what the Holocaust is and generally know fuck all about WW2. All they know is "Hitler bad man" and that our grandfather fought in Italy and Egypt.

Its weird considering im only a little bit older then them, and all I got with WW2 history was 80% holocaust and the rest was about ANZAC troops.


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